Basic I-Biology (BIO101) book HANDOUTS / POWER POINT SLIDES in pdf
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Biology lecture # 1
Levels of Life
(From Atom to Biosphere)
Anything is living if:
It can acquire energy from the environment, e.g., plants acquire energy using
sunlight and carbon dioxide and animals gain energy by eating plants like
goats eat plants.
It is capable of reproducing itself, e.g., all animals produce young ones like
lions produce cubs. Plants also reproduce seeds to give rise to new plants.
Mutating / changing itself: all organisms have a property of mutations, i.e.,
their heredity material – DNA changes itself during division or other times and
the result is change in any characteristic of the organism. This characteristic
may be beneficial or harmful; organisms survive better if mutation is
beneficial and may die if it is harmful.
Biology (Bio – life; logos – study, reasoning); biology is hence the study of life or living
organisms. Biology is about exploring the living part of the world, e.g., studying about
animals, plants and even microorganisms is biology.
Biology have many subdivisions; for example, anatomy – the study of structures, physiology
– the study of functions, microbiology – the study of microorganisms and many more.
The exploration of life helps in understanding the phenomena of nature and effective
utilization and management of natural resources. We can find solutions to various problems
for example treatment for various diseases could be discovered, methods for energy
production from biological materials may be found, e.g., few bacteria can produce fuel from
· Atoms
· Molecules
o Micromolecules
o Macromolecules
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· Cells
· Tissues
· Organs
· Organ-systems
· Organisms
· Populations
· Communities
· Ecosystems
· Biosphere
Diagram below:
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Greek: a, not; tom, to cut: The smallest component of an element that have all the properties
of that element. In nature, 92 kinds of elements are present, out of which only 16 make the
living organisms, called bioelements. Bioelements are Oxygen (O), Carbon (C), Hydrogen
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(H), Nitrogen (N), Calcium (Ca), and Phosphorus (P). These elements make 99% of living
mass. Others ten elements make 1 % of total living mass named Potassium (K), Sulfur (S),
Chloride (Cl), Sodium (Na), Magnesium (Mg), Iron (Fe), Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mn),
Zinc (Nz), and Iodine (I).
All living things consist of atoms, like all other forms of matter. Atoms consist of “subatomic
particles”; charged or not charged. These include electrons which are negatively charged
particles, protons which are positively charged and neutrons which have no charge. Protons
and neutrons are present inside the center and the electrons revolve around these in orbits.
Atoms do not live in isolation but join together to make molecules (compounds).
Atoms join together by a process called “bonding” to each other to construct molecules.
Bonding is of two types.
ionic bonds
covalent bonds
In inonic bonding one atom gives one or more of its electron to the other atom which is
called a donor and the other receive the electron called recipient. The donor atom then
becomes positively charged and the recipient becomes negatively charged. In covalent
bonding, however, the atoms share one or more of their electrons and these electrons revolve
in the orbit of both atoms. Covalent bonding is more strong form of bonding.
On the bsis of their size molecules are categorized into micromolecules and macromolecules.
Micromolecules are the molecules with low molecular weight, e.g., glucose, water.
Macromolecules are the molecules with high molecular weight, e.g., proteins, carbohydrates
and lipids.
An organism consists of enormous number of biomolecules different types. Though some
organisms are unicellular, i.e., consist of one cell only. Many other organisms are
multicellular, i.e., these consist of many cells.
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Molecules make organelles. Organelles are sub-cellular structures, assemble together to make
cells – the units of life, e.g., mitochondria, lysosomes, Golgi bodies, nucleus. For example,
mitochondria of a cell (Singular: mitochondrion) is called “powerhouse” of the cell. This
organelle is present in the cytoplasm of the cells and makes energy for the cells hence called
“power house”. These are found in both plants and animals. Another example is nucleus
present in almost all cells.
Organelle: nucleus.
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Cells – the basic unit of life
All the living organisms consist of cells. Cells are called the basic units of life. Cells are
specialized in their structure and functions. There are different types of cells present in the
bodies of multicellular organisms. But some organisms like amoeba consist of only one cell.
Cells are categorized based upon the placement of their nuclear material into prokaryotic and
eukaryotic cells. Prkaryotic (Pro: old, Karyotic: related to nucleus) cells are those cells that
do not have a true nucleus – it means that their nuclear material is not covered by a
membrane. While eukaryotic cells have a true nucleus, i.e., their nuclear material is covered
by a membrane called nuclear membrane. Sometimes a cell makes a whole unicellular
organism, like Prokaryotes and Protists. A variety of cells makes a single, multi-cellular
Animals Cell
Plant Cell
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Bacterial Cell
Stem Cells
These are the undifferentiated cells in which most of the genes are switched on and these
have a potential to make almost all cells of the body. These cells are present in a few places
in adult organism or present in the embryos. These are useful for human beings because these
can be used in making organs of any type which may be damaged by for example a disease.
These are the groups of similar kind of cells which perform a same function. The tissues
perform a common function, specialized to the tissue. For example, epithelial tissue that
makes the skin.
Onion Epidermis (tissue)
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Organs and organ systems
Tissues group and work together to make a unit called organ. Different tissues in an organ
work differently to perform collective function of the organ. For example in stomach, there
are muscle tissues that contract and relax for grinding and there are secretory cells which
secrete gastric juices to digest the food. Collective action is the secretion of gastric juices and
its mixing.
Digestive system in humans
In the simple to complex organisms, many organ-systems are present, for example, in humans
digestive system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system and many more are present that
work for a specific purpose. Digestive system consists of oral cavity, esophagus, stomach,
intestine, pancreas, liver and rectum. Cardiovascular system consists of heart, vessels and
Organ-systems join together to constructs organisms. In an organism, the organs and organsystems
coordinate to perform the activities of the whole organism. For example, in humans
brain control the activities of most of the organs and organ-systems. If a person is running;
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cardiovascular system provides it oxygen and nutrients, muscles contract and relax for
movement and nervous system coordinate all of these functions.
All organisms of a species living in an area at a particular time are called population, like all
deer in a forest. Biologists study populations to explore the interactions between organisms.
For example, interactions between male-male, female to female or else.
Ducks in a local park
Community & Ecosystem
Different populations living in an area in a particular time, for example, in a forest plants,
animals, algae, fungi live together are called a community. Populations interact with each
other and also to the abiotic factors of the area to make Ecosystem, for example, a lake
Plant community in a forest
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The part of the world covered or inhabited by the living organisms is called biosphere. This is
also called zone of life on Earth. Biosphere includes all ecosystems, like forests, lakes, oceans
and valleys where biotic components exist.
1. Draw a flow chart to demonstrate the levels of organization in life.
2. Label various parts of atom in the following diagram:
3. Label various parts of a bacterial cell in the following diagram:
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Biology lecture # 3
Cell theory in its modern form states:
o All living organisms are composed of one or more cells.
o Cells are the smallest living things, the basic unit of all living organisms.
o Cells arise only by division in pre-existing cells.
Cells were first described by Robert Hooke (Curator for instruments of Royal Society
of London) in 1665.
Leeuwenhoek (Textile Merchant) observed tiny organisms in pond’s water, called
them animalcules.
In 1809, de-Lamark proposed that nobody can have life if its parts are not cellular
Robert Brown discovered nucleus in the cell.
In 1838, Schleiden stated that all plants are aggregates of individual cells.
In 1839, Schwann stated that all animal tissues consist of cells.
In 1855, Virchow proposed that cells arise from pre-existing cells.
In 1862, Pasteur provided experimental proof for the above.
Cells consist of several components. Some important and common ones are discussed below:
Cell membrane
Cell wall
Organelles (e.g. nucleus, ribosomes)
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A typical animal cell
Cell Membrane
Cell membrane is the external most layer that covers the cell from outside.
Functions of the cell membrane are:
o It acts as a barrier, i.e., it separates the cell from environment.
o It provides protection to the inner parts of the cells including all the organelles.
o Another important function of cell membrane is transport of materials. Cell
membrane manages the transport in and out of the cell.
Structure of plasma membrane
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Structure and Functions of Cell Membrane
Structure of cell membrane is described by Fluid Mosaic Modal. It consists of lipid bilayer,
proteins and carbohydrates. Lipid bilayer provides it with fluidity, flexibility and transport of
lipid like substances. Proteins are integrated inside the membrane or present on its peripheries
called integrated proteins and peripheral proteins, respectively. Some proteins are
transmembrane, i.e., these are integrated and their ends (domains) are exposed from both
intracellular and extracellular side of the membrane. These make channels for transport of
materials, e.g., aquaporins are the protein channels for transport of water. Proteins and
glycoproteins (carbohydrates attached to proteins) make receptors for message transmission.
Cells carry out their message transmission with other cells or environment with the help of
these glycoproteins mostly, we call these receptors.
Movements across Cell Membrane
Some molecules can pass directly e.g. few lipids.
Other molecules need channels to pass through; channels are made up of proteins.
There are different types of channels for different molecules like water channels and
ion channels (Sodium channels, Calcium channels).
Cell Wall
It is the outermost covering in many organisms surrounding the cell membrane. Prokaryotic
cells, fungi and plant cells have a cell wall around their cell membrane. Cell wall makes the
outermost covering in these organisms. Cell wall is tough in comparison to cell membrane; it
is a rigid structure. Cell wall in plants consists of cellulose, hemicellulose, and pectin.
Fungal cell walls consist of a long polymer called, chitin. Prokaryotic cell wall consists of a
polymer, called peptidoglycan. Functions of the cell wall are protection, shape, strength and
support. Plant cells have 2 types of cell wall, primary cell wall and secondary cell wall.
Primary wall consists of mainly cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin. Secondary cell wall
contains cellulose and some other molecules like lignin which make it stronger structure.
Primary cell wall
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Secondary cell wall
Cytoplasm is a semi transparent substance present between plasma membrane and the
nucleus. It contains water in which organic (e.g. proteins, carbohydrates) and inorganic
materials (e.g. salts), which are partially or fully dissolved in this solution. Cytoplasm
provides space for metabolic reactions (e.g. glycolysis). It also provides space for functioning
of organelles and metabolic reactions.
Cytoskeleton is the skeletal framework of the cell – a network of filaments and tubules. There
are three types of cytoskeletal elements called microfilaments, intermediate filaments and
Microfilaments are the smallest in their diameter. These help in movement of organelles and
the cell. These consist of helical chains of a protein called actin e.g. in muscle cells these are
highly modified. Intermediate filaments are intermediate in size. These consis of different
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proteins belong to a protein family called keratins. These filaments help in maintaining shape
and placement of the cell and its various parts. These also provide protection to various parts
of the cell particularly to the nucleus. Microtubules are largest in diameter, these filaments
consist of a protein called tubulin which makes dimers and then long and large hollow tubes.
These help in movement of the organelles inside the cells and also in movement of the cell
itself. Cilia and flagella consist of microtubules. These filaments help in maintaining shapes
of organelles and cell. For example these make the nuclear lamina, a layer that maintain the
shape of the nucleus and give it support.
Cytoskeletal fibers
Cell Organelles
These are sub-cellular structures that perform a particular function. These include nucleus,
mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum and many more.
It is the organelle that contains genetic material. It is present in the center in animal cells
usually. In plant cells, it is present on a side due to presence of a large vacuole. Nucleus is
covered by nuclear membrane with nuclear pores. It is filled with a fluid called nucleoplasm.
It also contains a denser body called nucleolus which is involved in ribosomal RNA
production. Genetic material is present inside the nucleus in most of the eukaryotic cells,
though, some cells have extranuclear DNA. DNA is present in the form of chromosomes,
which are visible during cell division.
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Ribosomes are the protein making machinery of the cells. These are present free in cytoplasm
or attached to endoplasmic reticulum. A large number of ribosomes are present in cells.
Eukaryotic ribosomes are slightly different than prokaryotic ones in their size.
Structure of a ribosome
Mitochondria are called power house of the cell. These make energy for the cells in the form
of ATP (Adenosine Tri Phosphate). ATP is the biological or chemical form of energy.
Mitochondria have a double membrane, one is called outer and the other is inner membrane.
Mitochondria are filled with matrix containing circular DNA molecule and other molecules
including the enzymes. Mitochondria are self replicating organelles.
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Plastids are the double membrane bound organelles, present in plants and in the other
organisms which are producers such as algae. These are of three main types:
o Chloroplasts are present in the green parts of plants. These are green in color
and their color is due to chlorophyll, the green pigment. These help in
o Chromoplasts are the organelles present in the fruits and flowers of the plants.
Beautiful colors of fruits and flowers are due to presence of Chromoplasts
which contain red, yellow, orange and more colored pigments.
o Lecuoplasts are the plastids present in the roots and tubers. These are colorless
pigments and their function is to store various materials in the roots and
tubers, e.g., potatoes.
Plastids have a double membrane system. Their membranes are called outer membrane and
inner membrane. They have a membrane system called thylakoid. Stacks thylakoids are
called grana. They have a matrix inside inner membrane which is called stroma. These
organelles like mitochondria have their own circular DNA. These are self replicating
Structure of a chloroplast (a kind of plastid)
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a network of interconnected channels present inside the cells.
This is of two types: Rough ER and Smooth ER. Rough endoplasmic reticulum is the rough
due to the ribosomes present on its surface. This type is involved in protein modification. The
other type is free of ribosomes so that shape of this one is smooth giving it its name. SER is
involved in metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates.
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Endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus
Golgi Apparatus
This is also called Golgi bodies or Golgi complex. This is also very important organelle of
the cells. It was discovered by Camillo Golgi. Golgi apparatus consist of flattened disks
called cisternae which are associated with endoplasmic reticulum. These are called the post
office of the cell because these pack materials in the form of vesicles. For example the
proteins formed by the ribosomes and modified by the endoplasmic reticulum enter in the
cisternae and here these are packed in the vesicles and transferred to the part of the cell where
these are required or secreted out of cells.
These are hollow and cylindrical bodies present near the nucleus of the animal cells. It is also
present in some lower plants. A pair of Centrioles is collectively called centrosome. Their
function is during cell division. These make the spindle fiber during cell division in animal
Vacuoles are membrane bound organelles present in most of the cells. Their major function is
storage of various materials including food materials to waste materials. If these store food
then these are called food vacuoles. Their size is from small to very large in different cells
according to the requirements of the cells. In mature plant cells a single large vacuole is
present. Contractile vacuole in unicellular fresh water organisms helps in removal of water
from the body.
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Lysosomes are membranous sacs filled with enzymes. Lysosomes are spherical bag like
structures that are bound by a single layer membrane. These are found in all eukaryotic cells
and act as 'garbage disposal' or the 'digester' of the cell. These act as disposal system of the
cell. They break down complex proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and other macromolecules into
simpler compounds. These simple compounds are returned to the cytoplasm and are used as
new cell building materials. They are used for digestion of cellular waste products, dead cells
or extracellular material such as bacteria.
1. Draw the structure of an animal cell.
2. Draw structure of a plant cell.
3. Compare mitochondria with chloroplast.
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Biology lecture # 3
Diversity of Cells and Mitosis
Animal Cell Vs Plant Cell
Animal Cell Plant Cell
Cell membrane is outer most layer
Many small vacuoles
Nucleus in the center
Roughly round and/or have variable
Plastids are absent
Cilia present
Centrioles present
Cell wall is present outside the cell
Have a large central vacuole
Nucleus on a side
Roughly rectangular shape due to
presence of cell wall
Plastids are present
Cilia rarely present
Centrioles absent in most of the plants
A typical animal cell
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A typical plant cell
Prokaryotic Cell Vs Eukaryotic Cell
Prokaryotic Cells Eukaryotic Cells
No defined nucleus but a nucleoid
No membrane bound organelles
Small in size (e.g. 1-2 microns in
Cell wall consist of peptidoglycan (a
polymer of amino acids and sugars)
Defined nucleus with nuclear
Membrane bound organelles are
Larger than prokaryotic cells on
average (20 microns of animal cells)
Cell wall consist of cellulose
(plants) and chitin (fungi)
Division is the property of cells. Cells have to divide for various purposes, for reproduction
or for growth and repair of the tissues. There are two types of the cells called somatic cells
and germ line cells. Somatic cells are those which make all the tissues of the body except for
some cells which are involved in reproduction. Few cells involved in reproduction and are
meant for making gametes for reproduction.
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There are two types of the cell divisions called Mitosis and Meiosis. Mitosis is the division of
the somatic cells and also serves as means of asexual reproduction. Meiosis is however
involved in division of the germ line cells.
Stages of mitosis in onion root tip cells
Cells go through a cyclic process in which they pass by various phases over time. These
phases include a phase of rest, high metabolic activity and division. It is also defined as the
sequence of events or a cyclic process between divisions of the cell. The cell cycle consists of
the following phases:
o Interphase (consist of Gap 1 phase, Synthesis Phase, Gap 2 phase)
o M Phase (Mitosis or Division Phase)
o Resting or G0 Phase (Gap 0, read as Gap not)
Interpahse consist of following phases. This is normally called as rest phase but actually it is
a phase of high metabolic activity.
Gap 1
Cells increase in size in Gap 1. They produce materials required for DNA synthesis.
The G1 checkpoint control mechanism ensures that everything is ready for DNA synthesis.
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Synthesis phase
DNA replication occurs during this phase. An S phase check point checks that
whether the synthesis of DNA is correctly done or not. If everything is correct cell continue
to the next phase and if not then cell wither have to die or correct its errors.s
Gap 2
During the gap between DNA synthesis and mitosis, the cell will continue to grow.
Cell prepares all the materials required for division, e.g. microtubule proteins. The
G2 checkpoint control mechanism ensures that everything is ready to enter the M (mitosis)
phase and divide.
Cell Division or M- Mitosis Phase
Cell growth stops at this stage and cellular energy is focused on the orderly division into two
daughter cells. A checkpoint in the middle of mitosis (called Metaphase Checkpoint) ensures
that the cell is ready to complete cell division.
Resting or G0 (Gap 0)
A resting phase in which the cell has leaves the cycle and has stopped dividing. G0 starts
from G1 and cell may sustain in G0 may be for years.
Mitosis is the cell division that results in two daughter cells which are like each other.
Though, mitosis is a term that is used to describe the nuclear division.
Cell division consists of following phases:
Karyokineses – division of nucleus
o Divided into Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase and Telophase
Cytokinesis – division of cell
o Different in animal and plant cells
1. Prophase
o Chromatin material condenses and chromosomes becomes visible
o Each chromosome is replicated (duplicated) and consist of two sister
o At the end of the stage nuclear membrane disappear
o Centrioles move towards poles of the cell and microtubules starts forming
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2. Metaphase
o Chromosomes arrange themselves at the equator
o Kinetochores are attached to the microtubules
3. Anaphase
o Chromosomes starts moving towards the poles
o The sister chromatids separate from each other, so each sister chromatid move
towards a pole
4. Telophase
o Chromosomes (sister chromatids) reaches at the poles
o Nuclear material starts de-condensing again
o Nuclear membrane starts forming
The nuclear division is complete, next is the Cytokinesis or division of the cell.
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Cytokinesis in plant and animal cells is different from each other. In plant cells, a cell plate
starts forming in the center of the cell and moves towards sides. The cell plate divides the cell
into two cells. The cell plate consists of material produced by Golgi bodies in vesicles. This
material contains the cell membrane and cell wall components.
Cytokinesis in animal cells occurs in a different way. In animal cells a cleavage furrow is
formed by invagination of cell membrane. This process occur with the help of cytoskeleton
(microfilaments particularly). The furrows divide the cell into 2 daughter cells.
Cleavage in animal cells
Importance of Mitosis
Mitosis is the cell division which helps in development and growth processes of the cells and
hence the tissues. Development of new cells is a requirement in many parts of the body like
epithelia usually keep growing. Replacement of cells and wound healing is another
requirement of the organisms which also need new cells. Regeneration is a capability of some
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organisms. They came make their lost parts. This process also needs mitosis. Mitosis also
serves as a means of asexual reproduction in various organisms.
Errors in Mitosis
Cells divide correctly most of the times because of many check points at various phases but
sometimes it may go wrong. If it happens due to any reason the result is usually serious
problems. Uncontrolled division of the cells may result into abnormal tissue growth and
1. Draw various steps of mitosis.
2. Demonstrate the process of cytokinesis in animal cells.
3. Give any two examples of regeneration in animals.
4. Show the process of cytokinesis in plant cells with the help of a diagram.
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Biology lecture # 4
Reduction Division
Meiosis occur in germ line cells to make gametes, gametes are formed for sexual
reproduction. Meiosis is also called reduction division because it results in four daughter cells
which are haploid. We know that chromosomes occur in pairs e.g. human have 46
chromosomes in 23 pairs which is called a diploid number. The chromosomes in each pair are
called homologous because these are like each other and are complementary to each other.
Meiosis makes cells that have a half number of the chromosomes in each daughter cell called
a haploid number also.
Diploidy and Polyploidy
The condition of having two sets of chromosomes is called diploidy (2N number of
chromosomes). The gametes formed by meiosis, hence, are called haploid (N number of
chromosomes). For example, in humans 2N is 46 and N is 23 in each gamete, when gametes
combine in fertilization the chromosome number is retained to 2N. Some plants have more
than two sets of chromosomes and are called polyploids. This characteristic is called
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Phases of Meiosis
• Meiosis I
o The reduction division
o Chromosome number becomes half in each daughter cell (N)
• Cytokinesis I
• Meiosis II
o Just like mitosis
o Chromosome number remains same in daughter cells
• Cytokinesis II
Meiosis I
• Meiosis I consist of following phases:
o Prophase I
o Metaphase I
o Anaphase I
o Telophase I
Stages of Meiosis I
• Prophase I is a long phase in meiosis. It consist of following stages:
o It is marked by the pairing of homologous chromosomes (synapses) and
recombination (exchange of the parts of chromosomes.
o Paired chromosomes are called Bivalents or Tetrads.
Homologous chromosomes carry out recombination during meiosis.
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• Metaphase I
o Chromosomes attach to the spindle fibers by kinetochore, one kinetochore per
a chromosome and not per chromatid.
o One homologue on each side so there is a 50-50 chance to get each parents
• Anaphase I
o The chromosomes move towards the poles.
o A homologue, consist of two chromatids moves and sister chromatids do not
o The result is half number of chromosomes towards each pole.
• Telophase I and Cytokinesis
o Chromosomes reach at poles, half on each side.
o Cell divides and then starts meiosis II.
Events of Meiosis II
• Karyokinesis
o Prophase II
o Metaphase II
o Anaphase II
o Telophase II
• Cytokinesis
o Each cell divides into two cells.
At the end of meiosis each cell divides into 4 haploid cells.
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This division is different in males and females.
In females, after first meiotic division (meiosis I), cytoplasm is unequally distributed and one
large and other small cell are produced. The small cell is called a polar body. Then both of
these cells carry out meiosis II. Polar body divides into 2 polar bodies. The large cell however
is divided into one ovum (large) and another polar body. So that meiosis results into 1 ovum
and 3 polar bodies.
In males, both meiotic divisions results into equal sized cells called sperms.
Comparison of Mitosis and Meiosis
Mitosis Meiosis
• Cell divides into 2 daughter cells
• Alike in males and females
• Chromosome number remains equal
(2N) in daughter cells
• One cell divides into 4 daughter cells
• Different in males and females
• Chromosome number becomes half
(N) in daughter cells
Importance of Meiosis
Major advantage of meiosis is the genetic variations by recombination (crossing over).
During prophase I of the meiosis crossing over takes place which result in genetic
recombination. When gametes combine to make a zygote, more variations arise. This
variation assures new combinations resulting in increase in adaptability of the organism.
Errors in Meiosis
Meiosis is a well regulated process but sometimes errors may arise which may lead to mostly
serious disorders. The common cause of disorders in non-disjunction of the homologous pairs
of chromosome abnormally. This may results into unequally distributed chromosomes in the
gametes and when these fertilize, they give rise to individuals with disorders.
For example, in Down’s syndrome the affected individual have 3 homologues in the 21st pair
of chromosomes.
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Non-disjunction results into abnormal gametes, e.g., in above diagram N and N are normal
and N +1 or N -1 are abnormal gemetes
There are two types of twins.
• Fraternal twins
o These are produced by separate eggs (also called dizygotic twins)/ These are
produced if two eggs are released and fertilized.
o These are genetically different from each other and may be both males,
females or both male and female.
• Identical twins
o These are produced by division in the same egg (also called monozygotic
twins). These are produced by division in the zygote.
o These are genetically same / identical and have same characteristics. Both of
these are either males or females.
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Environment and twins
Environment may affect even the identical twins. Identical twins may also have different
characteristics if they are brought up in different environments. We know that the genes
interact with environment to produce various characteristics. This characteristic also affects
the twins.
1. Draw various steps of meiosis I.
2. Demonstrate difference between the meiosis in females and males.
3. What are the effects of non-disjunction? Describe with the help of a diagram.
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Biology lecture # 5
Chromosomes, DNA and Genes
Heredity Information Flow
Reproducing itself is a property of life. Transferring characteristics to next generation is a
property of living organisms. Heredity information flow in living organisms is carried out by
the genes. The “Chromosome theory of heredity” states that the genes are present on
chromosomes and are responsible for the transfer of characteristics from generation to
generation. Genes are present in the form of DNA molecules, organized in a structure called
chromosome (chromatin material).
Chromatin - the Genetic Material
Genetic material is present in the nucleus of the cell in eukaryotes and in the nucleoid region
in prokaryotes. These are called chromatin material. Chromatin material is not visible during
interphase (non-dividing state) of the cell. These become visible during cell division due to
condensation of chromosomes.
Functions of Genetic Material
There are some important properties of genetic material, which are following:
· It replicates itself.
• It regulates the growth and development of the organism.
• It allows the organism to adapt to the environmental changes.
Chromosomes - DNA – Genes
Chromosomes consist of DNA molecule associated with proteins. In chromosomes, DNA is
wrapped around proteins. Few of these proteins are called histones and few others. DNA is
associated with histone and non-histone proteins in a chromosome.
Introduction of DNA and Gene
DNA is a macromolecule (large molecule) organized in structure chromosome. In
prokaryotes DNA is a circular molecule. In eukaryotes it is a long linear molecule.
Mitochondria and chloroplast also have their own circular DNA molecules.
Gene is a length of DNA that codes for a peptide or protein. So that gene is a part or length of
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Condensation of Genetic Material
Chromatin material condenses during prophase of mitosis in the form of chromosomes.
Chemical analysis shows that chromosome consist of DNA and proteins. DNA is a long
molecule about 2nm thick running continuously within each chromosome. Chemical analysis
shows that DNA is acidic in nature.
The Structure of Chromosomes
Chromosome consists of a DNA molecule wound around proteins. DNA in human cell (all
chromosomes) is about 6 feet long, packed in a microscopic nucleus of a cell. In one human
chromosome, it is 1.7-8.5 cm long. How is this possible? The answer is “coiling” and “supercoiling”.
The chromosome consists of highly condensed structure. If we can open this like a
thread, then the long thread will appear like a flower like structure called solenoid which
consists of many smaller units. These small units are called “nucleosomes”. A nucleosome is
a length of DNA coiled around a set of proteins. The DNA coils around histones twice, which
is up to 200 base pairs long. Two nucleosomes are connected to each other by a length of
DNA, which is called “linker DNA” (up to 80 base pairs long).
Chromosome coiling and nucleosome
Two nucleosomes
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Chemical Composition of DNA
DNA is a complex macromolecule (large molecule). DNA stands for Deoxyribose Nucleic
Acid. The smallest unit of DNA is called a “nucleotide”; nucleotides join to make
polynucleotide. We can say that DNA consists of nucleotides joined together.
Each nucleotide consists of:
1. Deoxyribose sugar
2. Phosphate group
3. Nitrogenous base
Structure of a nucleotide
There are four nucleotides based upon four different nitrogenous bases attached to them.
Nitrogenous bases are of two types: purines and pyrimidine. Purines include two bases
Adenine and Guanine which have a double ringed structure. Pyrimidine bases include the
other ones called Thymine and Cytosine that have single ringed structure.
Mechanism of Gene Action
Genes express themselves by making proteins. Making the proteins by DNA occur by two
processes called transcription and translation. Transcription is formation of a form of RNA
from DNA called messenger RNA (mRNA). mRNA is formed inside the nucleus in
eukaryotes and in nucleoid region in prokaryotes. The next process is translation, which is
formation of a protein or peptide by mRNA with the help of another organelle called
Replication is another function of DNA. It is doubling of DNA molecule to make two copies
of itself. Replication occurs before cell division to make copies of DNA for the daughter
Genetic code is a term used for the parts of DNA that code for proteins. A codon is a 3
nucleotides code for an amino acid, i.e., codon is a 3 nucleotide set of DNA molecule that
codes for a protein.
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Transcription and Translation
• Transcription = DNA mRNA
• Translation = mRNA Protein
• The following scheme is called the central dogma of molecular biology / genetics
DNA RNA Protein
The process of transcription involves an enzyme called RNA polymerase. One strand of DNA
act as the template strand which is actually coded into the mRNA.
• Steps of transcription
o RNA polymerase identifies and attaches to a region called promoter on the
DNA upstream the gene.
o RNA polymerase open the double helix chain which results in the formation of
transcription bubble.
Transcription Process
• RNA polymerase moves on the gene, the helix unwinds and make a
complementary strand of RNA. This strand of mRNA protrudes out of
transcription bubble.
• At end of the gene there is a stop sequence. Usually it is a series of GC base
pairs followed by a series of AT base pairs.
• These sequences make a hair pin loop like structure which stops RNA
polymerase from transcribing.
• Thymine is coded as uracil in mRNA.
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Transcription in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
In prokaryotes, the mRNA directly moves into cytoplasm and its translation starts because
there is no nuclear membrane, nucleoid region is continuous with cytoplasm. In eukaryotes,
mRNA formed moves out of nucleus through nuclear pores and then it is translated in the
cytoplasm with the help of ribosomes.
Modification of mRNA in eukaryotes
mRNA in eukaryotes has to travel from nucleus to cytoplasm, to protect it from the action of
nucleases (the DNA cutting enzymes) and proteases (protein cutting enzymes), it is modified.
On its 5’ end a cap of 7 methyl GTP is added; while on the 3’ end a poly A tail is added.
Introns are also removed. Introns are DNA sequences in the eukaryotes which are non coding
and should be removed from the mRNA. The coding regions are called exons.
mRNA in eukaryotes have regions – exons and introns
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• mRNA ------- Protein
The process of translation consists of three major steps: initiation, elongation, and
Steps of Transcription
• In prokaryotes, translation starts while transcription is going on because there is no
barrier between nucleoid and cytoplasm.
• In eukaryote, first introns are removed.
Process of Translation
• The mRNA binds to the small unit of ribosome.
• The large ribosomal subunit has 3 binding sites called E (Exit), P (Peptidyl), and A
• When the first codon (triplet code) is aligned at the P site then the large ribosomal
subunit attaches to the small subunit.
A ribosome
• A tRNA carrying the amino acid methionine attaches to the start codon (AUG) on the
messenger RNA.
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A tRNA with an amino acid on the P site
• A tRNA with its amino acid attaches to the A binding site.
• Peptide bond formation occurs between the methionine and the amino acid carried at
the A binding site.
• Ribosome moves in the 3' direction down the messenger RNA by three bases, shifting
the tRNA and polypeptide chain to the P Binding site.
• The A binding site is open and a vacant tRNA (without amino acid) is in the E
binding site.
• Now, the next tRNA brings another amino acid and bind to A site.
• A peptide bond is formed between the second and this new (thirs) amino acid.
• Ribosome moves in 3’ direction and the vacant tRNA is released from the E site.
• This process continues until a stop codon arrives on mRNA.
• A Releasing factor comes and binds to the A site in place of stop codon. The
polypeptide chain separates from tRNA and ribosome. Then ribosomal units
disassemble again. mRNA molecule also released which has been coded.
Peptide bond is formed between the amino acids brought by tRNAs present on P and A
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Growing polypeptide is present on P site and empty amino acid on E site. New tRNA
with an amino acid will come and attach on A site.
1. Explain the process of transcription with the help of diagram.
2. Explain the process of translation with the help of diagrams.
3. Differentiate between the transcription and translation processes of prokaryotes and
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Biology lecture # 6
Acquiring energy from environment is one essential property of life. Plants acquire energy
from sunlight and prepare their food. We call them producers. Animals, however, acquire
energy from either plants or other animals or organic materials. We call the consumers or
Common Modes of Nutrition in Animals
◦ Plant eaters, e.g. goat
◦ Flesh, meat eaters, e.g. lion
◦ Mixed food, e.g., bear, crows
◦ Dead organic matter, e.g. earthworms
Dentition is according to the mode of nutrition
Dentition in animals; incisor, canine, premolar and molar teeth
Mouth Parts also are also according to the mode of nutrition
Animals have different types of tongues according to their mode of nutrition. For example,
frogs have forked, inverted and sticky tongue to catch insects. Tongue of chameleon is also
sticky and very long. Beaks of birds make another example. Birds have a variety of beaks;
long, small, curves and many other. All of these are present in birds according to their mode
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of nutrition for example parrots have long curves beak for cutting and breaking nuts. Pelican
have a very long and wide for catching fish from water. Snouts in mammals make another
example. Mammals have different snouts according to their food.
A parrot: observe the long and curved beak.
Nutrition, Ingestion, Digestion, Absorption, Assimilation, Elimination
After acquiring food and ingestion, animals have to digest it.
Digestion is actually, breaking down food into small ingredients. For example,
carbohydrates to glucose.
Absorption is movement of food into blood after digestion.
Assimilation is utilizing those broken small molecules for getting energy for
organisms functions.
Elimination is removal of the undigested matter from the body.
Nutrition and Digestion in Human beings
Humans are omnivores, i.e., we eat plants (vegetables) and meat (chicken, beef). Digestive
system of humans hence is adapted accordingly.
Basic Components of Human Digestive System
Alimentary canal
o From mouth to anus
Alimentary canal in humans consist of following parts:
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o Oral cavity
o Pharynx
o Esophagus
o Stomach
o Intestine (small and large)
Rectum and anus
Accessory glands
o Liver, Pancreas
Digestive system in human beings
Sensing the Food
We look at the food and smell when we get a food. These are called sensory qualities of food.
This is the first part of food selection and foods which are improper are rejected. If the food
looks inappropriate or it smells bad, it is rejected. This is a human adaptation just like other
Alimentary Canal - From mouth to anus
The Oral Cavity
Food selection is one function of the oral cavity. Oral cavity has tongue with taste buds. Food
selection takes place by taste buds if food tastes bad it is rejected. Tongue converts the
ground food mass to a bolus. Grinding the food is the other important function of oral cavity.
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Oral cavity contains teeth for this purpose. Dentition is according the food types. Teeth are
of four types; incisors, canine, premolars and molars. Human have all four types of teeth; few
animals have others. Lubrication and chemical digestion is another function of the oral
cavity. Salivary glands secrete saliva which contains amylase for digestion of starch. It also
contains mucous for lubrication of food.
Pharynx is a part of digestive system. It lies just behind the mouth and nasal cavity and above
the esophagous and larynx. Food bolus passes through pharynx to enter the esophagus.
Pharynx helps swallowing by closing the trachea and nasal cavity pathways.
It is a long tube starts from pharynx and enters stomach. From pharynx, food enters
esophagus. In esophagus, food moves down to stomach by a series of muscular contractions
called “peristalsis”. Bolus moves down by alternate contraction and relaxation of muscles of
esophagus. Sometimes an antiparistalsis occur, i.e., movement from stomach to mouth that
result in vomiting.
Stomach is mainly a storage organ. It also helps in digestion of proteins. Stomach has
guarded openings on either side. There is a sphincter (group of muscles) which is pyloric
sphincter that controls movement of food from stomach to intestine. The other sphincter is
present where esophagus meets stomach. Gastric glands in stomach produces gastric juice,
which contain mucus, hydrochloric acid and an enzyme called pepsinogen. Pepsinogen is
converted into pepsin which is its activated form. Pepsin converts proteins to peptides.
Protection of the stomach walls from the acid particularly is important, mucus secreted by the
stomach walls cover the stomach lining to protect it from acidic damage.
Stomach is also designed to mix up the food with enzymes and acid. Churning movements of
stomach walls thoroughly mixes the food with gastric juice. Churning converts food to
chyme, small part of which enters the small intestine by pyloric sphincter.
Small Intestine
It consist of three parts; duodenum, jejunum and ilium. Duodenum (first 25 cm of intestine) is
the first part where most of the digestion occurs. Bile enter here from liver and helps
emulsification and digestion of lipids. Pancreatic juice from pancreas also enters here, which
contains trypsin, pancreatic amaylase and lipase fordigestion of protein, carbohydrates and
lipids. Intestinal juice is also released, which help in digestion of all foods.
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Jejunum is the next 2.4 m of the small intestine; remaining digestion takes place here. Ilium is
the last 3.5 m long part where absorption takes place. Its lumen is highly folded. It have
extensions of the epithelium called villi and microvilli, which increases the surface area to a
greater extent to increase absorption.
A single villus in smalle intestine
Large Intestine
Undigested food comes in the large intestine. It consists of various parts including caecum,
colon, and rectum. Absorption of water from the undigested matter occurs in colon. Water is
returned to blood vascular system. Remaining semi solid mass is called feces that are are
stored in rectum, when rectum is full it give rise to a reflex for defecation and feces are
excreted out.
Intestinal Motility is an important factor. If the motility in large intestine is increased then
there is less water reabsorption and result is a situation called diarrhea. On the other hand if
motility is decreased then constipation is the result which means that feces will have less
than normal water.
Liver and Pancreas
Liver produces a secretion called bile which helps in fat digestion and emulsification. Bile is
stored in gall bladder and is released by its contraction. Liver perform various functions
called deamination, converting ammonia to urea, destroys old blood cells and manufactures
fibrinogen, which is blood clotting factor.
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1. Diagrammatically show various parts of human digestive system.
2. How human beings find out the quality of foods?
3. List various functions of small intestine.
4. List various functions of liver and pancreas.
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Biology lecture # 7
Transport System and
Blood – the Circulatory Fluid
Why transport systems?
Organisms have to exchange materials with the environment. They also need to distribute
nutrients, gases and metabolic products within their body.
Living organisms …
· acquire energy or food from the environment; they have to distribute energy and food
within the body.
· need an intake of oxygen and removal of carbon dioxide from their bodies.
· need to remove toxic materials and waste products from their bodies.
· have to distribute hormones and other materials in the body.
· have to exchange materials with the environment
For all that, they require a Transport System.
Transport systems in organisms
A transport system should fulfill the requirements of the organism for all of the above
functions like nutrient distribution or gas exchange.
We take some examples here:
Unicellular organisms
◦ e.g. amoeba
Simple multicellular organisms
◦ Small organisms; e.g. sponges, hydra
Plants and animals
◦ Plants
◦ Animals
Unicellular organisms
Unicellular organisms have a simple body, just one cell. Their requirements are also few. For
example amoeba performs the transport via cytoplasmic streaming which is the movement of
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their cytoplasm and few organelles. Food vacuoles distribute the food in the body. Contractile
vacuoles removes the water fro the body. Cytoskeleton helps in the movement of all the
above parts.
Simple multicellular organisms
Simple multicellular organisms transport materials by simple methods. Like hydra have a
mouth and a body cavity; water enters through mouth and transport of materials takes place
in the body cavity. Body wall also exchange materials with the water outside as organism is
aquatic. Hence, water act as a medium of transport. Few cells help in transport, which are
present inside the body towards body cavity.
Hydra: transport system.
Transport in plants
Transport in plants occurs by roots and conducting tissues called phloem and xylem. Roots
absorb water and materials from soil. Plants remove water through a process of transpiration.
The leave has guarded openings called stomata, which open and close to remove water.
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Stomata: opened and closed.
Transport in animals
Animals have a system called circulatory system for transport. There are two kinds of this
system called an open circulatory system and closed circulatory system. In an open
circulatory system, the circulatory fluid is freely moving in the body cavity bathing tissues
and there is/are pumping heart/s but these only send blood to some vessels which are then
connected to body cavity. In closed circulatory system, the blood never leaves vessels and
heart and is always present inside the vessels.
Diagrammatic presentation of an open circulatory system. In this system circulatory
fluid (e.g. Hemolymph moves into body cavity and from here to back to heart
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Diagrammatic presentation of closed circulatory system. I this system, blood never
leaves vessels
Basic components of human circulatory system
Blood is the circulatory fluid which is the medium for transport. Blood vessels are the tubular
system for transport of blood within the body. Heart is the pumping organ that pumps the
blood toward the body.
Composition of blood
Human blood consists of plasma (fluid) and cellular content (cells). Plasma is the fluid with
dissolved and un-dissolved materials. It consists mainly of water, which have many inorganic
and organic materials dissolved in it. Cellular content consist of Red Blood Cells (RBCs),
White Blood Cells (WBCs) and Platelets. Red blood cells are also called erythrocytes and
white blood cells are also called leukocytes. Plasma consists of 55% of the blood. Cells
constitute 45% of the blood Average human body has about 5liters of blood.
Blood contents could be separated based upon their densities and weights by various methods
including centrifugation and sedimentation.
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Components of blood
Functions of the main components of blood
Blood plasma
Plasma consist of 55% of the blood, It consist of 92% water. 0.9% of it consists of salts –
NaCl, Mg, Zn ions etc. The salts maintain the pH of the blood. Plasma has 7-9% part consist
of proteins. Important proteins include antibodies, fibrinogen and albumin. Plasma also
contains digested food, nitrogenous wastes, hormones, respiratory gases etc.
Blood cells and cell-like bodies
Cellular components of blood consist of erythrocytes, leucocytes, thrombocytes. Erythrocytes
– Red Blood Cells carry oxygen with the help of a protein called haemoglobin. In men 5-5.5
million cells/mm3 RBCs are present. This number is 4- 4.5 million/mm3 in women. Men have
usually larger bodies and more muscle mass, so that heir demand for oxygen is more than
Leukocytes – White Blood Cells are categorized in to two kinds: Agranulocytes and
Agranulocytes are theose white blood cells which have nongranulated cytoplasm, these
include monocytes and lymphocytes. Granulocytes are those WBCs, which have granulated
cytoplasm. These include basophils, eosinophils and neutrophils. Platelets are the third type
of cells or we can call these, cell like bodies. These are formed by fragmentation of a single
cell called megakaryocyte.
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Erythrocytes (RBCs) do not have a nucleus at maturity. That is why these look concave
under microscope.
Blood cells include RBCs and WBCs (lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils,
and basophils).
Blood groups in human beings and blood transfusion
Blood cells have some specific protein present on their surfaces called antigens, which are
meant for the identification of the blood cells. About 29 blood groups are identified. The
most important blood group systems are, however, two named as ABO and Rh blood group
systems. There are four main types of blood groups present in human beings according to
ABO blood group system. These blood groups are based upon presence or absence of two
antigens on surface of RBCs called antigen A and antigen B (Table 1). Other important blood
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group is based upon presence or absence of Rh antigens on the surface of RBCs. The people
have Rh antigen on the surface of their RBCs are called Rh positive and those who do not
have it are called Rh negative. ABO system works with the help of Rh system. So that we
talk of the blood groups based upon ABO system with Rh positive or negative. For example,
A +ive means that the person have an A blood type with Rh antigens present.
Table 1: Blood groups, antigens and antibodies
Blood Group Antigen A Antigen B Antibody A Antibody B
A Present Absent Absent Present
B Absent Present Present Absent
AB Present Present Absent Absent
O Absent Absent Present Present
Blood transfusion
Blood transfusion is required in case of some diseases, surgery or in case of injuries. Blood
groups of donor and recipient should match, otherwise could cause agglutination reactions
leading to even death of the patient. Blood groups are matched using antigen antibody
reactions. A blood group O -ive is called Universal donor because it has not antigens, hence,
it cannot react with any of the antibodies in recipient’s blood. Universal acceptor is AB+
blood group which has all antigens.
1. What are the ABO blood groups and how these are important in transfusion?
2. Describe various transportation systems in unicellular and small multicelluar
organisms with the help of diagrams.
3. What are various components of blood and how can we separate them?
4. Describe important functions of white blood cells.
5. Identify the following:
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Diagrams of blood cells
b. _______________ c.
6. List various functions of red blood cells.
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Biology lecture # 8
Circulatory System
in Humans - Blood Vessels and Heart
Circulatory System in Humans
Circulatory system in humans consists of blood, vessels and heart. Blood is the circulatory
fluid. We can call it a liquid tissue. Blood consist of plasma – the watery fluid and cells – the
cellular content. Blood has been described in detail in last lecture. Here we talk about heart
and blood vessels. Heart is a pumping organ and is highly muscular. Function of the heart is
to pump blood with pressure towards lungs and body. Vessels are of three main types;
arteries, veins and capillaries. Arteries carry blood from the heart to body. Veins return blood
from body to heart. Capillaries connect arteries to veins. Function of the capillaries is the
exchange of materials.
Structure and functions of blood vessels
Arteries and veins are elastic in their structure. These also have a layers of muscles. These
consist of 3 layers:
◦ External layer - connective tissues layer
◦ Middle layer, consist of smooth muscles
◦ Inner layer, consist of endothelium
Lumen of both of these is meant for blood flow. Arteries have a lumen smaller in diameter
and veins have large.
Artery, vein and capillaries
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Comparison of Arteries, Veins and Capillaries
Arteries Veins Capillaries
From heart to body;
one exception
pulmonary artery
From body to heart;
one exception is
pulmonary vein
From arteries to
tissues to veins
Stat of
Oxygenated Deoxygenated Oxygenated to
Layers 3 3 1
Walls Thick Thin in comparison to
Very thin; one cell
thick only called
Pressure High Low Medium
Valves Absent Present Absent
Arteries carry blood from heart to body. These face maximum pressure. Their function is to
distribute blood to all the body tissues. Blood is pumped in the arteries by the heart with very
high pressure that is why arteries are thick walled to withstand high pressure.
Veins have to collect blood from the body and return it to the heart. Veins face less pressure,
pressure almost negligible in major veins. Blood flow in major veins against gravitational
pull and with low pressure so that veins have valves that prevent backflow of blood. In many
parts of the body like arms and legs there are muscles that contract and relax to move the
blood towards heart.
Capillaries have to exchange materials with tissues; these originate from arteries and pass
from tissues then joins to make veins. Capillaries have to carry out exchange of materials
with the tissues that is why their walls are just one celled thick. Capillaries when enters
tissues makes branches, where they branch groups of muscles are present which may open or
close to increase or decrease the blood flow towards tissues.
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Comparison of an artery and a vein
Main arteries and veins in human arterial and venous systems
head, shoulders, arms
other body organs like kidneys, gonads, liver etc.
Structure of human heart
Heart in human beings is a muscular pump to push blood towards body and lungs. Heart in
humans is of the size of a clenched fist. Heart consists of four chambers including 2 atria and
2 ventricles. Atria receive blood from body and lungs. Ventricles push blood from heart to
body and lungs. These chambers (atria and ventricles) are connected to each other. At their
junction valves are present, which are responsible to prevent backflow of blood.
Left side of the heart, particularly ventricle is stronger because it has to push blood to the
whole body in comparison to right side.
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Structure of human heart
Double pumping action of heart and role of valves
Deoxygenated blood from body enters the heart through major veins (vena cava) to right
atrium. When right atrium contract, blood enters the right ventricle. There is a valve called
tricuspid valve that prevents backflow of blood. On the other side, oxygenated blood from
lungs enters the left atrium and when left atrium contract it enters the left ventricle. At the
junction of left atrium and ventricle another valve is present called bicuspid valve that
prevents backflow of blood. Tricuspid and bicuspid valves are collectively called
atrioventricular vales.
In fact, both atria are filled at the same time and also contract at the same time to push blood
in the ventricles. Both ventricles also contract at the same time to push blood toward body
(left one) and lungs (right side). Right ventricle pushes blood in the pulmonary artery
towards lungs. At this junction a valve is present called pulmonary valve that prevent
backflow of blood from pulmonary arteries to right ventricle. Left ventricle pushes blood
towards aorta, which is the main artery distributing blood the body. This junction is also
guarded by a valve called aortic valve, which prevents backflow of heart from the aorta to
left ventricle. Pulmonary and aortic valves are collectively called as semilunar valves.
Self-excitatory system of the heart
Heart has self-excitatory system. Heart has s group of muscles called sinoatrial node which
produces impulse (electrical activity) that spread in the heart to contract its various chambers
systematically. Impulse spread toward atria first and causes the atria to contract. Then it
enters another node called atrioventricular node where its magnitude is increased and then
it enters the ventricles and the ventricles contract. The self-excitatory group of muscles of the
heart is called pace maker.
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Cardiac Cycle
Cardiac cycle is the time period from when the blood enters the heart to the time when blood
is pushed by the heart. We can also say that it is the time period from artial and ventricular
diastole to ventricular systole.
Cardiac cycle consists of following steps:
1. Both atria and ventricles are relaxed. This is the time when both atria are filled with
blood from body and lungs. All heart muscles are relaxed, which means that these are
at diastole.
2. Then both atria contract and blood is pushed into ventricles. This is called atrial
systole. At this time, both AV valves are open and both semilunar valves are closed.
3. Then the ventricles contract and push blood into aorta and pulmonary artery. This is
called ventricular systole. With this, a cardiac cycle is complete.
4. Then again, both atria and ventricles are relaxed, i.e., come back to the initial state.
Double Circulation
Human circulatory system is called a double circulatory system because heart receives and
sends blood from and to lungs (pulmonary circuit) and body (systemic circuit). Look at the
diagram below for a detailed view.
Systemic circulation
◦ From heart to body and vice versa
◦ Head, shoulders and arms
◦ Lower body organs
Pulmonary circulation
◦ From heart to lungs and vice versa
Double circulation in humans
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1. Draw the structural diagram of human heart.
2. Differentiate between arteries and veins using diagrams.
3. Draw the structure of a capillary. Also describe the functions of capillaries.
4. Explain the significance of valves in preventing backflow of blood in heart.
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Biology lecture # 9
Respiratory System
Lecture Outline
Why respiration?
Living organisms needs energy for their activities.
Energy is extracted by complex metabolic processes from food or photosynthesis.
Respiration is the process of exchange of gases to produce energy in biological form.
What is respiration?
Respiration consist of processes involves exchange of gases in living organisms or metabolic
reaction to produce energy. Respiration is one of the most important metabolic activities. It is
of two types:
o Organismic respiration consists of breathing or ventilation, i.e., inhalation
and exhalation movements and gas exchange.
o Cellular respiration consist of metabolic reactions to produce energy by
utilization of oxygen, production of carbon dioxide and extracting and
conserving energy from food molecules in biological form, such as ATP.
Cellular respiration
Cellular respiration is of two types:
o Aerobic, in which oxygen is utilized to produce energy.
Example is electron transport chain in mitochondria.
o Anaerobic, in which oxygen is not involved but energy is produced using
other molecules.
Example is fermentation in some bacteria.
Organismic respiration
Organismic respiration is the ventilation or breathing, i.e., the movements which causes
inhalation and exhalation. Air contains gases and exchange of gases occurs in the specialized
organs, for example, lungs in humans.
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Difference between cellular and organismic respiration
· Cellular respiration is a series of events of metabolic reactions for production of
· Organismic respiration is the process of coordinated movements of body that results
in inhalation and exhalation of air. We also call it breathing or ventilation.
Respiration in air and water
Respiration in air is easier in comparison to water because air is lighter and water is denser.
Also, air is much more saturated with oxygen than water. So that gas exchange in air is easier
in the water than in water.
Respiration in plants
Gas exchange in plants occurs by stomata in mesophyll cells. Stomata are openings guarded
by guard cells; these are used for transpiration in plants through water vapors. Roots of land
plants get the oxygen required by the plants from air present in soil. Aquatic plants acquire
their oxygen from oxygen dissolved in water.
Respiration in animals
In animals, respiration occurs by means of specialized organs, for example gills in fishes and
lungs in terrestrial animals. The most important property of the respiratory organs is
respiratory surfaces that support and facilitate the process of repiration.
Properties of Respiratory surfaces
Properties of Respiratory surfaces include a large and moist surface area, a thin epithelium,
ventilation (air availability) and a capillary network.
Respiration in some small animals
In small animals, respiration occurs by means of general body surface or specialized systems.
Hydra is an aquatic organism, which have a mouth and body cavity through which water
moves in and out. Cells of the inner body wall exchange gases with that water. Cells of the
epidermal layer exchange gases with the water.
In some other organisms like earthworms which have a closed circulatory system the
exchange of gases takes place by the capillaries, which are present in closed vicinity with the
body wall.
In the arthropods, especially insects like cockroach a very special system of gas exchange
exist called the tracheal system. Tracheal system is a system of tubes which are extensions
of the body wall and makes a network of tubes called tracheae, tracheoles and air sacs in
the body. These have openings to the exterior called spiracles. Air enters in through spiracles
and enters the trachea and tracheoles, which are present close to the tissues. Gas exchange is
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easier because in trachea only air is present, which is a very lighter medium. Tracheal system
is a very efficient system of respiration.
Respiration in fish, frog and birds
Fishes are aquatic animals; these have respiratory organs called gills. Water enters through
mouth into the gills where gas exchange occurs and then water move out from gills. Heart is
fishes is called a single circuit heart, which pumps blood towards gills where gas exchange
occurs and then blood moves towards body.
Frogs are called a transition between aquatic and land animals. These live in water and land
both. These have three different types of respiratory system at different stages of life. When a
frog is hatched for an egg and becomes a larva, it lives in water and respires through gills.
When it becomes an adult frog it respires by lungs and skin. Frog’s skin has a network of
blood capillaries so that gas exchange may occur there.
Birds have a very efficient system of respiration. Birds respire through lungs. They also have
air sacs in their in their body and bones, which also helps in capturing air and hence
efficiency of gas exchange is improved.
Respiratory organs
Land animals have their respiratory organs named lungs. In aquatic animals, gills are the
organs for gas exchange.
Respiratory system in humans
Respiration in human beings occurs by lungs and associated air passageways. Human
respiratory system consists of:
Air passageways in humans
o Nostril and nasal cavity
o Pharynx
o Larynx
o Trachea
o Bronchi
o Bronchioles
Lungs in humans
o Pleural cavity
o Body of lungs
o Alveoli – the smallest units
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Lungs inhuman beings
Structure and functions of various parts of air passageways
Nose and nasal cavity
Nose is the part for inhalation. Nose and nasal cavity is lined with ciliated epithelium and its
surface is covered with mucus. The ciliated and moist surface traps dirt and other particles.
The air, which enters inside is filtered, moist and warm.
It is a small muscular passage, which is lined with mucous membrane. Air moves down to
larynx through pharynx.
Larynx: the voice box
Larynx is a complex cartilaginous structure, through which air moves down to trachea. Its
opening is ciliated and covered with mucous. Mucus membrane is stretched across into thin
edged fibrous bands called vocal cords. Vocal cords help in voice production.
Trachea (windpipe)
Trachea is a long tube stretched from larynx to lungs. It has a tubular structures and it lies
ventral to the esphagous. It has C-shaped cartilaginous rings which are supporting structure
and prevent tracheal collapse. Trachea extends through the chest cavity or thorax. In thorax, it
divides into 2 tubes called bronchi one entering each lung.
Bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli
Trachea divides to form bronchi in thorax region. Bronchi enter the lungs and divide further
to make bronchioles (when they attain a diameter of 1mm or less). Bronchi have same
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cartilaginous rings but these become irregularly distributed plates when reaches at the end of
Brochioles keep dividing further and enter deep into the lungs to give rise to air sacs. Air sac
is the functional unit of lungs. Air sacs consist of several microscopic structures called
alveoli. Alveoli and air sacs are covered by a network of capillaries. This network is the site
of gas exchange.
Functional units of lungs
Structure of lungs
There is a pair of lungs, one is right and other is left. These are present in chest cavity. Lungs
are protected by ribs and pleural cavity (double membrane fluid filled cavity). Lungs are
spongy in structure because of the presence of millions of alveoli. Below lungs a muscular
floor of the chest is present, which is called diaphragm.
Breathing is the process of inhalation and exhalation. Lungs are spongy, cannot pull or push
air themselves. Breathing movements occurs with the help of pressure and movements of
diaphragm. Diaphragm is dome-like structure present as the floor of chest cavity. When it is
contracted, it becomes less dome-like, which results in expansion of chest and inhalation of
air. When it is relaxed then it becomes more dome-like and pressure in the chest is decreased,
which results in exhalation of air. When muscles between the ribs contract, the rib cage is
elevated; and when relax, ribs settle down. This movement also helps in the process of
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Exchange of gases in alveoli
Gases are exchanged against a pressure difference in the blood and lungs (alveoli). Blood
capillaries are distributed around alveoli in very thin layers. Blood cells and alveolar air are
very close for exchange of gases. Gases are exchanged at the alveoli.
Hemoglobin (Hb) in blood cells help in exchange of oxygen against the concentration
Hb + O2 HbO2 (reversible if pressure of gases in air is changed)
Transport of CO2
Carbon dioxide is more soluble and dissolves in tissue fluids. From here it enters into blood
capillaries. Carbon dioxide is transported in blood as:
o 20 % as carboxyhemoglobin
o 5% by few plasma proteins
o About 70 % as bicarbonate ions combined with sodium.
o CO2 + H2O –Carbonic anhydrase- H2CO3
o H2CO3 H+ + HCO3-
Figure showing association of the alveoli with blood capillaries in lungs.
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Factors affecting gas exchange
· Carbon dioxide
o If CO2 increases then O2 tension decreases. The result is that capacity of
hemoglobin for O2 is reduced.
· Temperature
o Rise in temperature decreases the oxygen carrying capacity of hemoglobin.
· pH
o If pH declines then oxygen carrying capacity declines.
· H+ ions bind to hemoglobin to decrease oxygen carrying capacity.
Lung capacity and effect of exercise on breathing rate
In humans, fully inflated lungs have a capacity of 5 liters. Normally, at rest or sleep exchange
is half a liter. During exercise, it may increase up to 3.5 liters. It means that there is a 1.5 L
residual volume that cannot be expelled. Inhalation per minute is 15-20 times; during exercise
it may be up to 30 times to fulfill the needs of exercising muscles.
Changes in composition of breathed air
Gas Inhaled air Exhaled air
Oxygen 21 % 16%
Carbon dioxide 0.04% 4%
Nitrogen 79% 79%
Water vapors Variable Saturated
1. Differentiate between cellular and organismic respiration.
2. Draw the structure of human lungs.
3. What are characteristics of a respiratory surface?
4. How exercise affects the breathing process?
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Biology lecture # 10
Excretory System
Introduction and need of excretion
Living organisms have to metabolize which consist of anabolism and catabolism. Anabolism
consists of all reactions for formation of compounds. Catabolism is break down of various
compounds including glucose, proteins and lipids for the formation of energy.
Catabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids
carbohydrates + oxygen CO2 + H2O + energy
proteins + oxygen CO2 + H2O + NH3 + energy
lipids + oxygen CO2 + H2O + energy
Metabolic wastes
We can see in the reactions above that metabolic waste products are carbon dioxide, water
and ammonia. These are waste and surplus materials. These have to be removed. Ammonia is
highly toxic for the tissues. Water and CO2 are dangerous for the body if these are present in
excess. Rise in CO2 may result in decrease in pH in blood which is dangerous. Ammonia is
highly toxic and has to be converted into less toxic form. But those forms also need to be
removed. Changes in water concentration in tissue fluids also create problems. Higher
concentration may cause dropsy, which is accumulation of water in tissues. Decrease in water
concentration may lead to dehydration. For all of these reasons an excretory system is
Excretion in Vertebrates
Major waste products in vertebrates
· Carbon dioxide
· Mineral salts
· Urea
· Creatinine
· Uric acid
· Excess water
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Excretion in animals
· Unicellular organisms
· Small animals
· Large animals
· Adaptations to habitat
o water - fresh and brackish e.g. marine
o desert
o terrestrial
Excretory Organs
· Skin acts as excretory structure
· Salt glands are present in some marine or brackish water inhabiting organisms
· Intestine sometimes act as excretory organ
· Kidney
o Major organ for excretion in vertebrates
o Help also in osmoregulation
· Structure of kidney is different in organisms living in fresh and marine waters.
Kidneys in fresh water organisms is modified to produce dilute urine while kidneys of
marine or brackish water inhabiting animals are designed to produce concentrated
Basic components of human excretory system: kidneys and accessory parts
Various parts of human excretory system
Adrenal gland
Urinary bladder
Renal artery
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External and internal structure of kidney
Kidney is a bean shaped structure. A pair of kidneys is present in abdominal cavity attached
to dorsal body wall. The concave part of kidney lies towards vertebral column. There is a
depression present towards the vertebral column which is called hilus. The concave part
provides space for entrance and exit of renal artery, vein and nerves. A thin tube ureter arises
out of the concave part of kidney.
Structure of a kidney
Renal cortex and renal medulla
If we look at a section of a kidney, then the outermost layer, reddish in color is called cortex.
After cortex the second layer consists of structure like pyramids occur. This region is called
medulla. A funnel shaped cavity is present towards inside that receives urine called renal
Nephron is the functional unit of kidney. Kidneys have many small structures present in
cortex and medulla called nephrons. Function of the nephron is to produce urine. Nephron
consists of following structures:
◦ Glomerulus, which is a capillary network.
◦ Bowman’s capsule (Glumerular capsule) is the capsule like structure in which
the glumerulus is present.
◦ Convoluted tubule
◦ Loop of Henle
◦ Collecting duct
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Structure of a nephron
Functioning of the kidney: Urine formation
Function of the kidney is to produce urine. Kidney produces urine by following mechanism.
Pressure Filtration
Pressure filtration in the renal corpuscle occurs due to blood pressure in renal artery.
Molecules other than RBCs and plasma are filtered, i.e., these enter into the renal
It is called Bowman’s filtrate
It consist of salts, glucose, urea and uric acid
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Filtration apparatus: Bowman’s capsule and glumerulus.
The filtrate moves down the tubular system. Next step is called reabsorption. Reabsorption
means that those compounds which are useful for the body return back to the blood and the
remaining part of filtrate in the tubules makes urine consist of water and nitrogenous wastes.
Reabsorption occurs through the network of capillaries surrounding the tubules. Reabsorption
is selective process. Glucose, water and salts are reabsorbed.
In the last step, only nitrogenous wastes remain inside the urine. This urine now goes down to
pelvis and uretes. Through ureters it enters the urinary bladder for temporary storage. When
bladder is full, there is a reflex for urination through urethra. Urination is not under conscious
control in infants. In adults, however, this is under the conscious control through a sphincter
present on the junction of urinary bladder and urethera.
Kidneys help in osmoregulation. This also helps in the maintenance of blood pressure. In case
of increased blood pressure dilute urine is produced to temporarily reduce the quantity of
water. In case of decreased blood pressure concentrated urine is produced and water is
reabsorbed to compensate for fluid loss like in case of too much perspiration. Thirst is also a
reflex in response to decreased quantity of water in blood.
1. Draw a labeled diagram of human kidney.
2. Describe the structure of human excretory system with the help of diagram.
3. Describe the process of urine formation.
4. Describe the role of kidneys in osmoregulation.
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Biology lecture # 11
Reproductive System
Introduction of reproduction
Reproduction is one of the basic characteristics of life. It is a biological process by which the
organisms produce their young ones which are similar to their parents. This ability also
allows organisms to adapt itself to the changing environment.
Types of Reproduction
There are two types of reproduction, asexual and sexual. In asexual reproduction, offspring
are produced by simple cell division. No gametes are involved and offspring have same
characteristics as their parents. In sexual reproduction, two organisms are involved in
reproduction and offspring have characteristics which are combination of their parents and
some new. Gametes are involved in this kind of reproduction. Sexual reproduction has
advantage of increase in genetic variability. Gametes are formed by a process called meiosis
in which alterations in genetic material takes place. As two organisms are involved, mixing of
their characteristics takes place that increase more genetic variability. Genetic variability
leads towards more adaptability to the environment.
Types of asexual reproduction
Asexual reproduction involves no gametes. There are many methods of asexual reproduction
in organisms including:
Binary fission
Multiple fission
Vegetative propagation in plants
Binary fission
This is a type of asexual reproduction in which one unicellular organism divides into two by
simple division. In bacteria, for example, binary fission takes place:
1. Replication of single chromosome takes place.
2. Daughter chromosomes move towards opposite poles.
3. Cell membrane invaginates and meets in the center.
4. Cell wall follows the cell membrane and cell divides into two.
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Binary fission also takes place in unicellular organisms like amoeba and paramecium. In
these organisms:
1. nucleus elongates and divide into two
2. Cytoplasm also divides and cell divides into two
Process of binary fission
Multiple fission
This is a process in which a single cell divides into many cells. For example amoeba makes a
cyst in unfavorable conditions. Its nucleus divides into many nuclei and every part is
surrounded by some cytoplasm. When favorable conditions come, the cyst split into many
cells, each one a new amoeba.
Multiple Fission results in production of many daughter cells.
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In this process an outgrowth (called bud) appears on the surface of an animal and may
separate later on to develop into a new organism. Examples are yeast, hydra.
Budding in yeast
Regeneration is the formation of lost part of the body. Examples are starfish and planaria. If
their one body part is lost then they have ability to grow it again. In star fish an arm is lost
then the arm grows again.
Regeneration in planaira
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Vegetative propagation in plants
It is a process that involves the vegetative propagation of some plant part such as stem or
leaves. Examples are runners, suckers. Runners like grasses and strawberry and suckers like
banana and mint.
Adventitious roots are means of vegetative propagation.
Sexual reproduction in Plants
Flowering plants reproduce by sexual reproduction. Flowers have male and female parts
called stamen and carpel. Fertilization occurs with the help of a process called pollination,
i.e., transfer of pollen grains from anthers of stamen to carpel and then ovary. Pollination is of
two types: self-pollination and cross pollination.
Formation of seed and fruit
Seed is formed from the zygote. It consists of embryo and its food.
When the seed are formed then the wall of ovary becomes fleshy or scaly and
forms fruit wall.
The floral parts (sepals, petals etc.) fall off.
The ripened ovary is called fruit.
Sexual reproduction in Animals
In animals, it occurs through fertilization of gametes (sperms and ova). Gametes are produced
by meiosis which is the reduction division. These have half a number of chromosomes.
Females and males are different in only one pair of chromosomes. Males have a chromosome
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different called a Y chromosome in one pair. So females have an XX pair while males have
Example of Frogs
· Frogs carry out sexual reproduction.
· Female frog lays a large amount of ova in water and male release sperms on these.
· Sperms and ova fertilize to produce zygote.
· Zygote the divide by mitosis to develop a larva which lives in water for a specific
period of time and then by a process called morphogenesis develops into adult frog.
Reproductive system in humans
Humans reproduce sexually by fertilization of gametes called sperms and ova. Gametes are
produced by specialized organs called testes and ovaries. Gametes have a haploid number of
chromosomes, i.e., 23 chromosomes. 22 of these pairs are alike but 23rd pair is different in
males and females. Females have X chromosomes in their gamete while males have an X or
Y. Gender of the child is hence determined by the sperm, X or Y. Female always contribute
an X in gamete. If male gamete has a Y then a male child will be produced. If sperm have an
X then female child will be produced.
Basic components of male reproductive system
Human male reproductive system consists of a pair of gonads called testes, and a system of
accessory tubes. (testis: sing.; testes: plural). Testes are paired which produces sperms. Testes
lie outside the body in the sac called scrotum. From testes, sperms are transferred to main
duct called vas deferns. Vas deferns makes a complex system of ducts called epididymis.
From epididymis, sperms pass through the urinogenital tract and discharged.
Function of testes
Function of testes is to produce sperms and the male hormone testosterone. Testis consists of
a system of tubules called seminiferous tubules.
Process of Spermatogenesis
1. In the seminiferous tubules, germinal epithelium produces the cells called
2. Spermatogonia divide into primary spermatocytes (2N).
3. Primary spermatocytes undergo meiosis to produce secondary spermatocytes (N).
4. Secondary spermatocytes divide further to make 4 haploid cells called spermatids.
5. Spermatids are converted to sperms by morphological changes.
Testis also has some large cells in seminiferous tubules called sertoli cells. These cells
provide support and nourishment to the developing sperms.
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Mature sperm
Basic components of female reproductive system
Female reproductive system consists of a pair of ovaries and an associated system of tubes. A
pair of ovaries lies inside the female body cavity which produces ova. Ovaries leads to the
tubes called oviducts also called fallopian tubes. Oviduct opens into uterus. Ovum is
fertilized in the oviducts then it passes to the uterus where it is implanted. A placenta is
established between the uterine and fetal tissues for the exchange of materials. Uterus is
connected to the vagina through cervix.
Function of ovaries
Function of ovaries is to produce ova and female hormones estrogen and progesterone. Germ
cells in ovary produce many cells called oogonia.
Process of Oogenesis
1. Oogonia produce primary oocyte (2N) by mitosis.
2. The primary oocyte divides by meiosis into secondary oocyte (N) and a polar body.
3. The secondary oocyte divides to form one ovum and a polar body.
4. The first polar body also divides to form 2 polar bodies.
5. Hence from secondary oocyte, one ovum and three polar bodies are produced.
Usually ovary releases one ovum at a time, this is called ovulation. Sometimes it releases
more which may result into fraternal (non-identical) twins.
1. Draw the process of spermatogenesis.
2. Draw the process of binary fission in bacteria.
3. Draw the process of multiple fission in amoeba.
4. Differentiate the process of meiosis in males and females.
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Biology lecture # 12
Ecology I
Ecology is the study of interactions among organisms and their environment.
The physical surroundings of an organism including air, water, soil etc. Organisms have to
interact with environment. Environment provides organisms everything required to live.
Environment is always changing, may be supportive or hostile. Organisms living in an
environment are “best fit” for that particular environment.
Environment consist of biotic and abiotic factors
· Biotic factors
o Animals, plants, fungi, algae, bacteria
· Abiotic factors
o Air, water, soil
What is Ecology?
· The study of interactions between organisms with each other and their environment.
· Biosphere and environment.
o Surface of Earth’s crust
o Water bodies on Earth’s surface
· Atmosphere that surrounds Earth
Soil support life Rain helps in water availability
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Levels of Organization in an Ecosystem
· Species
· Population
· Community
· Ecosystem
Then comes:
· Biome
· Biosphere
Species: male and female Golden Pheasants
Atmosphere • Air
Hydrosphere • Waters
Ecosphere • Ecosystems
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Population is the group of organisms of same species living in an area.
Ecosystem is the area where organisms live in interaction with non-living factors.
Organisms and their environment
Organisms live in specific locations or areas suitable for them. Habitat is the term used for
physical location of organism. Another term is niche. Niche is defined as ecological role of
organisms. Organisms interact with their surroundings; their interaction is termed as niche.
Organisms and their environment
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Biotic and Abiotic Components
· Living / Biotic Components of an Environment
o Animals, plants; Interactions between organisms.
· Non-living / Abiotic Components of an Environment:
o Air, water; Interactions between organisms and their environment.
Energy Flow in Ecology
Main source of energy in an ecosystem is “Sunlight”. Autotrophs (producers) are the
organisms which utilize the energy stored in inorganic compounds and use sunlight to make
their food. These organisms carry out “photosynthesis” and use this energy to convert
“carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and glucose”. The other type of autotrophs makes
carbohydrates using chemical energy e.g., many bacteria. These are called chemoautotroph.
Heterotrophs (consumers) are the organisms that cannot make their own food and depends
upon organic source.
o Herbivores (the organisms that eat plants, i.e., producers; also called primary
o Carnivores (the organisms that eat herbivores or other carnivore animals)
o Omnivores (the organisms that eat upon plants and animals both)
Pyramids in Ecology
· Decomposers (these are the organisms which break down the dead organic matter)
· Consumers (the organisms which feed upon producers or other consumers)
· Producers (the organisms which makes their own food by either using sunlight or
inorganic chemicasl)
Consumers (e.g.,
Producers (e.g., plants)
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An example of ecological Pyramid
Food Chains are straight energy flow relationships in an ecosystem.
Food Webs
Food webs are complex energy flow pathways and relationships in an ecysystem.
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An example of a terrestrial food web
Introduction of the factors that affect the quality of environment
Factors that Affect Environment
· Air currents
· Temperature
· Soil
· Water
· Light
Human interference
Industrial effluents
Industrial growth results in the production of more and more effluents. Industries produce
effluents which may be solid or liquid. These may contain heavy metals, toxic chemicals.
These are disastrous for the biodiversity. These should be treated well. The solution is
treatment plants for removal of dangerous materials.
Forests are cut down for wood; wood may be used in buildings, furniture etc. Forests are also
cut for making towns. This result in destruction of habitats of organisms which may leads to
extinction of many organisms. As organisms are related, results may be increase or decrease
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of number of other organisms, e.g., if sparrows are decreased then insect pests may increase
and destroy crops in that area.
Human interference: littering by the tourists.
Urban spread
As populations are increasing there is an increasing need of towns and cities. Urban spread
requires the cutting of forests or other type of habitat destruction.
Construction of dams, waterways
Dams and water ways etc are constructed on water bodies. These may result in habitat
destruction of fish and other aquatic animals. Loss of biodiversity results in instability of
Agriculture also affect environment. In grasslands keeping too many animals may result into
loss of grass and destruction of ecosystem. In crop growing fields fertilizer use and growing
exhaustive crops (the crops that uses much of soil’s resources) may result in damage to the
Natural factors
Natural disasters like floods, earthquakes etc. may lead towards total or partial habitat
destruction. Both biotic and abiotic factors are affected. The whole structure of ecosystem
may change.
Importance of environment for the healthy living of organisms
Organisms have to live in environment
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Organisms need food, shelter and other resources. If the balance of environment is changed
by extinction of an organism or some other factor then many organism in the food chain or
web are disturbed. A balanced ecosystem is required for healthy living of organisms.
1. Differentiate between niche and habitat.
2. Describe the effects of human interference on ecosystems.
3. Define the following:
a. Population
b. Community
c. Ecosystem
d. Biosphere
4. Describe some abiotic and biotic factors of an ecosystem.
5. Draw a typical water ecosystem.
6. Draw a typical example of terrestrial ecosystem.
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Biology lecture # 13
Ecology II - Ecosystems
Ecosystems - An Introduction
Ecosystem is an area where the organisms are living in an area in interactions with each other
and their physical surroundings. There are many types of ecosystems, mainly divided into
two categories:
o Aquatic ecosystems (ecosystem in water)
o Terrestrial ecosystems (ecosystem on land)
An aquatic ecosystem
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Basic components of an ecosystem; and their roles / significance
Ecosystem consists of:
· Abiotic factors
o Air, water, soil
o Temperature, pH, humidity
· Biotic factors
o Animals, plants, protists, bacteria
Biotic components
· Producers
o Plants, algae
· Consumers
o Animals
· Decomposers
o Fungi, bacteria
Pyramids in Ecosystems
Ecological relationships are also shown in the form of pyramids in ecology. These are called
ecological pyramids or trophic levels. On the base come producers, then consumers and then
A pyramid
Consumers (e.g.,
Producers (e.g., plants)
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The living organisms which make their own food are called producers. Examples include
plants, bacteria and algae. They carry out photosynthesis, carbon dioxide and sunlight to
water and oxygen. They synthesize carbohydrate by a process called Calvin’s cycle. Entry
point of energy in the ecosystem is producers.
These are the organisms that uses organic carbon source. These use carbohydrates produced
by plants. Types include primary, secondary and tertiary consumers. Consumers include
herbivores, carnivores and omnivores.
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These organisms feed upon dead organic matter. These include fungi and bacteria.
Abiotic components of Ecosystem
Water, Light, Air and Soil
· Water is a limiting factor in an ecosystem. It is required by living organisms.
Organisms have to adapt according to the availability of water.
· Sun light is the primary source of energy, e.g. zones of a lake.
· Air manages temperature and other things.
· Soil supports life.
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Climate and weather affect the ecosystem. There are various ecosystems in the world and in
Pakistan according to the climate of the area.
Aquatic Ecosystems
Water is a liquid medium to support life. Aquatic ecosystems may be of fresh water or
marine; a lake or a sea.
Water has some properties
· It changes its temperature slowly; more appropriate for life.
· It absorb considerable amount of energy (sunlight) but at depths its level decreases for
· Nutrients are concentrated at bottom.
· Water is abundantly available in this ecosystem.
Fresh water lakes
· Lakes vary in nutrient, physical conditions and depths.
· Life also varies according to the conditions.
· Lakes have three zones:
o Littoral – shallow water, photosynthesis occur, most diverse, anchored plants,
submerged plants, phyto and zooplankton and fishes.
o Limnetic – upper layer of deep water, have good light penetration, photosynthesis
occur, cynobacteria – protozoans – crustaceans and fishes.
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o Profundal – bottom layer of deep part, almost no light for photosynthesis, high
nutrients on bottom, bacteria – decomposers.
Human interference
Wastes comes from different areas and results in eutrophication. Excessive growth of
cyanobacteria creates a scum on the surface; result is that plants and animals die.
Decomposer bacteria further decompose result in more organic matter. Ultimately habitat
destruction is the result.
Terrestrial Ecosystems
Plants and animals adapts to the changes from water to land habitat. Supporting tissue
developed for the purpose; animals have skeleton and plants have vascular bundles to support
these organisms on land. Water conservation is another adaptation to conserve water.
Types of Terrestrial Ecosystems
Divided into four main types:
o Forest ecosystems
Tropical rain forests
Temperate deciduous forests
Coniferous alpine and boreal forests
o Grassland ecosystems
o Desert ecosystems
· Tundra ecosystems
Major ecosystems in Pakistan
· Pakistan has a variety of climate and seasons.
· Have these main ecosystems:
o Temperate deciduous forests – Shogran and Neelum valley
o Coniferous alpine and boreal forests – Kaghan, Malam Jabba, Dir and Chillas
o Grassland ecosystems – Gilgit, Kashmir, Waziristan, Chitral and Kallat
o Desert ecosystem – Mianwali, Bahawal Nagaar, Bahawalpur and more, Thal,
Thar and Cholistan
o Tundra ecosystem – mountains of Karakoram and Hindukash
Temperate deciduous forest
· Present in Southeast Asia, India, North America, China, Japan etc.
· Have moderate temperature – 4 – 30 C
· Rain fall 750 to 1500 mm
· Plants – Taxus, Pinus, Berberis, ferns, grasses, herbacious; shed their leaves in dry
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· Animals – Rehesus monkeys, leopard, black bears
· Soil - very fertile and rich in nutrients
· Humans hunt animals and cut wood
Coniferous alpine and boreal forest
• Eurasia, North America, Canada
• Low temperature – freezing to 10C
• Snow cover is present
• Harsh climate – less suitable for life
• Highly adapted species lives here, Marco polo sheep, bisons, wolf, black bear
• Plants – Pinus species grow; have long waxy needle like leaves to survive cold
• Human disturbs less because less accessible
Grassland ecosystem
· Pakistan, Eurasian countries, North America
· Two types – Prairies, Savana
· Rain fall 250-750 mm, water is a crucial factor
· Plants are grasses – tall and short, legumes, herbs, mosses, lichens
· Animals are reptiles, amphibians, mammals
· Decomposers are fungi, bacteria
· Human impact – agriculture and live stock
Desert ecosystem
· Rain fall – 25-50 mm
· Perennial plants, cacti, succulent leaves and stems
· Animals adapt to little water, kangroo rats, reptiles, birds
· Human impact – desertification
Tundra ecosystem
· Very cold, snowy
· Small perennial flowers
· Mosquitoes grow well, birds feed upon these (geese, ducks)
· White bears, foxes, snow owls are present
· Human interference can produce long lasting effects because plants grow slowly but
this interference is low due to harsh weather
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A monkey in Ayubia National Park
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Monkeys in Ayubia National park, you can see the solid wastes behind these.
Black bear which was once found in the Ayubia National Park
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A beautiful ecosystem.
1. What is an ecosystem? Name some areas of Pakistan that have desert ecosystems.
2. With the help of a drawing show the grassland ecosystem.
3. Describe various components of an aquatic ecosystem with the help of a diagram.
4. List some effects of human interference on ecosystems.
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Biology lecture # 14
Food Chains and Food Webs
An area where the organisms are living in interactions with each other and their physical
surroundings is called an ecosystem. There are many types of ecosystems, mainly divided
into two categories:
o Aquatic ecosystems (water ecosystems)
o Terrestrial ecosystems (land ecosystems)
Ecosystem consist of biotic (living) and abiotic (non living) components.
· Biotic factors:
o Producers, Consumers, decomposers
o Plants, animals, fungi / bacteria
Biotic factors are in relationship with each other in an ecosystem. These also interact with
abiotic factors present in their surroundings like air, water, sunlight.
Trophic levels
Trophic levels or feeding levels in an ecosystem define roles of the groups of organisms.
· Producers
o Plants, algae
o Consumers
o Animals
o Decomposers
· Decomposers
o Fungi, bacteria
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Pyramids in Ecosystems
Autotrophs – Producers
These are the organisms that make their own food using sunlight as an energy source. These
convert carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates. Producers are the only source for all
organic food in the planet Earth; this is the entry point of energy. These provide food to all
other life forms. Examples include plants, algae.
These are the organisms, which uses inorganic chemicals as energy source and makes
carbohydrates. These lives in deep oceans, where there is no light source. Examples are some
bacteria and deep sea worms.
Heterotrophs – Consumers
Organisms that do not make their own food and get food from other organisms are called
consumers. They get energy by eating either plants or other animals. Their source of food
hence is organic compounds produced by producers. Examples are small and large animals.
Consumers (e.g.,
Producers (e.g., plants)
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Types of Consumers
Consumers are divided into three classes:
◦ Primary consumers – herbivores (plant eaters)
e.g., goats, cows
◦ Secondary consumers – primary carnivores (meat eaters that eat herbivores)
e.g., frogs, snakes
◦ Tertiary consumers – secondary carnivores (meat eaters that eat other meat
e.g., eagle, hawk
Goat – herbivore Squirrel - herbivore
Cat - carnivore
These are the organisms that eat dead organic matter. These feed upon animals and plants –
their fallen parts or dead organisms. These recycle food in the ecosystem, convert non
available organic matter into available matter for producers.
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Food chains
What is a food chain?
Food chain is a one-way flow of energy in an ecosystem.
Producers to consumers to decomposers
In an ecosystem different food chains exist. This is a relationship of eating and being eaten.
Example of a food chain from land (grassland) ecosystem
Grassland ecosystem has following characteristics:
o Rain fall 250-750 mm, water is a crucial factor
o Plants are grasses – tall and short, legumes, herbs, mosses, lichens
o Animals are reptiles, amphibians, mammals
o Decomposers are fungi, bacteria
Sunlight Grass Primary consumer (Rat/Mole)
Tertiary Consumer (Hawk) Secondary Consumer (snake)
A grassland ecosystem food chain
Example of a food chain from aquatic ecosystem
· Aquatic ecosystem is marked by:
o Water, which is a liquid medium to support life.
o May be fresh water or marine; a lake or a sea.
· Light, temperature penetration is important for biodiversity.
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A Simple Food Chain in a Lake
Arctic ecosystem
Food web
What is a food web?
· A network of eating and being eaten.
· Feeding relationships between organisms are not as simple as food chains.
· There is a diversity of organisms and one organism may be eaten by more than one
other organisms.
· Example is grass is eaten by cows, buffaloes
Example of a food web from land (grassland) ecosystem
· Grassland ecosystem have small plants, reptiles, amphibians and mammals.
· Grass is eaten by most of the herbivores.
· Herbivores are eaten by more than one carnivores.
A food web of Grassland Ecosystem
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Example of a food web from aquatic ecosystem
Aquatic ecosystem has phytoplanktons, zooplanktons, plants, animals and decomposers.
Food webs may be simple or complex starting from producers.
A food web in an aquatic ecosystem
Desert Ecosystem
· Dry and hot environment.
· Few specific plants.
· Well adapted animals.
A desert food web
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Forest Ecosystem
· Dense vegetation, animal diversity is high
· Simple to complex food webs
1. Draw a food chain in a grassland ecosystem.
2. Draw a food chain in an aquatic ecosystem.
3. Draw a food web in a forest ecosystem.
4. Draw a food web in a lake ecosystem.
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Biology lecture # 15
Algae and Fungi
Algae are:
The organisms range in size from microscopic unicellular to large sea weeds, demonstrate
following characteristics:
Major producers of oxygen
Provide food for animals in various food chains
Source of chemicals with pharmaceutical value
Utilize carbon dioxide to reduce the greenhouse effect
Source of valuable materials including biofuels, food and agar (part of media for
microbial growth)
Thrived for 1.5 billion years, are an integral part of the global ecosystem
Distinguishing characteristics of algae, with examples
Photosynthetic, autotrophic
Eukaryotic, have cell wall consist of cellulose
Classified by their:
energy storage products
cell walls
colour (due to types and abundance of pigments their plastids)
cellular organization
Reproduce both asexually and sexually
Asexually by mitosis
Sexually when there is environmental stress
Plus and minus gametes fuse to form zygospore which give rise to new
organism e.g. chlamydomonas
Some reproduce by conjugation like spyrogyra
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Volvox is algae consist of rounded colonies
Types of Algae based upon the pigments
Green algae (chlorophyll, soluble in organic solvents only, such as alcohol), 7000
Red algae (have “phycobilins” water soluble pigment) 4000 species, cosmeics, gelatin
Brown algae 1500 species, weeds
Golden brown algae (formation of petroleum products)
Carotenoids are also algal pigments soluble in organic solvents
Euglenoids, both plant and animal like characteristics
Algae could be distinguished by cellular organization:
Unicellular algae: species occur as single, unattached cells that may or may not be
motile. For example, Chlamydomonas, Euglena.
Filamentous algal species occur as chains of cells attached end to end. These
filaments may be few to many cells long and may be unbranched or branched in
various patterns. For example, Spirogyra.
Colonial algae occur as groups of cells attached to each other in a nonfilamentous
manner. For example, a colony may include several cells adhering to each other as a
sphere, flat sheet, or other three-dimensional shape. For example, Volvox.
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Distribution and Significance of algae
Algae are widely distributed in various areas of the world in small to large water bodies.
These are present in small ponds to huge oceans. Green algae are found almost everywhere.
Red algae and brown algae are mostly marine organisms. Euglenoids are fresh water
inhabitants. When algae grow a lot covering large area of water it is called algal blooms.
Important producers of the planet Earth
Algae are producers in many food chains particularly in aquatic ecosystems. These convert
sunlight into energy and carbon dioxide into carbohydrates. These help in reducing the
Greenhouse effect by absorbing carbon dioxide.
Algae as human diet alternatives
Agar is used in the place of gelatin to make gels in many foods. Weeds are part of the salads
and other materials for making various kinds of salads and desserts. Some are used in making
ice creams.
Production of Agar
These are also used in production of Agar which is material extracted from sea weeds and
help in solidifying bacterial growth media.
Agar is very important in scientific research
Used to culture microorganisms on solid surface
A plentiful and cheap source for growing microorganisms
Used in almost all microbiology research laboratories, for example in clinical
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Agar medium to test bacterial growth and effect of an antibiotic on it
Algal Biofuels
Algae can produce huge biomass. This biomass could be used to convert into fuels like
ethanol. Algae are potential source of biofuels.
The Fungi
Fungi are the heterotrophs and major decomposers which feed upon decaying organic matter.
These range in size from microscopic to large ones. These include heterotrophs, symbionts
and parasites.
Distinguishing characteristics of fungi, with examples
Unicellular to multicellular
Body is made of long filaments of hyphae (singular: hypha) which form a mycelium
(collection of hyphae)
Have a cell wall, made up of chitin
Reproduce both asexually and sexually
Mating of hyphae
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Some important groups of Fungi
Phylum Zygomycota = the Bread Molds
e.g. Rhizopus – black bread mold
Phylum Ascomycota = the Sac Fungi
e.g. Yeast
Phylum Basidiomycota = the Club Fungi
e.g. Mushrooms, puffballs, bracket fungi, rusts, smuts
Phylum Deuteromycota = the Fungi Imperfecti
e.g. Penicillium
Life cycle of fungi
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Hyphae and mycelium; Spores on the top (fruiting bodies)
Mating in fungi
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Habitats and Significance of fungi
Fungi grow in almost every habitat imaginable, as long as there is some type of organic
matter present and the environment is not too extreme. It is a diverse group; number of
described species is somewhere between 69,000 to 100,000 (estimated 1.5 million species
total). It is present in soil, water, or on foods. These may also live on animal or plant bodies.
Mycorrhizae are the fungi associated with the roots of vascular plants. Lichens are the
association between fungi and algae.
Lichens consist of association between algae and fungi. It is a symbiotic association. These
are usually the first inhabitants of a new ecosystem.
Fungi are important reducers / decomposers
Feed on dead organic matter
Convert it to less toxic form
Convert into useable form for plant’s use
Food source and food spoilage
Many fungi are source of food and many other spoils foods.
Various types
Poisonous to edible
Used as food, protein source
Some fungi cause spoilage of foods
Bread molds
Sources of medicines
Some fungi are sources for medicines.
Used in medicines
Gorw inside soil
Source of penicillin
Other drugs
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Pathogenic fungi causing diseases in plants and humans
Many fungi are pathogenic and cause infections in animals, plants and human beings. These
may cause skin infections, eye infections and others. Parasites can harm human beings and
plant infections can damage crops.
Yeast is a very important organism for biotechnology and food industry. It is used to make
various biotechnological products. It is eukaryotic and better in making proteins in
comparison to prokaryotes. It is also used in wastewater treatments because it absorbs heavy
metals and converts other contaminants into less toxic form.
Structure of yeast while budding
1. What are important characteristics of algae?
2. What are important uses of fungi?
3. What are lichens and their significance for ecosystems?
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Biology lecture # 16
Animals and Their Importance
Distinguishing Characteristics of Animals, with examples
Consist of eukaryotic cells
Multicellular organisms, from simplest sponges to complex animals like mammals
Highly adapted to their environments
Widely distributed, present in all types of aquatic to terrestrial ecosystems even in air,
e.g., the birds
Important parts of food chains as consumers of different levels
Heterotrophic, rely on organic carbon sources
Independently living or parasitic
Reproduce asexually or sexually
Very important for human beings and the ecosystems
Diversity of animals
These are widely distributed and are present in almost all habitats. There are two major
groups including invertebrates and vertebrates. Animals are wild if these are living in natural
habitat or these are termed as domestic if these are kept for some benefit or as pets. Animals
are kept in captivity or controlled habitats if there is a need in zoological gardens and safari
Phyla of Invertebrates with examples
These are simple animals with one opening as mouth and a body cavity. These are aquatic organisms.
e.g. Sponges
Two layered, no specific organ, porous body
Highly specialized cells
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The animals with 3 body layers. These have stinging cells which have a poison to paralyze or kill the
e.g. Jelly fishes which are marine
Have simple organs
Have stings, mouths, tentacles
Aurelia – a jelly fish.
The worms
These are of different kinds including round worms, flat worms and earth worms.
Regeneration: These have ability to regenerate their lost part.
Parasites, decomposers
Grow very long
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Earthworm and flat worm
Arthropods, widely distributed
These are one of the most diverse groups of animals. These organisms have an exoskeleton.
Four major groups
Arachnids (spiders)
Millipede, centipede
Have sense organs, are segmented, have exoskeleton
House fly Butterfly
These organisms are specific to have shells around their soft bodies.
Soft bodies, hard shells
Aquatic mostly
Snails, lobsters
Some of these make pearls
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These are the animals with spiny skins hence called echinoderms (echino-spiny).
Exclusively marine
Have a water vascular system for the movement
Examples are star fish, sea cucumber, brittle star
Brittle star
Importance of Invertebrates
Invertebrates are very important part of lot of food chains hence important for stability of
For human use:
Sponges are used widely in sound proofing, washing
Worms are important parasites of domestic animals and human beings
Insects are pests of many crops, many useful insects like honey bee, lac insect
Lobsters makes pearls, cultured for pearls
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These are components of Food Webs
Component of aquatic food webs
Components of terrestrial food webs
Maintain ecosystem stability, if one becomes extinct then the whole food chain or
web may become disturbed.
Role in Soil Fertility
Some invertebrates are decomposers, e.g., Earthworm
They feed upon dead organic matter and increase soil fertility
When animals die their bodies become part of soil and decomposed to add nutrients to
Parasitic Invertebrates
These could harm the humans and also harm our domestic animals and crops. There are many
treatments available for these.
Ticks, mites, lice are ectoparasites
Worms are endoparasites
Leeches are ectoparasits
Major Classes of Vertebrates and their Importance
Vertebrates are the organisms with a vertebral column precisely with 3 main characteristics at any
stage of their life including notochord, nerve cord and pharayngeal slits.
Vertebrates are divided into:
Aquatic animals, occupies fresh water and marine habitats, widely distributed, bony or
Have gills for gas exchange, 5 chambered single circuit heart
Have streamlined and slimy body, ectotherms
Have fins (appendages) and tail
Cultured in ponds and caught from natural habitats, are important food source of proteins
Cultured for ornamental purposes
Examples are Rohu, Carps, sharks, electric rays
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An ornamental fish
Are transition between aquatic and land animals
Gills, lungs and cutaneous respiration
5 chambered double circuit heart, mixing of blood
Some part of the life is aquatic and some part terrestrial
Produce large number of eggs, no parental care
Examples are frogs, toads
A frog
Of diverse types, widely distributed, aquatic and marine
Highly adapted for hot dry habitats such as deserts
Terrestrial animals, ectotherms
Scaly skin, four chambered double circuit heart
Lungs for gas exchange
e.g. lizards, chameleon, turtles, tortoises, crocodiles, snakes, gavials
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An alligator
Arial mode of life, terrestrial life, fore arms modified into wings
Endotherms, 4 chambered heart
Lungs and air sacs for respiration
Lays fewer eggs, provide parental care
Bones light weight called hollow bones
Grain eaters to omnivores
e.g. parrots, pigeons, peacock, pelican, king fisher
A type of crane
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Widely distributed, most complex, endotherms
4 chambered heart, lungs for gas exchange
Highly developed brains
Young ones are born mostly, mother feed them with milk, provide parental care
Have hairs on their body, provide insulation
Thick skin with skin sensory receptors
Heterotrophs, herbivores to omnivores
A rhinoceros
Importance of Vertebrates
These are beneficial
Important parts of food chain and webs
Beauty and diversity of nature
Provides protein foods to human beings, eggs, milk, meat, honey
Furs and feathers are used for various purposes
By products of fish industry
Pearls, clam culture
Lac insect and silk worm
Snake venom for medicines
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These are harmful
Poisonous animals, e.g. frogs, snakes,
Parasitic animals, e.g. worms, mites, ticks
Insect pests of crops
Other animal pests e.g. rats
Termites damage woody structures of buildings
1. How biology helps in dealing with parasites?
2. How can we use knowledge of biology to improve our animal keeping capability?
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Biology lecture # 17
Applications of Biology
Biology – Useful for Humankind and World
· Demands and problems are increasing with increase in population.
· Biologists investigate phenomena of nature and problem and find ways to resolve these.
· They introduced techniques and technologies to explore all biological resources to cope
demands and resolve problems.
· Biotechnology is the use and manipulation of biological processes, organisms and
systems to manufacture products to improve the quality of human life.
· The term biotechnology was first used in 1970’s.
· Some important applications
Genetic Engineering
Fermentation and Microorganisms
Genetic Engineering
· It is a process in which a useful gene is taken from one organism and inserted into
another organism. The resulting organism is called transgenic.
· This process is carried out with the help of vectors and enzymes.
· Most common vector is bacterial plasmid.
· Most common enzymes are restriction endonucleases or restriction enzymes.
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The Process of Genetic Engineering: Transgenic organisms (organisms that acquires a
foreign gene)
Transgenic bacteria
o E. coli – most commons microorganisms in biotechnology because these have
many strains (types) which are non-pathogenic, i.e., these cannot produce
o GRAS (Generally regarded as Safe) Organisms are those which are known for
their non-pathogenecity.
o Chemical industry: Acids and alcohols are produced using bacteria.
o Pharmaceutical industry
o Formation of insulin by E. coli for diabetic patients
o Formation of human growth hormone for dwarf children
o Formation of vaccines
Transgenic Bacteria
Transgenic bacteria are used in many industries, for example:
o Food industry
o Yogurt, Cheese, Sour creams are prepared using microorganisms
o Breads b use of yeast
o Beverages, drinks by yeasts or some bacteria
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o Treatment of waste materials is also carried out using different form of bacteria
or even yeast. The microorganisms are used to treat:
o Solid wastes
o Waste water
o Oil spills
o Nuclear wastes
o Bacteria and algae are also helpful in biofuels production (biogas, biodiesel etc).
Transgenic plants
These plants are produced to develop certain specific properties in these, for example, resistance to
viruses. Some examples are following:
o Virus resistant crops (cotton)
o Insect resistant corn
o Genetically modified banana
o Pesticide resistant crops
o FOOD SAFETY AND SECURITY: This is very important in modifying food
crops particularly that if we are inserting a gene of resistance or else, the plant
should not develop any harmful characteristic. For this purpose, before selling
any transgenic seed or other product to market, it is tested for safety. This is
called biosafety.
Transgenic animals
o Transgenic mice as model of human disease
o Obese rats, diabetic mice
o Genetically modified organisms to increase milk yield
o Genetically modified farm animals to produce antibodies
o FOOD SAFETY AND SECURITY: This is very important in modifying food
producing animals particularly that if we are inserting a gene of interest the
animal should not develop any harmful characteristic. For this purpose, before
selling any transgenic product to market, it is tested for safety. This is called
Fermentation Pathways
Microorganisms carryout fermentation, i.e., utilization of anaerobic pathway for production
of energy. They produce many useful products for us during these pathways. These products
are commercially produced by growing such organism in mass culture in very big vessels
called fermenters or bioreactors.
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Following products are obtained by this process:
· Biofuels
· Acids and alcohols
· Yogurt, cheese, sour creams
· Bread
· Beer, wine
Applications of biology in culturing Animal
Animals are traditionally cultured for their products
· Meat from fish, chicken, goats, cows
· Milk from cows, buffaloes
· Eggs from hens, ducks
· Wool from sheep
· Leather industry uses skins
· Honey from Honey bee
· Silk from silk worm
Poultry farms provide us with meat and eggs.
Common types of animal cultures
Ornamental fish
Seri culture (Silk worm)
Dairy and Poultry
Apiculture (honey bee)
Biological pest control
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We discuss these one by one briefly.
Culturing animals in water is called aquaculture for example fish farming.
· Fish farming, Prawn culture
· Pearl oyster culture
· Other aquacultures (clams, lobsters etc.)
· Byproducts of fishing industry include many cosmetics and some animal diets.
Biology helps in improvement of fish varieties and also extraction of various products from
these, for example:
Selection of fishes in a fish pond (herbivores, carnivores)
Feed for fishes which may increase their production
Diseases and their treatment: biology help in finding causes of diseases and their
Aquaculture for Ornamental Fish
Ornamental fishes are the beautiful usually small fishes kept in small aquaria in houses or
other places like hotels. Biology helps in:
Feed: which is good for their maintenance
Diseases: how can we handle diseases
Requirements for healthy culture in small to large aquaria
We keep aquaria at home
Culture of silk moth for making silk on mulberry leaves is called sericulture. It is a popular
home industry in many parts of the world
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Biology helps in improvement of this culture:
Process of making silk
Diseases in moth or larvae can result in huge loss
Biology helps in making new varieties, e.g., wingless variety, varieties which
completes 5-6 cycles in a year
Sericulture, a cocoon on the leaf of mulberry
Dairy and poultry
Biology plays very important roles in dairy and poultry industries. Biology helps in many
ways for example:
· Improved breeding techniques and cross breeds (more vigorous and resistant).
· Improved quality and quantity yield of meat, milk, wool and eggs.
· Diagnosis and cure for diseases in farm animals.
· Biological knowledge is also helping in providing balanced food for best yield.
Apiculture (honey bee)
Keeping the honey bee for honey production is called Apiculture (Bee keeping). Biologists
explore the phenomena behind Honey production, like knowledge of biology tells us that:
Honey bee is a social insect and lives in large colonies
Queen bee, drones and workers
Biology helps in understanding how this system works and can help in production of better
varieties and improved system for culturing these animals to increase yield of honey.
Mulberry leaf
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Honey bee (small sized) Honey bee (large sized)
A unit of honey bee keeping farm
Biological pest control
A large number of organisms damage the useful plants or animals and can cause huge losses.
These are called pests, e.g., many insects damage crops.
There are few ways to control pests:
Primary or cultural control
o Crop rotation rather than monoculture, i.e., different crops are grown at different
Chemical control
o Various chemicals are used to kill insects but insects may develop resistance and
chemicals are dangerous for health
· Biological control means that the pests are controlled or killed by living organisms.
Man’s head is covered
while handling bees.
Man’s hands are also covered.
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o This is the most promising method of pest control
o The natural enemies and predators of the pests are used to kill the pests
o Lady beetles for citrus fruits
o Bacillus thuringienesis for cotton
Selection of biological control agent needs care. These should be ecologically safe. For
example if we introduce a sparrow for eating an insect and that sparrow also start eating some
plants. This will be even more harmful for crops and environment.
Advantages of biological pest control
They do not pollute the environment.
They do not disturb the natural ecosystem.
A more permanent control because pest usually do not develop resistance
Applications of Biology in agriculture and plant growth
Plants are in many ways useful
· Parts of ecosystems, producers
· Food crops: crops, which makes our food like wheat, rice, vegetables.
· Many useful products like perfumes, medicines, furniture
· Beauty of the nature, ornamental plants
Biology helps in:
· Understanding the life cycles and methods of spread
· Better varieties by cross breeding or genetic engineering
· Disease mechanisms and control
· Appropriate soil, fertilizers and water availability
1. Discuss the role of biology in apiculture.
2. Describe the process of sericulture.
3. What are important advantages of biocontrol?

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