Basic II-Chemistry (BIO102) book HANDOUTS in pdf
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Lecture 1
Atomic Structure
Man has known the fact that matter is composed of very very small particles since ancient times.
It is generally accepted that the concept that matter is discontinuous and composed of tiny
particles was first given by the Greek philosophers of the fifth century BC, Leucippos and
Democritos. It is notable that Plato and Aristotle did not believe in the existence of atoms and
regarded the matter as continuous. Later in 100 BC a Roman poet Lucretius illustrated the idea of
atom by his poetry. The word atom is from Greek words ‘a’ meaning ‘not’ and ‘tomos’ meaning
divisible. Thus, the meaning of atom is the particle that is indivisible.
In 1808, John Dalton (1766-1844), an English schoolteacher put forward the concept of atom on
the scientific grounds. He proposed that the elements of atoms that are indivisible.
Today, the atom is defined as the smallest particle of an element that can enter into chemical
Atom is not indivisible. It is, in fact, a tiny organized system consisting of smaller particles. These
smaller particles that make up the atom are called subatomic particles. Subatomic particles of
fundamental importance are electrons, protons and neutrons. These particles combine together in
varying number to form atoms of different elements.
The number of protons in its atoms is the characteristic property of an element. All the atoms of
an element have the same number of protons. The atoms of different elements have different
number of protons. A neutral atom has as many electrons as protons. Number of neutrons is not
fixed. Generally, it is equal to the number of protons in the lighter atoms, and much higher than
the number of protons in the heavier atoms. Atoms of the same element can have different
number of neutrons. Such atoms are called isotopes. Most elements have two or more isotopes.
Now, the question is how were electrons, protons, and neutrons discovered? There are a number
of experiments that ultimately led to the discovery of these particles and their arrangement in the
atom. These experiments include:
· Passage of electricity through solutions
· Discharge tube experiments
· Radioactivity
· Chadwick’s experiment
· Spectroscopic studies
There are numerous substances that pass electricity in solution or in their molten state. They are
called electrolytes, and the process is called electrolysis. Electrolysis was thoroughly studied by
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an English scientist Michael Faraday (1791-1867), who in 1832-1833 found out the relationship
between the quantity of electricity passed through the solution and the quantity of matter
deposited at the electrodes as a result of the passage of electricity, and put forward his two famous
Faraday’s experimental results led George John Stone Stone Stoney in 1874 to conclude
that electricity like matter is discontinuous and consists of particles. In 1891, he gave the name
electron to this particle of electricity. (Electron is a Greek word for ‘amber’ which is electrified
when rubbed with wool).
Discharge Tube Experiments
(Crookes tube Experiments)
Discharge tube experiments provided strong evidence for the existence of subatomic particles. A
discharge tube is a glass tube having two electrodes sealed in at each end. It is connected to a high
voltage battery to provide required voltage and to a vacuum pump to evacuate air or gas from the
Since William Crookes, a British physicist, was the first of several scientists to construct
discharge tubes, these are also known as Crookes tubes.
Working: At ordinary pressure, electricity does not pass through the tube since gases are nonconductor
of electricity. As the gas or air from the tube is gradually evacuated with the vacuum
pump, pressure decreases in the tube; a number of interesting phenomena are observed one after
the other.
When the pressure is reduced to a very small value, around 0.01-0.001 torr, an electric
discharge takes place producing a uniform glow inside the tube. Experiments have shown that it is
due to a radiation emitted from the cathode, which travels towards the anode. Because the rays are
emitted from cathode they are given the name cathode rays. Now the question is what are these
cathode rays? The cathode rays are the streams of electrons emitted from the cathode. All
electrons have the same charge and mass; they all are identical.
All atoms contain smaller particles called electrons. All electrons are identical. An
electron is a negatively charged particle. Its charge is –1.6 x 10-19 coulombs. An electron is an
extremely small material particle with a mass of 9.1 x 10-28 grams.
In 1886, E. Goldstein, a German physicist discovered that in addition to cathode rays,
another type of rays is also produced in the discharge tube which travel in the direction opposite
to that of cathode rays. The rays were given the name canal rays as they passed through the canals
of the cathode. These rays were made up of positively charged particles. These particles are
formed due to the ionization of the atoms or molecules of the gas present in the tube. In the
discharge tube, cathode rays, the electrons, collide with the atoms or molecules of the gas in the
tube and knock out one or more electrons from these atoms or molecules leaving them with a
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positive charge. When an atom or molecule loses one or more of its electrons, it acquires a net
positive charge equal to the number of electrons lost. For example, hydrogen and helium may
produce H+2 and He+ ions. They may also produce H+ and He2+ ions.
Thus, positive rays are the stream of positive ions of the gas present in the tube that are produced
due to the ionization of their atoms or molecules.
Out of all positive ions obtained from different gases, the lightest ion was that of hydrogen. This
ion, H+, was named as proton (Greek protos, ‘first’) by Rutherford in 1920. It carries a charge
equal to that of an electron but opposite in sign. The ions produced from all gases in the discharge
tube have been found to have charge that is integral multiple of the charge of a proton (H+ ion). It
shows that atoms contain one or more positively charged particles, the protons.
By the end of the nineteenth century it became all clear that atoms consist of negatively charged
electrons and a positively charged part, but it was not clear how atoms are constructed. In 1898,
J.J. Thomson suggested that an atom might be a positively charged sphere in which negatively
charged electrons are embedded. This model of the atom is sometimes called the “plum pudding”
model. Of course, it was based on insufficient information and soon found to be incorrect.
Today, it is known that neutron is a neutral particle with mass 1.008665 amu or 1.675x10-24 g.
The nucleus of every atom contains neutrons alongwith protons except ordinary hydrogen, which
has no neutron.
Rutherford’s Experiment
In 1909, Ernest Rutherford, with Hans Geiger and Ernest Marsden, performed a very important
experiment. In their experiment they shot a stream of high-speed a-particles at very thin sheets of
various materials such as gold. They observed that most of the a-particles (about 99.9%) passed
through the sheet without any deflection. However, some particles deflected through various
angles, and a few almost completely reversed their direction.
Rutherford’s atomic model: To explain the results of his experiment, Rutherford in 1911 proposed
an atomic model. The main points of his model are as follows:
An atom consists of a nucleus which contains almost all mass and all positive charge of the atom.
Around the nucleus, there are electrons which revolve around the nucleus just as the planets
revolve around the sun.
Atomic spectra have greatly helped us in understanding the electronic structure of the atom. The
light emitted from an atom gives us information about the electronic structure of that atom.
Light has many forms such as visible or white light, ultraviolet light, infrared light, X-rays and yrays
etc. all these forms of light propagate through space as electromagnetic waves. Like all other
waves, electromagnetic waves are described in terms of their velocity, frequency, wavelength,
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and amplitude. The wavelength, λ(lambda), is the distance between two successive crests or
troughs of the wave. The frequency, v (nu), is the number of wave crests or troughs that pass a
given point in one second. Light travels with a constant speed of 3.00 x 108 m/s, c. Frequency is
inversely proportional to wavelength at constant velocity. Thus,
v = c/λ
All electromagnetic waves have the same speed in space but their wavelengths and frequencies
vary. The wavelength of the visible or white light is about 400 to 750 nm, (4000 to 7500A0)
Continuous spectrum
A spectrum is a display of component colours (or wavelengths) of radiation on a screen or
photographic plate. Visible light is composed of a mixture of electromagnetic waves of all
wavelengths (frequencies) ranging from about 400 nm to 750 nm. When a narrow beam of visible
light is passed through a glass prism it is spread out into a band of colours ranging from longwavelength
red light to short-wavelength violet light. A prism refracts light to different
wavelengths through different angles and thus disperses the beam of light into its component
wavelengths to form a continuous spectrum. A continuous spectrum contains all the wavelengths
present in that range. All the colours are present in continuity and there is no demarcation or dark
band between them.
Atomic Spectrum
When an element in its atomic form is heated, it emits radiation. If a beam of light emitted by a
sample of an excited element is passed through a prism, a spectrum containing only a few lines
(wavelengths) is obtained. This spectrum is known as a line spectrum. Since the light is emitted
by atoms of an element, the spectrum is also called an atomic emission spectrum (or simply
emission spectrum or atomic spectrum). The dark regions of the spectrum correspond to the
wavelengths for which light is not emitted. On the other hand, if we pass a beam of white light
through a sample of unexcited gas (any element in gaseous state) and the transmitted light is
passed through a prism, the spectrum obtained is called an absorption spectrum. The absorption
spectrum of an element is also a line spectrum. It is the photographic negative of the emission
spectrum. The absorption spectrum of an element lacks those wavelengths that are present in its
emission spectrum.
Significantly, each element displays a characteristic set of lines in its emission or absorption
spectrum. An element emits the same wavelengths that it absorbs. Thus, the emission or
absorption spectra can serve as “fingerprints” on the basis of which the elements can be
Atomic Spectra of Hydrogen
Hydrogen is the simplest element. A number of scientists studied the emission of radiation from
hydrogen atom. The atomic spectrum of hydrogen consists of several series of lines.
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Planck’s Quantum Theory of Light:
In 1099, Max Planck proposed a revolutionary theory about the nature of light. The theory
successfully explained several observations concerning the interaction of light and matter, which
could not be explained by the wave theory of light. The theory is called Plank’s quantum theory
of light. It states:
1) Light is emitted or absorbed by matter discontinuously in the form of discrete packets or
bundles of energy called quanta (singular quantum). These quanta of light are also named
as photons.
2) Each photon of light has a particular amount of energy which is proportional to the
frequency of light.
Here E is the energy, v is the frequency, ? is the wavelength, c is the velocity of light, and h is the
constant of proportionality called the Planck’s constant. Its value is 6.63 x 10-34 joule second.
The Planck’s quantum theory, thus, says that light is discontinuous and consists of discrete
particles called photons. The light (energy) is absorbed or emitted by a substance in the form of
these photons.
Bohr’s Atomic Model
Keeping in view the Rutherford’s atomic model, the Planck’s quantum theory of light, and the
results of the studies of atomic spectra, Neils Bohr (1885 – 1962), a Danish physicist, in 1913 put
forward his model of atomic structure. The postulates of this model are as follows:
1. Electrons revolve around the nucleus in certain fixed orbits, or stationary states. It means
that the energy of the electrons is quantified, that is, an electron can have only certain
discrete quantities of energy and none in between. The orbits are also called energy levels.
2. Only those orbits are possible for which the angular momentum (mvr) of an electron is the
integral multiple of h/2?. That is,
mvr = n x h/2? Where n = 1,2,3,4,…
Where m is the mass, v the velocity, r the radius of the orbit of an electron, h is the
Planck’s constant. n specifies the orbits. When n = 1, this is orbit number 1, when n = 2,
this is orbit number 2, and so on.
3. As long as an electron moves in its own orbit, no emission or absorption of radiation
4. Emission or absorption of radiation takes place when an electron jumps from one orbit to
another. An electron jumps from an orbit of lower energy (an inner orbit) to an orbit of
higher energy (an outer orbit) as a result of the absorption of radiation. When an electron
jumps from an orbit of higher energy to an orbit of lower energy, radiation is emitted. The
energy of the light absorbed or emitted is equal to the difference of the energies of the
orbits between which the electronic transition occurs.
:. ΔE = E2 – E1 = hv
Radii or Orbits: Different orbits have different radii. On the basis of Bohr’s atomic model, radii of
the electronic orbits can be determined.
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Ground State and Excited State
The ground state of an electron is the lowest energy state that an electron normally occupies.
When energy is absorbed, the electron jumps to a higher energy state. This higher energy state is
known as the excited state (higher energy state). The ground state of an electron is the stable state
while the excited states are unstable states. As a result of absorption of energy when an electron
jumps to an excited state, it immediately jumps back to the ground state with the emission of
Wave Nature of Matter:
In 1924, a French physicist Louis de Broglie, using Planck’s equation (E = hv) and Einstein’s
equation (E = mc2), put forward a hypothesis that electron (and hence matter) possesses wave
properties. That is, electron is a wave. Later, Davison and Germer in 1927 experimentally
discovered the wave nature of electron. Subsequently, other particles, such as protons, neutrons
and helium nuclei (a-particles) were also shown to exhibit wave properties.
The wave behaviour of matter can only be observed for very small particles. For big bodies the
associated wavelength is much too small to be observed.
In short, under certain conditions, an electron resembles a particle while under some other
conditions, it behave as if it is a wave. The electron and hence the matter possesses dual nature.
However, it has been found that electrons can be treated as wave more effectively than as small
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
In 1927, Werner Heisenberg (1901–1976), a German physicist, put forward a principle called the
Heisenberg uncertainty principle (or Heisenberg indeterminacy principle). It states:
“It is impossible to determine with exact accuracy both the momentum and the position of an
electron (or any other body) simultaneously.”
It means the more accurately we know the momentum of an electron, the less accurately can we
know its position and vice versa.
Thus, Bohr’s model of an electron moving with a known velocity (or momentum, as it is mv), in a
well-defined orbit (that is, with known position) cannot be correct. In other words, we cannot say
where an electron lies around the nucleus.
Quantum Mechanics
The concepts given by Planck, Bohr, de Broglie, Heisenberg, and others ultimately led to the
development of a new theory of the structure of atom, known as quantum mechanics or wave
mechanics. Quantum mechanics replaced the classical mechanics (the Newtonian mechanics).
If the electron is a wave, then it should be possible to describe it with the help of some
mathematical equations like the other waves. In 1926, Erwin Schrodinger (1887–1961) succeeded
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to develop an equation. This equation is the foundation stone of the quantum mechanics. It offers
a mathematical approach to understanding the wave nature of matter.
The quantum mechanical treatment of an electron is highly mathematical as the Schrodinger
equation is a very complex equation. Hydrogen is the only atom for which it has been solved.
Each solution of this equation is described by a set of constant numbers called quantum numbers.
Quantum Numbers
The quantum mechanics explains the structure of atom with the help of four quantum numbers.
These numbers are used to describe the distribution of electrons in space around the nucleus. The
quantum numbers and their significance are given below:
1. Principal Quantum Number, n
The principal quantum number (n) describes the main energy level, or shell, that an electron
occupies in an atom. n may be any positive integer:
n = 1, 2, 3, ……
When n = 1, it is the first main energy level, or the first shell. When n =2, it is the second shell.
And, so on. A main energy level or shell is the main region around the nucleus in which an
electron may be present. Shells 1, 2, 3, 4,….. are also sometimes called K, L, M, N, …….shells.
2. Azimuthal (or subsidiary) Quantum Number, l
Azimuthal quantum number (l) describes subshells or sublevels in shells or main energy levels. It
denotes the shape of the region in space an electron occupies. Its values are given by:
l = 0 to (n – 1)
Thus, when n = 1, then
l = 0
When n = 2, then l = 0, 1
When n = 3, then l = 0, 1, 2
And, so on.
Thus, the values of l designate subshells or sublevels that electrons can occupy in a main shell.
Each value of l is given a letter notation. Thus:
l = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …….
s, p, d, f, g, h,..........
Thus, in the first shell (n = 1, l = 0), there is one subshell and it is s. In the second shell there are
two subshells, s and p. in the third shell (n = 3), there are three subshells, s, p and d. In the fourth
shell (n = 4), there are four subshells (s, p, d, and f). And, so on. Notice that the number of
subshells in any given shell is simply equal to the value of n for that shell.
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(The first four letters (s, p, d, f) find their historical origin in the study of the atomic spectra of the
alkali metals. In these spectra four series of lines are observed and they are termed as the sharp,
principal, diffuse and fundamental series. For l = 4, 5, …… we just continue with the alphabet.)
Notice that the electrons in their ground state in atoms of all elements occupy only s, p, d and f.
3. Magnetic Quantum Number, m
It designates the spatial orientation of the region an electron occupies. This region is called an
orbital. An orbital is the region around the nucleus in which the probability of finding an electron
is maximum. Each subshell is composed of one or more orbitals. The values of m are given by:
m = -l, …….0…….+l
Thus, when l = 0, m = 0
When l = 1, m = -1, 0, +1
When l = 2, m = -2, -1, 0, +1, +2
When l = 3, m = -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3
Values of m serve to determine the orientation of an orbital in space relative to the other orbitals.
In subshell s, there is only one orbital s. In subshell p, there are three orbitals, px, py ,pz. In
subshell d, there are five orbitals, and in subshell f, there are seven orbitals.
4. Spin Quantum Number, s
It refers to the spin of an electron. Electron has a spin, that is, it rotates about its own axis. An
electron can spin only in either of two directions, clockwise or anticlockwise. Therefore, s has
only two values +1/2 and –1/2.
Atomic Orbitals:
From the above discussion we can conclude that in an atom there are various main energy levels
or shells. Each shell has one or more sublevels or subshells. Each subshell consists of one or more
orbitals. An orbital is the actual region where an electron is found. It can be defined as follows:
“An orbital is the region around the nucleus in which the probability of finding an electron is
Note that an orbital can have a maximum of two electrons.
Each s orbital in an atom is spherically symmetrical with respect to the nucleus. That is, an s
orbital in shape is like a symmetrical sphere such as a football. Each p orbital is like a dumbbell.
The three p orbitals (px, py and pz) are present perpendicular to one another. Subscripts x, y and z
indicate the axis along which each of the three two-lobed p orbitals is directed. The d and f
orbitals have complex shapes.
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The arrangement of electrons in shells, subshells and rbitals in an atom is called the electronic
configuration. The electronic configuration of an atom is governed by the following rules and
1. Pauli Exclusion Principle,
Since electrons are described by four quantum numbers, any two electrons in an atom must differ
in at least one quantum number. Pauli Exclusion Principle states:
“ In an atom no two electrons can have the same values of the four quantum numbers.”
It can also be stated as:
“An orbital can accommodate no more than two electrons and these electrons must have opposite
Take the example of helium, He, which has two electrons, both the electrons are in 1s orbital. We
express this as 1s2. These two electrons have the same three quantum numbers, for both
n = 1
l = 0
m = 0
But, they differ in the fourth quantum number. If for one electron
s = + 1/2
then for the other s = -1/2
The two electrons having opposite spins are said to be “paired”, while if there is only one
electron in an orbital, it is called “unpaired”.
(Pauli exclusion principle was put forward by a Swiss physicist Walgang Pauli (1900-1958) in
2. Aufbau Principle
( Aufbau is from German aufbauen meaning “to build up”). This principle states:
“In an atom an electron tends to occupy the lowest energy orbital available.”
As we go away from the nucleus, the energy of the shells increases. In writing electronic
configuration, we start filling electrons from 1s. When it is completely filled, we go to 2s the to
2p and son on. Consider the following:
H (Z =1) 1s1
He (Z = 2) 1s2
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Li (Z= 3) 1s2, 2s1
Be (Z=4) 1s2, 2s2
B (Z=5) 1s2, 2s2, 2p1
C (Z=6) 1s2, 2s2, 2p2
N ( Z =7) 1s2, 2s2, 2p3
O ( Z =8) 1s2, 2s2, 2p4
F (Z=9) 1s2, 2s2, 2p5
Ne (Z=10) 1s2, 2s2, 2p6
Na (Z=11) 1s2, 2s2, 2p6 , 3s1
3. (n+l) Rule
This rule states: “The orbital with the lowest energy is the one for which the sum of n and l is
lowest. When two orbitals have the same ( n + l ) value, the orbital with the lower n value has the
lower energy.
Take the example of potassium (K) that has 19 electrons. The first eighteen electrons have the
following arrangement:
1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6
Where will go the 19th electron, to orbital 3d or 4s? Let us apply (n+l) rule, for 3d
n + l
3 + 2 =5
and for 4s
n + l
4 + 0 =4
Thus, 4s has lower energy than 3d; the 19th electron will go to 4s.
K (Z = 19) 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6 ,4s1
4. Hund’s Rule
All the orbitals in a subshell have equal energy. How are then electrons filled in a subshell?
Hund’s rule states:
“As long as the orbitals of same energy available, electrons occupy the separate orbitals and
have parallel spins.”
Atomic Radius
The size of an atom is measured in terms of radius. It is not possible to determine the precise size
of an atom since the outermost shell of an atom has no precise outer boundary. As we go away
from the nucleus, the electron density decreases to a very small value but it does not become
exactly zero even at a large distance from the nucleus. Moreover, we cannot isolate a single atom
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and measure its diameter the way we can measure the diameter of a football. We can estimate
only the radius of a combined atom. Moreover, the size of the electronic cloud also depends upon
its environment. In spite of all these difficulties, we talk about the atomic size because it is very
useful in understanding many properties of elements. The atomic radius is defined as follows.
“The half of the bond length of a homonuclear diatomic molecule is called the atomic radius of
the bonded atoms.”
That is, if two atoms of the same element are covalently bonded, the half of the bond length will
be the radius of each atom.
For Example, H-H bond length is 0.78 A. The one-half of this distance is 0.37 A. This is the
atomic radius of hydrogen. Similarly, the CI-CI bond length is 1.98 A, the atomic radius of CI is
0.99 A. Other atomic radii can be found in a similar way. This atomic radius is the covalent
radius since it is the radius of an atom involved in a covalent bond, and not the radius of a free
If we know the length of a bond between two dissimilar atoms (A-B), and the radius of one of
them, we can calculate the atomic radius of the other:
rA + rB = A-B bond length
Change of atomic radius in the periodic table
1. Atomic radius decreases as we go from left to right in the periodic table. It is because as
we go from left to right in a period, the nuclear charge increases. This increasing nuclear
charge pulls the valence electrons with increasing force and as a result the atomic radius
decreases from left to right in the periodic table.
2. Atomic radius increases as we go from top to bottom in a group. It is because the number
of shells increases in going from top to bottom. The increasing number of shells increases
the atomic radius.
Ionic Radius
When one or more electrons are added to an atom, a negative ion, anion, is formed. While, when
one or more electrons are removed from an atom, a positive ion, cation, is formed .In general,
cations are always smaller than the neutral atoms from which they are formed, whereas, anions
are larger than the neutral atoms from which they are formed.
The decrease in the size of a cation is due to two factors:
1) The removal of electron(s) from the outermost shell. Often all the electrons from the
outermost shell are removed which means the removal of a whole shell.
2) The decrease in the total electron-electron repulsion. For example, radius of Na = 1.86A
and that of Na+ = 0.95 A.
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The increase in the size of an anion is due to the added repulsion between the new electrons and
the electrons already present. For example, radius of CI=0.99 A and of CI- = 1.81 A.
In a series of ions of different elements having the same number of electrons (isoelectronic ions)
the size decreases with the increase in the nuclear charge.
Ionization Energy
Since electrons are attracted by the nucleus, energy must be supplied to remove an electron from
an atom. This energy is called ionization energy or ionization potential, and defined as follows:
“The minimum amount of energy required to remove the most loosely bound electron from an
isolated gaseous atom in its ground state is called the ionization energy,”
For example, the ionization energy of Na is 495.8 kJ/mol.
An atom has as many ionization energies as it has electrons. The energy required to remove the
first electron is called the first ionization energy, the energy required to remove the second
electron is known as the second ionization energy, and so forth. For example, for calcium the first
ionization energy (IE) is 590 kJ/ mol.
The second ionization energy is 1145 kJ/ mol.
The ionization energy depends on the following factors
1. Atomic radius
The greater the atomic radius, the farther away is the outermost electron from the nucleus; the
easier it is to remove it. Thus, lower will be the ionization energy.
2. Nuclear Charge
The greater the nuclear charge, the more attracted will be the electrons by the nucleus, and the
higher will be the ionization energy.
3. Shielding effect
The intervening shells between the nucleus and the outermost electrons reduce the
attraction between the nucleus and the outermost electrons. This effect is known as the shielding
or screening effect. The greater the shielding effect, the easier it will be to remove the electron,
and the lower will be the ionization energy. The shielding effect increases from top to bottom in
the periodic table with the increase in the number of shells.
4. Type of orbital
The order of ionization energy with respect to orbitals is
s > p> d > f
It is most difficult to remove an electron from an s orbital because it is least diffused. The f is the
most diffused orbital, so it is the easiest to remove an electron from f orbital.
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Change of IP in the period table.
In the periodic table the ionization energy increases from left to right due to decrease in the
atomic size and increase in the nuclear charge.
From top to bottom in a group, the ionization energy decreases due to increase in the atomic size
and increase in the shielding effect.
Electron Affinity
Electron affinity can be defined as follows. When an electron enters an atom, energy is either
released or absorbed. This energy is called electron affinity. Thus:
“The amount of energy evolved or absorbed when an electron is added to a gaseous atom in its
ground state is called electron affinity.”
Electron affinity shows the ability of an atom to accept one or more electrons. When a chlorine
atom accepts an electron 348kJ/mol energy is released.
Cl(g) + e ----------------Cl(g) EA= -348 kJ/mol
The halogens that have the most negative electron affinities readily form negative ions. By
accepting one electron a halogen atom assumes the stable electronic configuration of the noble
gas immediately following it.
In general, electron affinity becomes more and more negative in going from left to right in the
periodic table as the nuclear charge increases and the atomic radius decreases.
Some elements gain more than one electrons to form anions. For example, oxygen gains two
electrons to form a bivalent anion.
O(g) + e ---------------- O (g) EA = -142 kJ/mol
O(g) + e ---------------- O(g) EA = +780 kJ/mol
In the second step energy is absorbed. Electron affinities of anions are always positive. This is
because of the repulsion between the negative ion and the incoming electron.
Problem: (a) Which element should easily form the cation: K (IP= 419kJ/mol or F (IP=
(b) Which element should easily form anion: Na (EA= -53kJ/mol) or Br (EA= -324kJ/mol)?
Answer: (a) K, (b) Br.
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Lecture 2
Matter and Energy
Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry: Matter and Chemistry
Chemistry is a branch of science that deals with matter and changes that occur in it. In chemistry
we also study theories, laws and principles related to changes in matter. More precisely, in
chemistry we study chemical and physical changes and properties of elements and compounds.
In this lecture our focus is on the basic concepts of chemistry. There are many concepts that are
used in chemistry. The fundamental concepts include atom, molecule, ion, element, compound,
mixture, symbols, formulas, equations, atomic number, mass number, atomic mass, molecular
mass, mole, etc.
Matter is any substance that has physical existence. That is, anything that has mass and volume.
All that we see around us, or we can feel by touch are material substances. Mass is the quantity of
matter that a substance contains in it. Volume is the space that a body occupies.
Physical states:
Matter exists in three physical states. These are: solid, liquid and gas. In solids, the particles are
very close to one another. In gases, the particles are very away from one another. In liquids, the
situation is intermediate. A substance can be changed from one physical state to another. Ice,
liquid water and steam are three physical states of water.
The atom is the smallest particle of an element that represents the elements in all chemical
reactions. There are three types of fundamental particles in an atom.
1. Electrons
2. Protons
3. Neutrons
The electron is a very small particle. It has negative electric charge. The proton is a positively
charged particle which is much heavier than electron. Neutron is an electrically neutral particle. It
is the heaviest among the three particles. Protons and neutrons are found in the center of atom and
collectively constitute a body called nucleus. Electrons revolved around the nucleus.
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Atomic Mass:
An atom is a very small particle. But it also has mass. The quantity of this mass is very small.
Atomic mass is the mass of one atom of an element and is defined as follows. The relative
average mass of one atom of an element which tells us how heavy or light is that atom with
respect to one atom of carbon-12. This unit is called amu or atomic mass unit.
One atomic mass unit is one-twelfth of the mass of carbon-12.
1 amu = 1/12 x(mass of one atom of C-12)
In this unit carbon-12 is chosen as standard. Carbon-12 is the most abundant isotope of carbon.
For example: the atomic mass of hydrogen is 1.008amu.
Molecular mass:
By molecular mass we mean the mass of a molecule. It is the sum of atomic masses of all the
atoms of all elements present in a molecule. We can calculate the molecular masses of water,
sulfuric acid, and glucose as follows.
1. Water, H2O; 1x2 + 16 = 18 amu
2. H2SO4: 1 x 2 + 32 +16 x 4 = 98 amu
3. C6H12O6: 12 x 6 + 1 x 12 + 16 x 6 = 180 amu
The amount of a substance that contains Avogadro’s number of particles is called a mole. It is the
atomic mass, molecular mass or formula mass expressed in grams. For example, 18 grams of
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water is one mole of water. If you drink 9 grams of water, it means you have taken a half more of
water. The Avodagro’s Number is the number of particles that is found in one mole of a
substance. Its value is: 6.02 x 1023. It is a huge number. If a person has eaten 180 g of glucose, he
has eaten 6.02 x 1023 of glucose molecules.
Formula mass:
The Formula mass of a substance is the sum of the atomic masses of all the atoms present in the
formula of that substance. For example, the formula mass of NaCl is 23+ 35.5 = 58.5.
Molecular mass:
The molecular mass of a substance is the sum of the atomic masses of all the atoms present in a
molecule of that substance. For example, molecular mass of water, H2O, is 1x2+16= 18.
An electrically charged atom or molecule is called an ion. It has two types: cations or positive
ions, and anions or negative ions. H+ is a cation whereas Cl- is an anion. Ions may be simple or
compound. Simple ion consists of a single atom, but a compound ion is comprised of two or more
atoms. For example, Na+ is a simple ion but SO4
2- is a compound ion.
An atom or group of bonded atoms which can exist independently. One molecule of helium (He)
consists of one atom of helium. It is a monoatomic molecule. The molecules of other noble gases
are also monoatomic. One molecule of water (H2O) consists of three atoms. So it is a polyatomic
Atomic number:
The total number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is called atomic number. The atomic
number of hydrogen is 1. The atomic number of oxygen is 8, sodium is 11 and iron is 26. All the
atoms of an element have same atomic number.
Mass number:
The total number of protons and neutrons present in the nucleus of an atom is called the mass
number of that atom. The mass number of carbon-12 is 12. It has 6 protons and 6 neutrons.
Atoms of an element may differ in the mass number.
The atoms of the same element having different mass number are called isotopes. Isotopes of an
element have equal number of protons but different number of neutrons. Hydrogen element has
three isotopes. They are called:
1. Ordinary hydrogen or protium,
2. Deuterium or heavy hydrogen, and
3. Tritium or radioactive hydrogen.
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Ordinary hydrogen has no neutron. Deuterium has one neutron. Tritium has two neutrons.
An element is the simplest form of matter which cannot be converted into simper forms by any
physical or chemical means. If in a collection of atoms, all atoms have the same atomic number,
they all belong to the same element.
For example, Na, Fe, O etc. are elements. If you look at a periodic table, you will see elements in
it. Elements are of many types. They have different physical states. Today, more than 110
elements are known. Of these 90 elements occur naturally. Other elements have been formed in
nuclear reactors through nuclear reactions. Majority of the elements are metals, but many
elements are non-metals. There are some elements which have properties in-between metals and
non-metals. They are given the name metalloids.
Metals are elements which have high electropositivity. They easily lose electrons and have
shining surfaces. For example: Cu, Ag, Au are metals. Non-metals are generally less
electropositive and more electronegative.
A compound is a substance that is formed by the chemical combination of two or more elements
in a definite ratio. For example, water (H2O) and common salt (NaCl) are compounds. At present,
many millions of compounds are known.
Both the elements and compounds are pure substances. Elements are represented by symbols and
compounds are shown by chemical formulas.
When two or more substances are mixed in any ratio in a manner that no chemical combination
occurs is called a mixture. A mixture is a mixed substance formed by the physical combinations
of two or more substances (elements or compounds). For example, air is a mixture of nitrogen,
oxygen and some other gases. The mixtures are of two types.
1. Homogeneous mixtures, and
2. Heterogeneous mixtures
A homogeneous mixture has uniform composition. It is also known as a solution. For example, a
mixture of salt (NaCl) and water is a homogeneous mixture. In a homogenous mixture, one thing
is completely “dissolved” in another substance. On the other hand, a heterogeneous mixture does
not have uniform composition. For example, a mixture of sand and water is a heterogeneous
Chemical reaction:
A chemical reaction is a chemical change that involves one or more elements or compounds. It is
process in which one or more chemical bonds are broken or formed. In a chemical reaction, one
or more substances undergo chemical change and form one or more new substances. The
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substances before the reaction are called reactants and the substances that are formed as a result of
the reaction are called products.
A chemical reaction is shown by a “chemical equation”. A chemical equation consists of
reactants, products and an arrow sign.
Reactants Products
A chemical equation must be “balanced”. A balanced chemical equation is that in which the
number of atoms of all elements involved in the reaction are equal on both sides of equation. That
is, the number of atoms of an element in the reactants must be equal to the number of atoms of
that element in the product. Look at the following equation. Is it balanced?
H2 + Cl2 HCl (not balanced)
No. it is not balanced. Why? Because the number of hydrogen atoms in the reactants side is 2
while in the product side there is only 1 H atom. Similarly, number of Cl atoms is not equal on
both the sides. How can you balance it? Write 2 before HCl in the product side. The equation
now will be balanced.
H2 + Cl2 2HCl (balanced)
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Lecture 3
Nature of Chemical Bonding
How atoms join with each other?
The existence of solids and liquids is a clear proof that atoms combine with one another. But, the
question is why atoms combine with one another and how?
Isolated atoms are unstable and to gain stability they combine with one another. This combination
is expressed by the term chemical bond (the word bond means linkage, attachment, connection,
etc.). The chemical bond can be defined as follow:
“The chemical bond is a force which holds atoms together in a molecule or a compound”
It was in 1916 that W. Kossel (Germany) and G.N. Lewis (USA) independently proposed that
atoms join together through the involvement of electrons. The noble gases (He, Ne, Ar, etc.) are
stable, and have eight electrons in their outermost shells (except helium which has two electrons).
It was thought that since the noble gases are stable, all elements tend to achieve the noble gas
electronic configuration. This is known as the octet rule. (Octet: group of eight.) Now, how can
atoms achieve eight electrons in their outermost shells? Kossel suggested that this is done by
actual transfer of one or more electrons from one atom to another. Lewis proposed that atoms
acquire noble gas electronic configuration by mutual sharing of electrons between two atoms.
These views gave the two concepts of bonds: ionic bond, and covalent bond.
Ionic Bond or Electrovalent Bond
The concept of ionic bond was suggested by W. Kossel in 1916. Ionic bond is formed due to
transfer of electrons. When electrons are transferred from one atom to another, the atom that loses
electrons becomes a positive ion and the atom that gains electrons becomes a negative ion. These
oppositely charged ions then attract each other and are attached with each other through the
opposite electric charges. Thus, we can define the ionic bond as follows:
“The ionic bond is the bond which is formed between oppositely charged ions due to electrostatic
force of attraction.”
Take the example of NaCl. Sodium atom has one electron in its valence (outermost) shell.
Chlorine atom has seven electrons in its outermost shell.
Sodium atom loses its valence electron and becomes a positive ion, while chlorine atom accepts
one electron to form a negative ion. These ions attract each other due to their opposite changes to
form ionic bond:
Na Na+ + e-
Cl + e- Cl-
Na+ + Cl- Na+Cl- NaCl
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Energetics of Ionic Bond
Why an ionic bond is formed? The natural principle is that every system tends towards more
stability. Atoms form bonds to acquire stability. For most cases we can understand stability as a
state of less energy. Thus, in general, we can say that every system tends to acquire a state of
lower energy. Let us study the energy changes in the formation of NaCl from gaseous sodium and
chlorine atoms.
To remove the outermost electron from sodium atom the energy (the ionization energy) required
is 494 kJ/mol. When a chlorine atom gains an electron, the energy (electron affinity) released is
348 kJ/mol.
This shows that the ionization energy of sodium is so high that the energy released when a
chlorine atom accepts the electron is not sufficient to provide the energy needed to remove the
electron from sodium. An additional 495-348 = 147 kJ energy is required to make possible the
transfer of one mole of electrons from isolated sodium atoms to isolated chlorine atoms.
These sodium ions and the chloride ions combine together to form solid crystalline sodium
chloride. During this step a high amount of energy (788 kJ/mol) is released.
Na+(g) + Cl-(g) NaCl(s) ΔH = - 788 kJ/mol
This energy is known as the lattice energy.
“The lattice energy is the amount of energy evolved when one mole of a crystalline ionic
compound is formed from its gaseous ions.”
The lattice energy here is high because one mole of sodium ions and one mole of chloride ions are
arranged in the formation of crystal in such a way that one sodium ion is surrounded by six
chloride ions and vice versa. Thus, it is the large lattice energy, which makes the formation of
sodium chloride energetically favorable. The lattice energy is, in fact, the driving force behind the
formation of sodium chloride from its elements.
In the same way we can understand the formation of any ionic compound. Ionic bond is formed
between the elements having large difference of electronegativity, (usually higher than 1.7). In
general the elements of group VIIA (halogens) form ionic bond with metals.
Characteristics of Ionic Compounds
1. Ionic Compounds are Non-molecular
An ion attracts the oppositely charged ions from all directions, so the ionic bond is nondirectional.
When a large number of cations and anions come closer to one another, they arrange
themselves in such a way that one ion is surrounded by a number of oppositely charged ions.
Each ion is surrounded by the greatest possible number of oppositely charged ions depending on
the relative ionic radii of cations and anions. Thus, ionic bonds do not form freely existing
particles called molecules. Therefore, ionic compounds do no consist of molecules.
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2. Ionic Compounds are Solids
Under ordinary conditions, all ionic compounds are solids. It is because in ionic compounds, ions
are held together by strong electrostatic forces of attraction.
3. Ionic compounds have high melting and boiling points
In ionic compounds, the oppositely charged ions are held in the crystal by strong electrostatic
forces. Therefore, high energy is needed to overcome the strong electrostatic forces. Thus, the
ionic compounds have high melting and boiling points.
4. Ionic compounds are soluble in polar solvents
Polar solvents like water have high dielectric constants (the ability of a solvent to decrease the
attractive force between the ions dipped in it). Therefore, such solvents break the forces of
attraction between the ions and get them dispersed in them. In nonpolar solvents ionic compounds
are generally insoluble.
5. Ionic compounds are electrolytes
Ionic compounds conduct electricity in their solutions and in molten sates. This is because in
solution or in molten state the ions become free from one another and can move under the effect
of electric field.
Covalent Bond
The concept of covalent bond was given by G.N. Lewis in 1916. Covalent bond can be defined as
“Covalent bond is the bond which is formed due to
sharing of electrons between tow atoms.”
Take the example of a hydrogen molecule. Hydrogen atom has one electron in its valence shell:
H (Z = 1) 1s1
When two hydrogen atoms come close to each other, they share their electrons to form a covalent
H. +H. H:H
This shared pair of electrons holds the two atoms together; each electron of the pair is attracted
by both the nuclei. The shared pair of electrons is also known as bonding pair of electrons.
Covalent bond is a unidirectional bond and holds the bonded atoms to form a freely exiting
particle called a molecule. Therefore, the covalent bond is generally shown by a small line drawn
between the symbols of the bonded atoms. The line represents the bonding pair of electrons. Thus
H:H is represented as H–H
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Type of Covalent Bond
A covalent bond between two atoms may be formed by mutual sharing of one, two or three pairs
of electrons. Therefore, the covalent bonds are of three types.
Single Covalent Bond: The bond that is formed due to sharing of one pair of electrons between
two atoms is called the single covalent bond. The H-H bond is a single covalent bond. Similarly,
H-C1, Cl-C1, F-F Br-Br are single covalent bonds.
Double Covalent Bond: The bond that is formed due to sharing of two pairs of electrons between
two atoms is called a double covalent bond. Each atom contributes two unpaired electrons that are
paired with the electrons of the other atom. Take the example of O2. An oxygen atom has the
following electronic configuration.
O 1s2, 2s2, 2px
2 , apy
1, 2pz
It has two unpaired electrons, one in orbital 2py and other in 2pz. Two oxygen atoms share two
pairs of electrons to form a double covalent bond:
O: + :O O::O
Similarly, ethene has a carbon-carbon double bond:
Triple Covalent Bond
When a bond is formed due to sharing of three pairs of electrons between two atoms, it is called a
triple covalent bond. Take the example of N2. A nitrogen atom (z = 7) has the following
electronic configuration:
N 1s2, 2s2, 2px
1 , apy
1, 2pz
It has three unpaired elections. Two nitrogen atoms form a triple bond by sharing three pairs of
electrons. Similarly, ethyne has a carbon-carbon triple bond.
Coordinate Covalent Bond
Coordinate covalent bond is a special type of covalent bond, which differs from the simple
covalent bond in the way of formation:
“The covalent bond between two atoms in which both of the bonding electrons are donated by
one of the atoms, is known as the coordinate covalent bond.”
The H+ ion has no electron, yet it forms a bond. For example, it forms a bond with the nitrogen of
ammonia. It is because the nitrogen of ammonia has a non-bonding, or lone, pair of electrons
which it donates to form a bond with hydrogen ion:
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H+ + :NH3 NH4
A coordinate covalent bond is also represented by an arrow sign showing the direction of the
donation of electron pair.
The atom that donates the pair of electrons is called the donor, and the atom that accepts the pair
of electrons is called the acceptor.
Coordinate covalent bond is also known as dative bond or co-ionic bond.
Characteristics of Covalent Compounds
1. Covalent compounds are molecular: The atoms bonded by covalent bonds form
independently existing units known as molecules.
2. Covalent compounds may be solids, liquids or gases: The covalent compounds consist
of molecules. In gases these molecules are free from one another and exert practically no force of
attraction under ordinary conditions. In liquids and solids intermolecular forces of attraction, van
der Waals forces, or hydrogen bonds hold the molecules together.
3. Non-electrolytes: In general, the covalent compounds are non-electrolytes. Exceptions
include acids and bases.
4. Insoluble in water: In general, the covalent compounds are insoluble in polar solvents
like water, and soluble in nonpolar solvents like organic liquids.
A shared pair of electrons is attracted by both of the bonded atoms. For example in H:C1 both H
and C1 attract the bonding pair. This power of an atom to attract the bonding pair of electrons is
called electronegativity, which can be defined as follows:
“The ability of an atom to attract the shared pair of electrons towards it is known as
Fluorine is the most electronegative element. Its electronegativity is 4. Then comes oxygen whose
electronegativity is 3.5.
Polar and Nonpolar Bonds
If two bonded atoms have equal electronegativity, the bonding electrons pair will be shared
equally between the two atoms. In other words, the electron density of the bonding electron pair is
distributed equally and symmetrically between the two atoms. Such a bond is known as a
nonpolar bond. Thus;
“The bond between two atoms having equal electronegativity is a nonpolar bond.”
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For example, C1-C1, O=O, N=N bonds are nonpolar bonds.
On the other hand, if the atoms forming a bond have different electronegativities, the bonding pair
is shared unequally. The more electronegative atom acquires a greater share of the bonding
electrons as compared to the less electronegative atom. Due to this the more electronegative atom
acquires a partial negative charge and the less electronegative atom acquires a partial positive
charge. These charges are of equal magnitude, and the overall charge is zero. Such a bond is
known as a polar bond. It has negative and positive poles. Thus:
“The polar bond is the bond between two atoms having different electronegativities.”
Take the example of H–C1. Chlorine is more electronegative than hydrogen. Thus, the bonding
pair of electrons is shared unequally, and chlorine has greater share of electrons than hydrogen.
As a result, chlorine is partially negatively charged and hydrogen is partially positively charge.
Which of the following molecules are polar and which are nonpolar?
BeCl2, H2S, CS2, BF3, NH3, PCl3
BeCl2 is a linear molecule, and is nonpolar.
H2S is an angular molecule (like H2O) with polar bonds, so it is polar.
CS2 is a linear molecule (like CO2), so it is nonpolar.
BF3 is a trigonal planar molecule. Its bond moments cancel one another so the molecule is
PC13 is also a trigonal pyramidal molecule (like NH3) and polar.
Bond length
“The distance between the nuclei of two bonded
atoms is called the bond length”.
The bond length of a single bond is longer than a double bond, which in turn is longer than a
triple bond.
Bond Energy
When a bond is formed between two atoms a certain amount of energy is released during this
process. When that bond is broken the same amount of energy is required to do so. This energy is
known as bond energy
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“The bond energy is the energy evolved when a bond is formed between two atoms.”
“The bond energy is the energy required to break a bond between two atoms.”
The bond energy is also known as bond dissociation energy.
The Modern Concept of covalent Bonding
There are two important modern concepts of chemical bonding both are based on the quantum
mechanics: valence bond theory (VBT), and molecular orbital theory (MOT). According to VBT
“a covalent bond between two atoms is formed due to the overlap of two half-filled orbitals, one
from each atom.”
Molecular orbital theory (MOT) treats a molecule like an atom. An atom consists of atomic
orbitals surrounding a nucleus. Likewise, a molecule consists of molecular orbitals surrounding
two or more nuclei present in the molecule. Atomic orbitals are monocentric, they surround only
one nucleus while the molecular orbitals are polycentric, and surround more than one nuclei.
Summary: A chemical bond is the force which holds atoms together. The bond may be ionic or
covalent. Ionic bond is formed by the transfer of 1 or more electrons and covalent bond is formed
by the sharing of electrons. In ionic bond there is complete transfer of electrons which result in
formation of positive and negative ions which are called cations and anions these cations and
anions are held together by the strong electrostatic force of attraction. So the ionic bond is very
strong bond. The electrons which are present in the outer most shell of an element are called
valence electrons. It the valence electrons which take part in bonding, for example there are one
valence electrons in Na and seven in Cl.
Differentiation between ionic and covalent bond:
· Ionic compounds have ionic compounds while covalent compounds have covalent bonds.
· Since in ionic compounds, ions are held together through very strong electrostatic forces,
ionic compounds are solids at room temperature. Whereas covalent compounds consist of
molecules which are held together through weak inter molecular force, there for they may
be solids, liquids or gases.
· Ionic compounds have higher melting and boiling points than covalent compounds.
· In general, ionic compounds are soluble in water and insoluble in organic solvents. While
covalent compounds are generally insoluble in water and soluble in organic solvents.
· Ionic compounds don’t conduct electricity as such but do so in molten state. Covalent
compounds don’t conduct electricity in general.
Explain bond formation in H2 and NaCl?
H2 In H2 two hydrogen atoms are held together through a covalent bond. Each hydrogen atom
contributed 1 electron. So there are two shared electrons this is known as a shared pair of
electrons. It is this shared pair of electrons which holds two H atoms together.
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H. + H. H__H
NaCl In NaCl there is ionic bond Na+ is positive ion while Cl- is negative ion, these ions are
held together through very strong electrostatic force of attraction.
Na+ + Cl- NaCl
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Lecture 4
Chemical Reactions
Chemical Reactions:
A chemical reaction is a chemical change in which one or more substances change into one or
more other substances. In other words, a chemical reaction is a process in which one or more
bonds are broken and one or more bonds are formed. For example, rusting of iron is a chemical
reaction. Similarly burning of natural gas is a chemical reaction.
Chemical and physical change:
During a chemical change a new substance is formed while during a physical change no new
substance is formed. For example, burning of wood is a chemical change while change of water
into ice is a physical change. During a chemical change a chemical reaction occurs whereas
during a physical change no chemical reaction occurs. Chemical change is generally a permanent
change, while physical change is only a temporary change and can be reversed easily.
Chemical property of a substance is a property in which that substance undergoes a chemical
change. For example, it is a chemical property of an acid to react with a base and form salt and
Exothermic and endothermic reactions:
When a chemical reaction takes place, change in energy also occurs. The reaction during which
heat is evolved is called an exothermic reaction. On the other hand, the reaction during which
heat is absorbed is called an endothermic reaction.
Heat of reaction:
When a chemical reaction occurs, certain amount of heat is either evolved or absorbed. This
amount of heat which is evolved or absorbed during a chemical reaction is known as heat of
reaction. It is also known as enthalpy of reaction and is denoted by ΔH. Its units are joules per
mole or Kcal per mole.
Types of Reactions:
There are a number of types of reactions.
1. Addition reactions: the reactions in which two or more substance react to form a single
substance. Ethene reacts with hydrogen to form ethane.
C2H4 + H2 C2H6
2. Substitution reaction: the reactions in which one substance is replaced by another
substance from a molecule:
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CH3-Cl + NaOH CH3-OH + NaCl
This reaction is also known as double displacement reaction.
3. Elimination reaction: the reactions in which one or more atoms are eliminated from a
molecule. For example, removal of H2O from ethanol to form ethene.
CH3-CH2-OH CH2=CH2 + H2O
4. Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
Many reactions involve transfer of electrons from one atom to another atom. These reactions are
known as oxidation-reduction reactions. The loss of electrons from an atom is known as
oxidation, while the gain of electrons by an atom is called reduction. Oxidation and reduction
always take place simultaneously and the extent of oxidation is equal to the extent of reduction.
That is, the loss of electrons is equal to the gain of electrons. The substance that undergoes
oxidation is known as the reducing agent, and the substance that undergoes reduction is known
as the oxidizing agent.
5. Combustion reactions: combustion means burning, and it is the reaction of a substance
with oxygen. In a combustion reaction heat is produced. For example, the reaction of methane
with oxygen is a combustion reaction.
CH4 + O2 CO2 + H2O
Generally in a combustion reaction, carbon dioxide and water are produced.
6. Neutralization reactions:
When an acidic solution is added to a basic solution in the right proportion, the properties of each
are lost, and a salt and water are formed. This process is called neutralization.
“The reaction between an acid and a base that forms a salt and water is called neutralization”.
For Example,
HCI (aq) + NaOH (aq) NaCI (aq) + H2O
HNO3 (aq) + NaOH (aq) NaNO3 (aq) + H2O
Chemical reactions may occur in solution or gaseous form. Generally, the chemical reactions are
carried out in solution. Water and organic solvents are used for this purpose.
Rate of Reaction:
When a reaction occurs, one or more bonds are broken and then one or more bonds are formed.
This process of bond breakage and formation takes some time. How much a reactant changes into
a product in a given time is important. By the rate of reaction we mean the amount of reactant that
is converted to product per unit time. It can also be defined on the bases of the appearance of a
product. So, the rate of a reaction is the amount of product formed per unit time.
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The rate of reaction is also called speed or velocity of reaction. It is measured in moles/seconds.
Thus, the rate of a reaction is the amount of product which is formed in one second.
Rate of Reaction = concentration of product formed/time
On the basis of the rate of reactions, we can classify the reactions into the following categories.
· Very slow reactions: some reactions are very slow. For example, conversion of graphite
into diamond in the earth crust is a very slow process.
· Slow reactions: some reactions occur with slow speed, e.g. rusting of iron is a slow
· Moderate reactions: most organic reactions occur with moderate speed.
· Fast reactions: many reactions occur with a fast speed. Strong acid strong base reactions
are fast reactions.
· Very fast reactions: some reactions are very fast such as explosions.
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Lecture 5
Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry:
Organic chemistry is a branch of chemistry that involves the study of carbon compounds. It deals
with the structures, composition, and synthesis of organic compounds. Organic compounds are
obtained from natural sources like plants, animals and microbes. They are also synthesized in
laboratory. There are millions of organic compounds. They have wide variety of application such
as in medicine, fertilizer, food, clothing, communication, transportation etc.
Carbon has a very unique ability that its large number of atoms can bond with each other to make
chains of different lengths. This property of carbon to make chains is called catenation.
Hydrocarbons are the compounds of carbon and hydrogen. There are different classes of
hydrocarbons such as aliphatic, aromatic, cyclic, acyclic, saturated and unsaturated, etc. Aromatic
compounds are benzene and those which resemble benzene. They burn with black soot. They
possess aromaticity and are comparatively more stable than expected. They are unsaturated
compounds but are resistant to addition reactions. Their characteristic reactions are electrophilic
substitution reactions. The structure of benzene is given below.
Classification of organic compounds:
There are millions of organic compounds and this makes it physically impossible to study each
individual compound. To facilitate their study, organic compounds are classified into various
groups and sub-groups.
They may be broadly classified into the following classes:
· Open chain or acyclic compounds
· Closed chain or cyclic compounds
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Open chain or acyclic compounds:
These compounds contain an open chain system of carbon atoms. The chains may be either
straight chains (non-branched) or branched. The open chain compounds are also called aliphatic
compounds. The name aliphatic is derived from the Greek word aleiphar meaning fats, as the
earlier known compounds of this class were either obtained from animal or vegetable fats, or had
fat like character.
CH3-CH2-CH2-CH3 , CH3-CH2-CH2-CH2OH, H2C = CH2
Closed chain or cyclic compounds
These compounds contain one or more closed chains (rings) of atoms and are known as cyclic or
ring compounds.
The aliphatic hydrocarbons are the organic compounds which contain no benzene ring. They may
be open chain or closed chain. The closed chain compounds are also called cyclic compounds.
The major classes of aliphatic hydrocarbons are alkanes, alkenes, alkynes and cycloalkanes, etc.
Functional groups:
An atom or group of atoms which imparts some specific properties to a compound is called a
functional group. For example, -OH is functional group. It is known as hydroxyl group. The
compounds which have this functional group show specific properties. They are phenols and
Structural formula:
It is very common in organic chemistry that two or more compounds have same molecular
formula. For example, both ethanol and dimethyl ether have same molecular formula, C2H6O.
Why they are different? They are different because they have different arrangements of atoms in
their molecules. The arrangement of atoms in molecule is represented by a formula which is
known is the structural formula. The structural formula of a compound is the formula which
shows the arrangement of atoms in its molecule. The structural formula of a compound shows
which atom is attached with which atom.
Isomers and isomerism:
Two or more different compounds which have same molecular formula are called isomers. This
phenomenon is known as isomerism. Ethanol and dimethyl ether are isomers. Similarly, n-butane
and isobutene are isomers. They are two different compounds, and have same molecular formula
(C4H10) but different structures. Isomerism is very common in organic compounds. There are
many types of isomerisms.
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Sources of organic compounds:
There are many sources of organic compounds. Plants, animals, petroleum, natural gas, coal are
common sources of naturally occurring organic compounds. A huge number of compounds have
been synthesized in laboratories by chemists. A great number of new compounds are being added
All organic compounds must contain carbon. Almost organic compounds also possess hydrogen.
Many compounds also contain oxygen and/or nitrogen. Other common elements found in organic
compounds are halogens, sulfur, and phosphorus.
Oxygen containing organic compounds:
Oxygen-containing organic compounds are very numerous. Many functional groups contain
oxygen. Some examples are given below.
Alcohols are common organic compounds. They contain –OH functional group. This is called
hydroxyl group. Examples: Methanol, CH3-OH ; ethanol, CH3-CH2-OH.
Both methanol and ethanol are liquids and are used as solvents.
Phenols also contain –OH functional group, but in a phenol the –OH group is attached to an
aromatic carbon.
Aldehydes are those organic compounds which have aldehydic carbonyl functional group,-CHO.
Formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, benzaldehyde are common aldehydes.
Ketones are those organic compounds which contain ketonic carbonyl functional group. This
group is –CO–. There is a double bond between carbon and oxygen, C=O. Acetone is a common
ketone (H3C-CO-CH3). It is a liquid and used as a solvent.
Carboxylic acid:
Carboxylic acids are compounds which contain carboxylic group, –COOH. Carboxylic acids are
important organic compounds. Examples: formic acid, acetic acid, benzoic acid. Carboxylic acids
are common in living organisms, proteins are composed of amino acids. Citric acid is found in
citrus fruits. Milk contains lactic acid. Gapes have tartaric acid.
Carboxylic acids are weaker than mineral acids. Oils and fats are esters of glycerol with fatty
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Esters are also common organic compounds. They are formed by combination of carboxylic acids
and alcohols. Ethyl acetate is a common ester. Its formula is: CH3-COOCH2-CH3. Fats and oils
are esters of fatty acids with glycerol. Glycerol is a triol, i.e., it has three –OH groups.
Ethers are also a common class of organic compounds. They have C-O-C bonding. Dimethyl
ether, and diethyl ether are common ethers. Diethyl ether is commonly called ether. It is
anesthetic. It is used as a solvent in laboratory and industry.
Nitrogen containing organic compounds:
Nitrogen containing organic compounds are also very common. Amino acids contain nitrogen.
Similarly DNA and RNA also contain nitrogen. Another important class of natural products
called alkaloids also contains nitrogen. Common nitrogenous compounds have amino groups.
Amines are nitrogenous organic compounds which contain amino group. Amines may be primary,
secondary and tertiary. Examples: CH3-NH2 (Methyl amine), CH3-NH-CH3 (Dimethyl amine) and
(CH3)3N (Trimethyl amine).
Carbohydrates, proteins and lipids (Fats and oils) are naturally occurring common organic
compounds. They are also part of our food.
Organic Reactions:
A chemical reaction is a chemical change. It is a process in which one or more bonds and broken
and one or more bonds are formed. Coutless number of reactions occur involving organic
compunds. But all these reaction belong to only a few types of reactions. Most common types of
organic reactions are given below.
· Substitution reactions
· Elimination reactions
· Additions reactions
In substitution reactions, one group is replaced by another group.
OH- + CH3-Cl CH3-OH + Cl-
In the reaction Cl- is replaced by OH- group.
In elimination reactions, groups are eliminated from a molecule.
CH3-CH2-Cl H2C=CH2 + HCl
In this reaction HCl is eliminated from chloroethane and ethene is formed.
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Addition reaction is reverse of elimination reaction. In an addition reaction, a molecule adds to
another molecule. So, two molecules of reactants combine to form one molecule of product.
H2C=CH2 + HBr H3C-CH2-Br
Applications of Organic Compounds:
Organic compounds are very important chemical substances. They have a wide variety of
applications in modern human life. Organic compounds are essential part of our food. The fibers
and dyes are organic compounds. Similarly, fragrances and flavours are organic substances.
Plastic and other polymers are also organic compounds.
Numerous organic compounds are used as medicines for different diseases. The number of such
compounds is rapidly increasing.
Many fertilizers are also organic compounds. Similarly, soaps and detergents and other household
materials are organic compounds.
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Lecture 12
The modern classification of elements is based on the modern periodic law.
The modern periodic law states that the physical and chemical properties of elements are the
periodic function of their atomic numbers.
When elements are arranged on the basis of the modern periodic law, we get modern periodic
In the modern periodic table the elements are arranged in the order of increasing atomic number.
When the elements are arranged in the order of increasing atomic number, the elements with
similar properties appear at definite intervals. When elements with similar properties are placed in
the same column, we get groups or families of elements having similar properties. Thus, in the
modern periodic table, we have vertical columns and horizontal rows. The horizontal rows are
also called periods.
Periods in the periodic table:
Rows of elements are called periods. There are 7 period in the periodic table. The number of
elements in a period increases as you move down the periodic table.
Groups in the periodic table:
Columns of elements in the periodic table are called groups. Elements within a group show
similarity in properties. In a group, the elements have the same outer electron arrangement. The
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outermost electrons are called valence electrons. Why the elements belonging to the same group
have similar properties? It is because they have the same number of valence electrons.
Representative elements: In the periodic table there are two sets of groups. The group A
elements are called the representative elements. The group B elements are the non-representative
elements. Representative elements are named after the first element of the group. So we have,
lithium family, beryllium family, boron family, carbon family, nitrogen family, oxygen family,
fluorine family or halogens, and helium family or noble gases. Group IA and IIA are also called
alkali metals and alkaline earth metals respectively.
Transition metals:
The transition elements are located in groups IB to VIIIB. Copper, zinc, iron, silver, mercury and
gold are examples of transition metals. These elements are very hard, with high melting points
and boiling points. The transition metals are good electrical conductors and are very malleable.
Periodic properties:
There are a number of properties which change in a definite manner as we move from one end to
the other end of periodic table. Such properties are called periodic properties. Periodic properties
include: atomic and ionic radii, melting points and boiling points, metallic character, ionization
potential, electron affinity, electronegativity, etc. take the example of electronegativity. The
electronegativity of an element is the ability of the element with which it attracts the shared pair
of electrons towards it. The electronegativity increases as we go from left to right in the periodic
table. It decreases from top to bottom in a group.
Physical states of elements:
Most elements in the periodic table are solids. At room temperature all metals are solids except
mercury. Only a few elements are liquids such as bromine and mercury. Some elements are gases.
These are nonmetals. Nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, chlorine and noble gases are found in gases state
at room temperature.
Ores: An ore is a material that contains a metal in such quantities that it can be mined and
worked commercially to extract that metal.
Metals are not found in free state. They are found in the form of minerals and ores.
The metal is usually contained in chemical combination with some other element in addition to
various impurities. For example, iron is found in the form of ores such as hematite (Fe2O3),
magnetite (Fe3O4), limonite (FeO(OH).n(H2O)).
Properties of metals and nonmetals
(ref. (
Metal Physical Properties
· lustrous (shiny)
· good conductors of heat and electricity
· high melting point
· high density (heavy for their size)
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· malleable (can be hammered)
· ductile (can be drawn into wires)
· usually solid at room temperature (an exception is mercury)
· opaque as a thin sheet (can't see through metals)
· metals are sonorous or make a bell-like sound when struck
Metal Chemical Properties
· have 1-3 electrons in the outer shell of each metal atom
· corrode easily (e.g., damaged by oxidation such as tarnish or rust)
· lose electrons easily
· form oxides that are basic
· have lower electronegativities
· are good reducing agents
Nonmetal Physical Properties
· not lustrous (dull appearance)
· poor conductors of heat and electricity
· non-ductile solids
· brittle solids
· may be solids, liquids or gases at room temperature
· transparent as a thin sheet
· nonmetals are not sonorous
Nonmetal Chemical Properties
· usually have 4-8 electrons in their outer shell
· readily gain or share valence electrons
· form oxides that are acidic
· have higher electronegativities
· are good oxidizing agents
Metalloids or semimetals:
There are some elements which have properties between metals and nonmetals. They are called
metalloids or semimetals. The metalloids or semimetals are located along the line between the
metals and nonmetals in the periodic table. The metalloids are boron, silicon, germanium, arsenic,
antimony, and tellurium.
· Electronegativities between those of metals and nonmetals
· Ionization energies between those of metals and nonmetals
· Possess some characteristics of metals/some of nonmetals
· Reactivity depends on properties of other elements in reaction
· Often make good semiconductors
Metals are generally good conductor of electricity. It is because metal has free electrons in it,
according to modern bonding concepts metals have a special type of bond which is called metallic
bond. The metal atom held together in a way there valence electrons are delocalized and free to
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move in the entire crystal. This is known as sea model. These free electrons help in conduction of
For example cooper wires are commonly used to conduct electricity because they have free
electrons which conduct electricity.
On the other hand most nonmetals are poor conductor of electricity it is because they do not
possess free electrons like metals. Some nonmetals do conduct electricity. For example, Graphite
has layer structure and posses free electrons which conduct electricity.
Chemical properties:
Differences between Metals and Nonmetals
Metals Nonmetals
Lose their valence electrons easily. Gain or share valence electrons easily.
Form oxides that are basic. Form oxides that are acidic.
Are good reducing agents. Are good oxidizing agents.
Have lower electro negativities Have higher electro negativities
Usually have 1-3 electrons in their outer
Usually have 4-8 electrons in their outer
Physical properties
How can you compare physical properties of Metals and Nonmetals? Some differences are given
Metals Nonmetals
Good electrical conductors and heat
Poor conductors of heat and electricity.
Malleable - can be beaten into thin sheets. Brittle - if a solid.
Ductile - can be stretched into wire. Non-ductile.
Possess metallic luster. Do not possess metallic luster.
Opaque as thin sheet. Transparent as a thin sheet.
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Lecture 13
Metallurgy of Copper & Aluminum
Almost all metals are found in the combined state as compounds on the crust of the earth. So we
have to extract them. This process of metal extraction is called Metallurgy.
Metallurgy is the science and art of extracting a metal from its ores and carrying out different
processes to bring metals into their useful forms. Thus, the various processes involved in the
extraction of metals from their ores and refining them are broadly known as metallurgy.
Minerals: The natural materials in which the metals or their compounds occur in the earth are
called minerals.
Ores: Those minerals from which the metals can be extracted profitably are called ores.
Gangue or Matrix: The rocky impurities, including silica and earthly particles, present in an ore
are called gangue or matrix.
Metallurgy of Aluminium:
Aluminum is the most abundant metal. It is the third most abundant element in the earth crust
(about 7%). Aluminium is a reactive metal and so does not occur free in nature. It occurs in clays
in the form of aluminium silicates.
Ores of aluminium:
Aluminium has a number of ores. Some important ores are as follows:
1. Oxide Ores:
Bauxite, Al2O3.xH2O
Corundum, Al2O3
2. Fluoride Ore:
Cryolite, 3NaF.AlF3 or Na3AlF6
3. Silicate Ores:
Kaolin, Al2O3.2SiO2.2H2O
Potash mica, K2O.3Al2O3.6SiO2.2H2O
Extraction of Aluminium:
Aluminium is commonly extracted from its ore bauxite. The bauxite (red-brown solid) -
aluminium oxide mixed with impurities - is extracted from the earth. The extracted aluminium
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oxide is then treated with alkali, to remove the impurities. This results in a white solid called
aluminium oxide or alumina. The alumina is then transported to huge tanks. The tanks are lined
with graphite, this acts as the cathode. Also blocks of graphite hang in the middle of the tank, and
acts as anodes. The alumina is then dissolved in molten cryolite - this lowers the melting point.
Electricity is passed and electrolysis begins. Electrolysis is the decomposition of a compound
using electricity.
When dissolved, the aluminium ions and oxide ions in the alumina can move.
Reaction at Cathode:
4Al+ + 12e- 4Al(s)
Reaction at Anode:
3C + 6O2- 3CO2 (g) + 12e-
Purification of Bauxite:
Bauxite when obtained from the earth crust contains many ipurities such as ferric oxide, silica,
and titanium oxide. These impurities are removed. Baeyer process is commonly used for the
purification of bauxite. In this process, the ore is treated with concentrated NaOH solution called
caustic soda. The following reaction takes place:
Al2O3 + 2NaOH 2Na[Al(OH)4](aq)
Then CO2 is passed.
Reaction with CO2
- + CO2 2Al(OH)3(s) + CO3
2- + H2O
The product is filtered and heated at 1000 °C. The process is called calcination. As a result of this
process, pure alumina is obtained.
Al(OH)3 + Heat Al2O3 (s) + 3H2O (g)
Now we have pure alumina.
Electrolysis of Alumina to obtain Aluminium:
The process used for the electrolysis of alumina is called Hall’s process. Alumina is aluminium
oxide, Al2O3. This is subjected to electrolysis. The cell used for electrolysis is a steel container
whose inner surface is lined with graphite. The powdered alumina is mixed with fused cryolite
and fluorspar. The melting point of alumina is very high, but it dissolves in molten cryolite at
about 1000 °C. when electricity is passed, aluminium is deposited at the graphite cathode. From
there it is drawn out in molten form. This aluminium is 99% pure. Further purification is carried
out through a process called Hoope’s method.
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Refining of Aluminium:
In the Hoope’s process, aluminium is purified by electrolytic method. For this purpose a box-like
cell is used. The cell is operated in a manner that in it three layers are maintained. The lower layer
consists of impure aluminum alloyed with copper. The middle layer consists of a solution of
cryolite and barium fluoride. The upper layer consists of pure aluminium. These layers remain
separated due to difference is specific gravity. The lower layer acts as anode where aluminium is
oxidized and Al3+ ions move toward the upper layer which is negatively charged. This layer acts
as cathode and when Al3+ ions reach in this layer they gain electrons and are deposited as
aluminium metal there.
Reaction at Anode:
Al Al3+ + 3e-
Reaction at cathode:
Al3+ + 3e- Al (pure aluminium)
The aluminium obtained in this process is about 99.99% pure.
Metallurgy of Copper:
Copper is a common metal. It is used for a wide variety of purposes. It is a good conductor of
electricity so its wires are used in electrical appliance and cables.
Over 360 ores of Copper are known. Some important ores are as follows:
Sulfide ores:
Copper pyrite or chalcopyrite, CuS.FeS or CuFeS2
Chalcocite, Cu2S
Carbonate ores:
Malachite, CuCO3.Cu(OH)2
Azurite, 2CuCO3.Cu(OH)2
Oxide ores: Cuprite, Cu2O
Extraction of Copper:
Extraction of copper is good example of pyrometallurgy. In the metallurgy of copper the
following steps are commonly used:
• Mining of ore from its mines
• Crushing and grinding of the ore
• Concentration of the ore and its purification
• Chemical process to obtain metal from the ore
• Purification of the metal
• Conversion of the metal into alloys
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Important process employed in the extraction of copper:
– Concentration through Froth-flotation
– Roasting
– Smelting
– Reduction (Bessemerization)
– Refining
Concentration by Froth flotation method:
By concentration here we mean to free the ore from impurities. Copper is commonly extracted
from copper pyrite. Copper pyrite is concentrated by a process called froth-floatation. Ore is
crushed and ground to make a powder. This is placed in a large tank containing water and oil
(such as pine oil). The mixture is stirred by blowing air through it. The ore is wetted by oil and
rises to the surface from where it is skimmed off. The impurities (called gangue) are wetted with
water settle down at the bottom.
By roasting here we mean heating in air strongly but below the melting point of the ore. As a
result, impurities are converted into silicate slag. The slag floats at the surface from where it is
removed. The ore undergoes the following reaction:
CuS.FeS + 4O2 Cu2S (s)+ 2FeO (s) + 3SO2 (g)
By smelting here we mean heating the product obtained from roasting strongly in a Reverberatory
furnace. The product from the roasting is mixed with silica (SiO2) and heated at 1100 °C.
Following reaction takes place in the furnace:
FeO + SiO2 FeSiO3
Ferrous silicate is formed which is a slag. It is less dense that molten copper matte, Cu2S, and so
floats the surface from where it is removed.
Reduction (Bessemerization):
Molten copper(I) sulfide, Cu2S, is put in Bessemer converter and heated strongly. As a result of
this elemental copper is produced. The copper obtained is called the blistered copper.
2Cu2S + 3O2 2Cu2O + 2SO2
2Cu2O(l) + Cu2S(l) 6Cu (l) + SO2(g)
This copper is called blistered copper because it has blisters on it which are produced due to
evolution of sulfur dioxide. When copper solidifies, sulfur dioxide escapes from it and produces
blisters. Blistered copper is about 99% pure.
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Refining of Copper:
Copper is refined by electrolytic process. In the electrolytic cell CuSO4 solution is used as an
electrolyte. Impure copper is used to act as anode, while pure copper is used to act as a cathode.
At anode, copper atoms lose electrons and become copper ions. These copper ions move through
the solution and reach at the cathode. At cathode these copper ions gain electrons and deposit
there a atoms. So in this way refined copper is obtained which is almost 100% pure.
Reaction at Anode:
Cu Cu2+ + 2e-
Reaction at Cathode:
Cu2+ + 2e- Cu (s) pure copper
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Lecture 14
Metallurgy of Iron
An ore is the naturally occurring compound of a metal from which that metal can be extracted. In
the earth crust, metals are generally found in the form of compounds which are found mixed with
other substances these naturally occurring minerals of metals are called ores. For example; halite
is an ore of Na and hematite and magnetite are the ores of Fe.
A material that has metallic properties and is composed of two or more chemical elements of
which at least one is a metal (i.e. steel is an alloy of carbon in iron; stainless steel is an alloy of
carbon, chromium and sometimes nickel in iron.)
It is the science and art of obtaining a metal from its ores. There are number of types of
In electrometallurgy, electricity is used to obtain a metal. Electrolysis is carried out of the molten
or solution form of the ore and metal is obtained at the cathode. For example; Na is obtained by
the electrolysis of NaCl by the Downs process.
In pyrometallurgy strong heat is used to extract a metal from its ores. For example, Fe is extracted
from its ores by heating at high temperature.
Iron is extracted through pyrometallurgy in a furnace called Blast Furnace. Commonly hematite
and magnetite are used to obtain iron. A number of reactions occurs at high temperature in the
blast furnace.
The reactions occurring in blast furnace are as follows.
• Reactions in blast furnace:
Fe2O3 + CO 2Fe3O4 + CO2 (g)
Fe3O4 + CO 3FeO +CO2 (g)
FeO + CO Fe(l) + CO2 (g)
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Iron is a common metal. It has been known since prehistoric ages. Iron is soft, malleable, and
Iron is a common metal. How it occurs?
· Metallic iron occurs in the free state in only a few localities in the world.
· In chemical compounds the metal is widely distributed.
· After aluminum, iron is the most abundant of all metals, and ranks fourth in abundance
among all the elements in the earth's crust.
· It is found in meteorites, usually alloyed with nickel.
· Iron is found in the earth crust in the form of ores. Its principal ore is hematite and other
important ores are magnetite, siderite, and limonite.
· Pyrite, FeS, the sulfide ore of iron, is not processed as an iron ore because it is too difficult
to remove the sulfur.
· Small amounts of iron occur in combination in natural waters, in plants, and as a
constituent of blood.
Physical properties of Iron metal:
What are the common physical properties of iorn?
· The atomic number of iron is 26, and atomic weight is 55.847.
· Pure iron melts at about 1535° C and boils at 2750° C.
· The specific gravity of iron is 7.86.
· It is a metal which is easily magnetized at ordinary temperatures, but at about 790° C the
magnetic property of iron disappears.
Chemical Properties:
Describe some common properties of iron.
Iron reacts with a number of elements. For example, it make compounds with the halogens
(fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine), sulfur, phosphorus, carbon, and silicon.
Iron reacts with acids and displaces hydrogen from dilute acids.
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It reacts with oxygen to form ferrosoferric oxide, Fe3O4.
Rust: When exposed to moist air, iron undergoes deterioration or corrosion and forms a
reddish-brown, flaky, hydrated ferric oxide commonly known as rust.
When iron is dipped into concentrated nitric acid, it forms a layer of oxide that renders it
passive—that is, it does not react chemically with acids or other substances.
Give some uses of iron:
Iron has a wide variety of applications. It is used in processed forms, such as wrought
iron, cast iron, and steel.
Commercially pure iron is used for the production of galvanized sheet metal and of
Many compounds of iron are used in different purposes. Ferrous sulfate (FeSO4), which is
also called green vitriol or copperas. It is used as a mordant in dyeing, as a tonic medicine,
and in the manufacture of ink and pigments.
Metallurgy of Iron: what are the reactions that take place in the Blast Furnace?
· Combustion of Coke
C(s) + O2(g) ® CO2(g) + heat
CO2(g) + C(s) ® 2CO(g)
· Reduction of Fe2O3
2Fe2O3(s) + 3C(s) ® 4Fe(l) + 3CO2(g)
Fe2O3(s) + 3CO(g) ® 4Fe(l) + 3CO2(g)
· Calcination
CaCO3(s) + heat ® CaO(s) + CO2(g)
· Slag formation
CaO(s) + SiO2(s) ® CaSiO3(l) (slag)
CaO(s) + Al2O3(s) ® Ca(AlO2)2(l)
What are the Products which are formed in the Blast Furnace:
Pig iron - 93-95% Fe, 3-5% C, 1% Si, 0.1- 0.3% P, <1% S
Waste gases – CO2 and CO
Slag – CaSiO3 and Ca(AlO2)2
Pig Iron:
Pig iron usually refers to the iron alloy with carbon content of the 2 to 4.3%, also known as cast
iron. Besides carbon, pig iron also contains silicon, manganese and small amounts of sulfur and
phosphorus. It cannot be forged, but can be cast. According to the presence of carbon under the
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different forms, pig iron can be divided into steel making pig iron, foundry pig iron and ductile
What is cast iron?
This is pig iron melted with scrap Iron. It is the least pure of all forms of iron containing 93% Fe
and 5% C.
The cast iron with carbon content of less than 0.2% is called wrought iron or pure iron. The cast
iron with carbon content of 0.2-1.7% is called cast steel. So, cast steel is a kind of special cast
iron. More than 2% of content is called pig iron.
What is wrought iron?
It is the purest form of iron produced when impurities are removed. It contains 0.5% impurities.
Wrought iron is very soft, plastic and easily deformed, but its strength and hardness are lower, so
not widely used.
What is steel?
Steel is a common form of iron which usually contains 0.1 to 2% carbon. Steel has many types.
Since the pure iron metal is not very strong, impurities are added into it.
For example, carbon is added in iron to make steel which is much more stronger than iron.
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Lecture 15
Corrosion and its Prevention
We all are aware of the rusting of iron. In the same manner most other metals also deteriorate
with time. This process is called corrosion.
Corrosion occurs in all substances. It is the chemical or electrochemical reaction between a
material, usually a metal, and its environment that produces a deterioration of the material and its
properties. However, the term is commonly used with reference to metals. It can be broadly
defined as follows.
“The deterioration of a metal as a result of its reaction with the environment is called corrosion”.
Chemically corrosion is an oxidation process that occurs at the surface of a metal. The rusting of
iron, tarnishing of silver, the development of a green coating on copper are well known forms of
corrosion. Corrosion is a great cause of the damage of metallic articles. Bridges, ships, vehicles,
and other metallic things suffer from corrosion badly.
Sources of Corrosion:
Following are the common causes or sources of corrosion.
· Contact with atmosphere
· Submersion in water or water solutions
· Underground soil attack.
· Contact with chemicals.
There are two major factors which increase the rate of corrosion rapidly. They are;
· Temperature
· Moisture
Rate of corrosion:
Corrosion is a chemical process. It is an oxidation-reduction reaction that occurs at the surface of
a metal. In this process the metal undergoes oxidation. Different metal corrode with different
speeds. Gold is so stable that it does not corrode. Alkali metals like sodium and potassium
corrode rapidly when exposed to atmosphere. Iron corrodes slowly, and silver, copper and tin
corrode very slowly.
Rusting of Iron:
The corrosion of major concern is the rusting of iron. It is the cause of huge economic loss every
year. From common person to big industries all suffer from corrosion in one way or the other.
Now the question is what the rust is.
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Rusting is a chemical reaction. When iron cones in contact with oxygen and moisture it is
oxidized to hydrated ferric oxidized, Fe2O3.xH2O. This is rust. This substance is porous and
flaky. So it is removed away continuously. Thus the whole metal is eaten away.
Iron + Oxygen + Water ==> Hydrated Iron(III) oxide
Protection of iron form Rusting:
The protection of corrosion can be classified as follows:
· Active corrosion protection
· Passive corrosion protection
· Permanent corrosion protection
· Temporary corrosion protection
Active corrosion protection:
The aim of active corrosion protection is to influence the reactions which proceed during
corrosion. It is possible to control the corrosion reaction in such a manner that corrosion is
avoided. Examples of such an approach are the development of corrosion-resistant alloys and the
addition of such materials to the metal which can inhibit corrosion.
Passive corrosion protection:
In passive corrosion protection, the metal is mechanically isolated from the damaging
environment. For example by using protective layers, films or other coatings rusting can be
Permanent corrosion protection
The purpose of permanent corrosion protection methods is mainly to provide protection at the
place of use. Machines are located, for example, in factory sheds and are thus protected from
extreme variations in temperature, which are frequently the cause of condensation.
Prevention of Corrosion:
There are a number of methods which are used to avoid or slow down corrosion in a metal and
rusting of iron in particular.
Protective metallic coating:
In this method a metal is coated with a thin layer of another metal which is resistant to corrosion.
Rusting of iron can be prevented by coating it with tin, zinc or chromium. Tin plating is a wellknown
technique. In this technique, a layer of tin is applied on the surface of ion container. Tin
cans are good example. When zinc is coated on iron, the process is called galvanizing, and the
iron coated with zinc is called galvanized iron. However, zinc is not used in food cans because it
readily reacts with acids found in food stuff and fruit juices.
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Coating with paints:
Metal can be protected against corrosion by applying acoating of paints on their surfaces. For this
purpose, any paint can be used. However, red lead and zinc chromate are commonly used. Grease,
plastic emulsions, and enamels can also be used for this purpose. Oiling is a common household
and small scale industrial method to protect small tools from rusting.
Cathode Protection:
Corrosion is actually an electrochemical process. During the corrosion reaction the metal plays
the role of anode where oxidation occurs which eats out the metal. If we connect iron through a
conductor to a more reactive metal in a manner that the electrical circuit is established, then
oxidation will occur on the other metal and iron will be acting as cathode. This method will then
protect iron from corroding. For example, if an underground iron pipe is connected to a zinc rod.
The zinc rod will undergo corrosion and iron will not. This method can be used to protect ship
and underground foundations of bridges from rusting.
Many metals can be made more resistant to corrosion by making their alloys. Steel, bronze, brass
are metal alloys and are more stable than their pure metals.
Stain less steel is an alloy of iron. A wide variety of stainless steels are made today for different
purposes. The common stain less steel has the following composition. C = 0.18 %, Cr = 18 %, Ni
= 8 %, rest is iron or Fe. Stainless steel is used to make surgical instrument and cutlery etc.
Applications of Alloys:
Alloys are very important, as they have special properties and are more viable and useful than the
pure metals. They have greater resistance to corrosion. For example, steel is mire resistance to
corrosion than pure iron.
Many alloys also have useful magnetic properties. For example, Alnico has a strong magnetic
properties. It is Fe-Al-Ni-Co.
Very hard steel is used to make jaws of rock crushers. It has Manganese and Vanadium.
Some alloys also have attractive colours, For example, Au-Cu is an alloy which has red or yellow
Tin plating and methods of tin plating:
The art of applying tin on the surface of a metal is called tin plating. The purpose of tin plating is
to protect the metal from corrosion. Tin plating of iron is very common.
There are a number of ways to coat tin on iron.
Electroplating is commonly used for large scale tin plating. This is an electrolytic process. For
this purpose, an electrolytic cell is made in the cathode is made of iron sheet and tin is used as
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anode. The electrolytic solution contains a salt of tin such as tin sulfate or tin chloride. When
electric current is passed, tin ions move to the iron cathode and are deposited on it. In this way a
layer of tin is coated on the surface of iron sheet.
Another method to coat tin layer on iron surface is hot-dip method. In this method, sheets of iron
are dipped in molten tin.
Classical method of tin plating is a manual technique. A metal tool or article is polished with tin
with the help of a rag or brush. Traditionally, brass and copper utensils are tin plated by this
Stainless steel:
Steel is an alloy of iron. There are many types of steel. A very useful type of steel is the stainless
steel. It is so called because it is resistant to corrosion or rusting. The composition of common
stainless steel is as follows: chromium 18%, nickel 8% and carbon 0.18 %.
The stainless steel is hard and has a high tensile strength. Why it is resistant to rusting? This is
due to the thin film of chromium oxide which is developed on the surface due to the reaction of
chromium with oxygen. This is hard and tough film and does not corrode.
Applications of Stainless Steel:
o It is used to make cutlery
o It is used to make surgical instruments
o It is also used to make different household utensils and containers.
o It is also used to make automobiles parts, decoration aricles and electronic appliances.
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Lecture 16
Periodic Table
In this lecture we will discuss two important elements, namely hydrogen and oxygen.
Hydrogen is unique element. Its atom is the smallest atom and has only 1 proton and 1 electron. It
is generally placed at the top of group IA along with alkali metals but it is not a metal and it is not
fully justified to place it in group IA.
Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe. The stars are mostly composed of
hydrogen. In the earth crust hydrogen is found in the form of compounds. The most abundant
compound of hydrogen is H2O. Petroleum and natural gas also contains hydrogen. Hydrogen is
also a part of organic compounds.
Isotopes of hydrogen: Hydrogen exists in the form of three isotopes. They are ordinary hydrogen
or protium, heavy hydrogen or deuterium, and radioactive hydrogen or tritium.
Industrial Preparation of hydrogen:
On large scale hydrogen is prepared by a number of process. Some of them are discussed below.
• Electrolysis of Water:
In this method, electricity is passed through water containing a small amount of sulfuric acid.
Hydrogen is obtained at cathode. At anode oxygen is obtained.
2H2O 2H2 + O2
• Coke and Steam Process:
Coke (a form of carbon) is mixed with steam and strongly heated. Water gas is produced which is
a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen gas.
How to separate H2 from CO ?
1. Liquefaction process: the b.p. of CO = -192 °C and b.p. of H2 = -253 °C. When this
mixture is liquefied, CO first liquefies and thus separated leaving behind hydrogen gas.
2. Bosch Process: Then more steam is added and the mixture is heated strongly in the
presence of ferric oxide. A mixture of carbon dioxide and hydrogen gas is obtained. This
is known as Bosch process.
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How to separate CO2?
Carbon dioxide is separated by passing the mixture through water under pressure. Carbon dioxide
is dissolved in water and hydrogen is liberated.
· Steam and hydrocarbon process:
In this process a mixture of methane and steam is passed over a nickel catalyst at about 900 C
under high pressure. A mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen gas is obtained.
CH4 + H2O CO + 3H2
Carbon monoxide is separated by the method discussed above.
Laboratory Preparation:
In the laboratory, hydrogen gas can be prepared by the action of a dilute solution of a strong acid
on reactive metals like zinc.
Action of dil. Acids on metals:
• Zn + 2HCl ZnCl2 + H2 (g)
• Zn + H2SO4 ZnSO4 + H2 (g)
Action of Water on CaH2
CaH2 + 2H2O Ca(OH)2 + 2H2 (g)
Chemical reactions of hydrogen:
1. Reaction with Oxygen: Burning of H2
2H2 + O2 2H2O + Heat
2. Reaction with N2
3H2 + N2 2NH3
3. Reaction with Sulfur
H2 + S H2S
4. Reaction with Phosphorus
3H2 +2P 2PH3
5. Reaction with Chlorine
H2 + Cl2 2HCl
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Applications of H2
· Preparation of NH3 (heating H2 and N2 at 500 °C using Fe2O3/Al2O3 as catalyst. The
process is called Haber process.
· Preparation of HCl: Hydrogen gas is reacted with chlorine gas to obtain HCl.
· Preparation of methanol: heating water gas with ZnO2/Cr2O3 catalyst:
CO + 2H2 CH3OH
· Hydrogenation of vegetable oils to ghee
The binary compounds of hydrogen with other elements are called hydrides. Hydrogen reacts
with almost all elements and forms binary compounds. Common examples are H2O, NH3, HX
(X is a halogen), CH4 and other hydrocarbons.
Ionic Hydrides: With alkali metals and calcium, hydrogen forms ionic hydrides.
2Li + H2 2LiH
2Na + H2 2NaH
Ca + H2 CaH2
They are ionic compounds and show typical properties of ionic compounds.
Covalent Hydrides: The hydrides of p-Block elements are covalent hydrides.
Common examples: CH4, NH3, H2O, HCl, PH3, H2S, HBr, HI.
They are molecular. Have low b.p., m.p.
Metallic hydrides: The hydrides of transition metals are called metallic hydrides.
They are non-stoichiometric. They are interstitial compounds and they retain properties of the
original metal.
Complex hydrides: common examples are LiAlH4 NaBH4
Nascent Hydrogen: The hydrogen at the time of its generatioin in a reaction is called nascent
hydrogen. It is atomic hydrogen. It may react with any reactant available, or atomic hydrogen
may produce hydrogen gas. For example:
Zn + 2HCl ZnCl2 + 2[H]
2[H] H2
Oxygen: Oxygen is a common element. In the earth crust, it is the most abundant element.
Oxygen atom has 8 protons and 8 electrons. Common isotope of oxygen has 8 neutrons.
Molecular formula of oxygen gas is O2. Oxygen gas is about 20% of the air by volume. Oxygen is
necessary for life. Most organic compounds also contain oxygen.
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Allotropes of Oxygen: there are two allotropes of oxygen:
• Ordinary oxygen, dioxygen, oxygen gas, O2
• Ozone, O3
Formation of O2- ions: oxygen has high electron affinity, so it absorbs electrons. Absorption of
first electron is exothermic while that of the second electron is endothermic.
O + 2e- O2-
Preparation of Oxygen:
Laboratory preparation: By heating potassium chlorate using MnO2 as catalyst: heated at
2KClO3 2KCl + 3O2 (g)
Industrial preparation: On the industrial scale, oxygen is prepared by the following methods.
· Electrolysis of water: Electrolysis of water produces hydrogen and oxygen gases.
· Liquefaction of air: The major components of air are oxygen and nitrogen. Their boiling
points are given below.
b.p. of O2 = -183°C
b.p. of N2 = -196°C
So these gases can be separated by liquefaction.
Chemical properties:
Oxygen is a reactive element and reacts with almost all metals and non-metals, the compounds
the oxygen formed with other elements are of different types.
1. Reaction with C, S, P, H2 oxides are formed.
C + O2 CO2
Characteristics of Oxygen:
• Abundance: most abundant in Earth crust, 50%
• In the air: 21% by volume
• Most abundant compounds: H2O, SiO2
• In the periodic table, group VIA,
• Electronegativity: 3.4.
• Electronic configuration:
• O2 is paramagnetic
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S + O2 SO2
P4 + 5O2 P4O10
2H2 + O2 2H2O
2. With sodium
The following reaction occurs at room temperature:
4Na + O2 2Na2O sodium oxide
At higher temperature:
2Na + O2 Na2O2 sodium peroxide
3. With potassium
Potassium reacts with oxygen to for superoxide:
K + O2 KO2 potassium superoxide
4. With Mg, Ca and Ba
2Ca + O2 2 CaO
5. Reaction with Fe
2Fe + O2 2FeO
4FeO + O2 2Fe2O3
6. Reaction with CH4 (Combustion)
CH4 and other hydrocarbons burn:
CH4 + 2O2 CO2 + 2H2O + Heat
Oxides: The binary compounds of oxygen:
The binary compounds of oxygen with other elements called oxides. Oxides are of three types.
1. Normal oxides; in which the oxidation number of oxygen is -2.
2. Peroxides; in which the oxidation number of oxygen.
3. Super oxides; in which the oxidation number of oxygen is -1/2
Normal oxides are very conmen. H2O, CO2, NO2 are its examples. H2O2 is hydrogen per oxide.
KO2 is potassium super oxide.
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Types of Oxides:
1. Covalent oxides or acidic oxides. They are oxides of nonmetals, CO2, H2O, NO2, SO2,
etc. When dissolved in water, they form acids:
CO2 + H2O H2CO3
SO2 + H2O H2SO3
SO3 + H2O H2SO4
2. Basic oxides: The basic oxides are the oxides of metals. They react with water to form
Na2O + H2O 2NaOH
CaO + H2O Ca(OH)2
BaO + H2O Ba(OH)2
Interesting chemistry of KO2: How O2 gas is produced in rescue masks? It is done by the reaction
of K2O with water:
4KO2 + 2H2O 4KOH + 3O2
2KOH + CO2 K2CO3 + H2O
Applications of Oxygen gas:
1. Oxidizing agent: it is used in steel making, and is used to burn impurities.
2. To bleach pulp and paper (oxidation of coloured compounds usually gives colourless
3. Medical use (to ease breathing difficulties)
4. To produce oxy-acetylene flame
2C2H2 + 5O2 4CO2 + 2H2O
5. To produce oxy-hydrogen flame
Compounds of Oxygen: Sulfuric Acid
Preparation of H2SO4 by Contact Process involves the following reactions:
1. S + O2 SO2
2. 2SO2 O2 2SO3 Catalyst: V2O5
3. SO3 + H2SO4 + H2S2O7
4. H2S2O7 + H2O 2H2SO4
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Lecture 17
Properties and Trends in Periodic Table
Nitrogen is a common element, it occurs in the form of element and compounds. Nitrogen gas is
composed of N2 molecules. Nitrogen gas is found 78% by volume in air. Nitrogen molecule N2 is
very stable because there is a triple bond which binds nitrogen atoms together. In the triple bond,
1 bond is sigma and other 2 bonds are pi bonds.Nitrogen compounds are numerous; examples
include ammonia, urea and nitric acid. Many organic compounds also contain nitrogen. Naturally
occurring minerals of nitrogen are saltpeters KNO3 and NaNO3.
Laboratory preparation of nitrogen gas: By heating NH4NO2 which is prepared by the action
of ammonium chloride with sodium nitrite:
NH4Cl + NaNO2 NH4NO2 + NaCl
NH4NO2 N2 + 2H2O
Large scale obtaining: On large scale nitrogen gas is obtained by liquefaction of air:
b.p. of O2 = -183°C
b.p. of N2 = -196°C
Chemical Properties:
1. Reaction with oxygen:
N2 + O2 2NO heating at 1500-2000 °C
2. Heating with Mg, Ca, B
Nitrides are formed: BN (boron nitride), Ca3N2 (calcium nitride)
3. Reaction with H2 (Haber Process) produces ammonia (NH3).
Applications of Nitrogen gas:
1. Nitrogen is used to prepare ammonia which is then used to prepare nitric acid and
2. It is used as an inert gaseous blanket to exclude O2 to a processing and packaging of
3. Liquid nitrogen is used as a coolant to freeze foods rapidly.
Ammonia, NH3
Ammonia is a base. It is because it has a lone pair of electrons which can be donated to a proton,
thus ammonia is electron pair donor or it is an proton acceptor.
N2 + H+ NH4
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Ammonia is a binary compound of nitrogen and hydrogen. Its molecular formula is NH3. It is
prepared on industrial scale by the method called Haber process. In this process nitrogen is
reacted with hydrogen in the presence of catalyst Fe2O3/ Al2O3.
N2 + 3H2 2NH3
The reactants are heated at 500 0C.
Laboratory preparation of ammonia:
In the laboratory ammonia can be prepared by the action of base on ammonium chloride.
1. NH4Cl + NaOH NH3 + NaCl + H2O
2. NH4Cl + Ca(OH)2 NH3 + H2O + CaCl2
Nitric Acid, HNO3
Nitric acid is an important compound of nitrogen. It is one of the common acids used extensively
in laboratories and industries.
Preparation of Nitric acid:
Nitric acid is prepared industrially by a method known as Ostwald’s method.
In this method nitric acid is prepared by the oxidation of ammonia.
There are three main steps:
1. Oxidation of ammonia to nitric oxide
2. Oxidation of nitric oxide to NO2.
3. Reaction of NO2 with water to produce nitric acid.
Chemical reactions are shown by the chemical equations as follows:
4NH3 + 5O2 4NO + 6H2O
2NO + O2 2NO2
3NO2 + H2O 2HNO3 + NO
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Lecture 18
Halogens (VII)
The elements of group VII are called halogens, which mean salt formers. Halogens include the
following elements:
1. Fluorine (F)
2. Chlorine (Cl)
3. Bromine (Br)
4. Iodine (I)
5. Astatine (At)
Atomic Numbers of Halogens are given below along with the name of the element:
1. F Fluorine (9)
2. Cl Chlorine (17)
3. Br Bromine (35)
4. I iodine (53)
5. At Astatine (85
Occurrence: halogens occur in the form of different compounds in the earth crust.
1. Salts e.g., NaCl, Br- , I-
2. Fluorspar, CaF2
3. Cryolite, Na3AlF6,
4. Fluorapatite, Ca5(PO4)3F
Halogens form diatomic molecules: F2 Cl2 Br2 I2
Physical States: In their elemental forms, halogens occur as diatomic molecules. They have
different physical states. Fluorine and chlorine are gases, bromine is a liquid and iodine is a solid.
Electronegativity: The electronegativity of an element is the ability of the element to attract the
shared pair of electrons toward it. The halogens are very electronegative elements. Fluorine has
the highest electronegativity among all the elements. The electronegativity values of halogens are
given below:
1. F 4.0
2. Cl 3.0
3. Br 2.8
4. I 2.5
Electron affinity: The electron affinity of an element is the energy absorbed or evolved when an
electron enters into an atom of the element. A halogen atom absorbs an electron to make a
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negative ion (anion). During this process energy is evolved. Electron affinity values of halogens
are given below:
Chlorine gas (Cl2)
In this lecture we will study chlorine as a typical halogen. Chlorine is a yellowish green coloured
Laboratory preparation: In the laboratory, chlorine gas is prepared by the action of
hydrochloric acid on manganese dioxide.
4HCl + MnO2 MnCl2 + 2H2O + Cl2(g)
Industrial preparation:
On the industrial scale chlorine gas is prepared by sodium chloride.
1. Electrolysis of molten NaCl (Downs Cell Process):
It may be prepared by the electrolysis of molten NaCl. For this purpose a special electrolytic cell
is used which is called Downs cell and the process thus is called the Downs cell process. The
melting point of NaCl is 801°C, which is a very high temperature. To lower the melting point of
NaCl, calcium chloride is added. The electrolytic mixture in the Downs cell contains 40% NaCl
and 60% CaCl2. Chlorine gas is obtained at anode.
2NaCl 2Na + Cl2(g)
2. Electrolysis of Brine (Castner-Kellner Cell Process): In this method aqueous solution of
sodium chloride (common salt) is electrolyzed. The aqueous solution of NaCl is called brine.
Chlorine gas is obtained at the anode. In the Castner-Kellner cell Moving mercury cathode is
used. Sodium is discharge at the mercury electrode and forms sodium amalgam. The sodium
amalgam is taken into another compartment where it react with water to produce NaOH and
hydrogen gas. Mercury is recirculated.
2NaCl + 2H2O 2NaOH + H2(g) + Cl2(g)
Physical properties:
1. Chlorine is a greenish yellow gas.
2. It has pungent smell.
3. Chlorine is a toxic gas. If it comes in contact, it produces inflammation of lungs, throat
and nose.
4. Its boiling point is -34.6 C, and melting point is -101.6C.
5. It is fairly soluble in water.
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Chemical properties of Chlorine gas:
Chlorine is a reactive gas. It reacts with many metals and non-metals. It also reacts with
Reactions with metals:
2Na + Cl2 2NaCl
2K + Cl2 2KCl
2Sb + 3Cl2 2SbCl3
2Fe + 3Cl2 2FeCl3
Sn + 2Cl2 SnCl4
Reactions with non-metals
P4 + 6Cl2 4PCl3
P4 + 10Cl2 4PCl5
2S + Cl2 S2Cl2
Reaction with hydrogen:
H2 + Cl2 2HCl
Reactions with Compounds
Reaction with Ammonia:
2NH3 + 3Cl2 N2 + 6HCl(g)
6NH3 + 6HCl 6NH4Cl(s)
Oxidation of FeCl2 to FeCl3
2FeCl2 + Cl2 2FeCl3
Chlorine replaces bromine and iodine from their compounds. It is a stronger oxidizing agent than
bromine and iodine.
2NaBr + Cl2 2NaCl + Br2
2KI + Cl2 2KCl + I2
Photochemical reactions: chlorine also undergoes photochemical reactions. In these reaction a
photon of light breaks the chlorine molecule into chlorine free radicals which are chlorine atoms.
The chlorine radicals then react with other compounds such as methane.
CH4 + Cl2 CH3Cl + HCl
Chlorine as a bleaching agent:
Chlorine reacts with water to form HCl and HOCl. HOCl then breaks up to form atomic or
nascent oxygen. The atomic oxygen is very reactive and is a strong oxidizing agent. It reacts with
the spots and removes them. This is called bleaching action.
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H2O + Cl2 HCl + HOCl
2HOCl 2HCl + 2[O] Nascent Oxygen
Uses of Chlorine:
Chlorine is a useful element. It is used for a variety of purposes.
· For sterilizing drinking water
· To prepare PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) plastic
· To prepare CCl4 and CHCl3
· To prepare HCl
· To prepare bleaching powder, CaOCl2.H2O
Hydrochloric Acid (HCl)
One of the important compounds of chlorine is HCl which hydrogen chloride. It is a gas. When it
is dissolved in water, we obtain hydrochloric acid. Hydrochloric acid is a commonly used acid.
Hydrogen chloride can be prepared by a number of methods.
Laboratory preparation: In laboratory HCl can be prepared by the action of sulfuric acid on
sodium chloride.
NaCl + H2SO4 NaHSO4 + HCl(g)
Industrial preparation: On industrial scale, HCl is prepared by the reaction of chlorine with
hydrogen gas.
H2 + Cl2 2HCl
Chemical reactions of HCl:
Reaction with a base, NaOH or KOH
HCl + NaOH NaCl + H2O
HCl + KOH KCl + H2O
Reaction with ammonia
HCl + NH3 NH4Cl
Reaction with calcium oxide
2HCl + CaO CaCl2 + H2O
Reaction with sodium carbonate
2HCl + Na2CO3 2NaCl + CO2 + H2O
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Lecture 20
Properties of Solutions
A mixture is a “mixed” substance which obtained on mixing two are more substances without
undergoing any chemical reaction.
Types of mixtures: Mixtures are of two types:
· Homogenous Mixtures
· Heterogeneous. Mixtures
Homogeneous mixture
A Homogeneous mixture has uniform composition throughout its body. They are known as
solutions. For example, when sugar or salt is dissolved in water it forms a solution in which the
sugar or salt and water are uniformly mixed (the sugar or salt is dissolved uniformly in water).
Another common example is air.
Heterogeneous mixture
A Heterogeneous mixture is that which does not have uniform composition. e.g. granite which
consists of quartz, feldspar and mica and you can identify each of the substances separately in the
Heterogeneous mixtures can be suspensions or colloids.
“A solution is a homogenous mixture of atoms, ions or molecules of two or more substances.”
A homogenous mixture is that which has uniform composition throughout its body. In other
words, it has only one phase. Suppose, we stir some sugar into a glass of water. The grains of
sugar disappear and we have a clear liquid that looks just like pure water. The sugar molecules
have dispersed among the water molecules, and sugar and water thus form a solution.
Types of solution
Solutions can be classified on the basis of their state: solid, liquid, or gas. Thus there are nine
types of solutions. The most common type of solutions is a solid dissolved in liquids. The liquid
is mostly water.
Solvent and Solute
The solvent is the component of a solution that is visualized as dissolving another component
called a solute. Usually the component present in the larger quantity is called the solvent, and the
component present in the smaller quantity is called the solute.
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Concentration and its units
By concentration we mean the relative amounts of the components of a solution. It tells us the
ratio of the quantity of one component to the quantity of the other or to the total quantity of
solution. It has many units. Some common units are discussed below.
The ratio of the mass of the solute to the mass of the solution multiplied by 100 is called mass
Mass Percentage of a solute = Mass of the solute x 100
Mass of solution
A solution contains 25 grams of sugar in 150 grams of water. What is the %age by mass of sugar
in the solution? (14.3%)
For liquid-liquid solutions, it is sometimes more convenient to express the concentration in the
units of percentage by volume:
Volume Percentage of a liquid = Volume of the liquid x 100
Total volume
A solution of 10 ml acetone and 50 ml water was prepared. Calculate the percentage by volume of
acetone. (16.67%)
Molarity (M)
Molarity is the most common unit of concentration used in chemistry.
“Molarity or the molar concentration is the number of moles of solute dissolved per dm3 of
solution”. (1 dm3 is equal to 1 Liter)
Molarity = Number of moles of solute
Volume of solution in liters
Example: 15g of NaOH were dissolved in enough water to prepare 100 cm3 solution. Calculate
the molarity of NaOH. (3.75 mol/dm3)
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Molarity (m)
“Molarity is the number of moles of solute dissolved per kilogram of solvent”.
Example: 15 g of NaOH was dissolved in 100 g of water. Calculate the molality of NaOH.
(3.75 mol/Kg)
Molality is independent of temperature as it is mass-to-mass ratio, while molarity is temperature
dependent as it is mass to volume ratio.
Solubility and Saturation
This is an important question that how much a solute at maximum can be dissolved in a
given quantity of a solvent. The maximum amount of a solute dissolved in a given amount of a
solvent is called solubility of that solute. It can be precisely defined as follows:
“The solubility of a solute in a given solvent is the concentration of that solute in its saturated
solution at a specific temperature”.
Solubility can be expressed in any of the units of concentration. However, it is commonly
expressed in grams per dm3.
“A saturated solution is the solution which can dissolve no more amount of the solute, at the
given temperature”.
If we start slowly adding sugar (sucrose) to water taken in a beaker. At first it dissolves rapidly,
but then gradually the dissolution process becomes slow. The continued addition of sugar
eventually brings the solution to saturation, after which any additional sugar simply falls to the
bottom of the container where it remains undissolved. At this point, there is an equilibrium
between the excess undissolved solute and the dissolved one.
This solution of sugar is said to be saturated, and the concentration of sugar in this solution is
called its solubility.
Dissociation of Solutes
When sugar dissolves in water, the solute particles that are dispersed through out the
resulting solution are sugar molecules. On the other hand many solids (electrolytes) undergo
dissociation or ionization when dissolve. For example, NaCl forms sodium and chlorine ions in
The solubility of NaCl at 25oC have been estimated to be 5 mol/dm3 or 292.5 g/dm3.
Sparingly Soluble Substances
The substances that have very low solubility are known as sparingly soluble or slightly soluble
substances. Example, AgCl.
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When an ionizable substance (an acid, base or salt) is added to water to form a solution, it breaks
up into ions. The ions are surrounded or encaged by water molecules due to attraction between
the ions and water molecules. This process is known as hydration.
Water is a polar molecule in which the hydrogen atoms are partially positively charged and the
oxygen atom is partially negatively charged. Being polar, water molecules surround the ions
dipped in it. Thus, in water solution all cations and anions are hydrated. The cations are attracted
by the negative ends (oxygen) of water molecules and the anions are attracted by the positive ends
of the water molecules (hydrogens).
Water of hydration
Water can become incorporated in solid compounds by occupying specific crystal sites in
the solid without being strongly bonded to a specific atom. This water is called water of hydration
or water of crystallization. The compounds having water of hydration are called hydrates. Some
examples are CaSO4.2H2O, CuSO4.5H2O, CaC12.6H2O. Many hydrates lose their water of
hydration upon heating and form anhydrous compounds. For example, crystalline copper sulfate
pentahydrate (blue) changes into anhydrous copper sulfate (white) on heating.
“The reaction of water with an anion or a cation or both of a salt causing a change in the pH is
called hydrolysis”.
Colloids form the dividing line between solutions and heterogeneous mixture. They are not true
solution. In colloids the disperse particles are larger than typical molecules. In colloids we don’t
have solute or solvent. Rather, we have dispersed phase and dispersion medium colloids scattered
light. This is called Tyndal effect.
Solution Colloid
i. This is the homogeneous and stable
mixture of a solute in solvent.
i. This is the heterogeneous and stable
mixture of particles in the solvent.
ii. Particle sizes of solutes are very small
does not visible under light microscope.
ii. Particles are larger sized and visible
through the light microscope.
iii. Solute evenly distributed does not
show. Brownian movement, tyndal effect
iii. Particles are remaining scattered does
not steeled down longer perion. They
show Brownian motion and exhibit
tyndal effect.
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What is a saturated solution?
A saturated solution is that solution which cannot dissolve more solute at a given temperature. If
in such a solution you add more solute at that temperature, it will not dissolve and will settle
down at the bottom. Thus, the solution which can not dissolve more solute at a particular
temperature is called a saturated solution.
What is solubility?
The amount of solute needed to form a saturated solution in a given quantity of solvent at specific
temperature is called the solubility of that solute in that solvent at temperature. In other words
solubility is the maximum amount of solute that will dissolve in a given amount of solvent at a
particular temperature.
How molarity is different from molality?
Molarity is a unit of concentration. It is the number of moles of solute present per litter of
Molality is another unit of concentration. It is the number of moles of solute present per Kg of
solvent. So, molarity is mass per volume whereas molality is mass per mass. Therefore, molarity
varies with temperature but there is no effect of temperature on molality.
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Lecture # 21
Acids, Bases
Arrhenius concept of acid and base:
According to Arrhenius theory an acid is substance which produces H+ ions when dissolved in water,
examples; HCl, HNO3 etc.
HCl H+ + Cl-
According to this theory a base is a substance which produces OH- when dissolved in water.
Examples include NaOH and KOH.
NaOH Na+ + OHWhen
an acid and a base react, they cancel each other. This reaction is known as neutralization and in
neutralization reaction a salt and water is formed. Example;
HCl + NaOH NaCl + H2O
Acid Base Salt Water
Some bases Their uses
Ammonia (NH3)
Production of fertilizers (ammonium and nitrate salts), used in the
manufacture of nitric acid, neutralize the acid (in the petroleum industry)
and prevent premature coagulation in natural / synthetic latex.
Aluminium hydroxide
Manufacture other aluminium compound and to make gastric medicine
Calcium hydroxide
To make cement, limewater, neutralize the acidity of soil and application
of sewage treatment.
Sodium hydroxide
Used in the manufacturing of soaps, detergents, and cleaners.
Lowry-Bronsted concept of acid and base:
According to Lowry-Bronsted concept, an acid is a proton donor and a base is a proton acceptor.
When acid-base reaction occurs, another set of acid and base is formed. They are call d
conjugate acids and bases.
Example: When HCl is dissolved in water the following reaction occurs.
HCl + H2O H3O+ + Cl-
Hydronium (H3O+) ion is a conjugate acid whereasCl- ion is conjugate base.
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Reaction of acids with metals:
Al + HCl AlCl3 + H2
Mg + H2SO4 MgSO4 + H2s
Fe + H2SO4 FeSO4 + H2
Acid-base reactions:
NaOH + HNO3 NaNO3 + H2O
Reactions of acids with metal oxides:
Al2O3 + 6HCl 2AlCl3 + 3H2O
3K2O + 2H3PO4 2K3PO4 + 3H2O
Acid and Base Strength
According to Arrhenius definitions, an acid furnishes H+ ions and a base furnishes OH- ions in
their aqueous solutions. For example:
HCI(g) H+ (aq) + CI- (aq)
NaOH (s) Na+ (aq) + OH- (aq)
However, all acids, and all bases are not equally strong. The strength of an acid or a base is
estimated by a number of parameters, such as:
1. Degree of dissociation
2. Percent degree of dissociation
3. Dissociation constant
Degree of dissociation
It tells us how fast an acid or base undergo dissociation of ionization when they are put in water.
Degree of dissociation is the ratio of the number of the moles or molecules dissociated and the
total number of the moles or molecules initially taken. Thus
The higher the degree of dissociation of an acid or a base, the stronger they are. The maximum
value of the degree of dissociation is 1.
Percentage Degree of Dissociation
Percent degree of dissociation is obtained by multiplying the degree of dissociation by 100.
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Strong acids and bases are almost 100% dissociated in water, while weak acids and bases are not
100% dissociated. HCI, HNO3, NaOH and KOH are almost 100% dissociated in dilute water
solution, while CH3COOH is only 1.4% and NH4OH is again 1.4% dissociated.
Dissociation Constant (Ka and Kb)
According to Lowry-Bronsted concept an acid is a proton donor. Thus, in general, an acid, HA,
forms the following equilibrium in water:
HA + H2O A− + H3O+
The equilibrium constant expression for this reaction is:
Water is present in large amount so its concentration is almost constant. Thus, the product Kc
[H2O] is also constant and known as the dissociation constant of an acid and is given the symbol
Strong acids, such as HCI, HNO3 have very large values of dissociation constants. While weak
acids have very small values of Ka, for example:
CH3COOH Ka = 1.8 x 10-5
HCN Ka = 4.9 x 10-10
H2O Ka = 1.0x10-14
According to Lowry-Bronsted concept a base is a proton acceptor. Thus, in general, a base, B,
reacts with water as follows:
B + H2O BH+ + OHpH
and pOH
Pure water is only about 2x10-7 percent dissociated (self-dissociation) into ions at 25oC.
H2O H+ (aq) + OH- (aq)
Then, the equilibrium constant, Kc, is
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Since water is in excess, [H2O] is constant:
Kc [H2O] = [H+][OH-] = Kw
Thus, Kw = [H+][OH-]
Kw is known as ionic product of water. Its value has been experimentally found as:
Kw = 1x10-14 mol2 dm-6
Or Kw = 1 x 10-14 mol2 lit-2
In pure water (or in a neutral aqueous solution)
[H+] = [OH-] = 10-7 mol/dm3
The H+ ion concentration in solution can range from more than 10 mol/dm3 to less than 1x10-15
mol/dm3. The pH scale was devised as a convenient way of expressing such a wide range of
concentration. The pH is defined as follows:
“The pH of a solution is the negative logarithm to the base
10 of the hydrogen ion (or hydronium ion) concentration”.
pH = −log10[H+]
or pH = - log10 [H3O+]
The concept of the pH was proposed in 1909 by the Danish chemist Soren Sorenson (1868-1939).
In the same way we can also define pOH.
pOH = - log [OH-]
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Table: 7.1 pH, pOH, (25oC), and H+ ion, oH ion concentration
[H+], M pH [OH], M pOH
More acidic 10
More acidic
Neutral 10-7 7 10-7 7 Neutral
More basic 10-8
More basic
At 25 oC,
[H+][OH-] = 1 x 10-14
pH + pOH = 14
The pH of a neutral solution is 7, the pH of acids is less than 7 while that of bases is higher than 7.
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What is the pH of a 0.016 mol/dm3 solution of NaOH?
NaOH is a strong base and dissociates almost 100% to form OH- ions, thus
[OH-] = [NaOH]
= 0.016 mol/dm3
pOH = - log [OH-]
= - log 0.016
= 1.8
pH + pOH = 14
pH = 14 - pOH
= 14 – 1.8
= 12.2
Measurement of pH
The pH of a solution can be determined by two general methods:
1. Indicators 2. pH meters
Indicators are chemical compounds which change colour with pH and thus give an
approximate value of the pH of a given solution. There are a number of indicators. A special
indicator is the universal indicator, which is a mixture of several indicators that has several
colour changes over a wide range of pH.
pH Meters
A pH meter is an electrical instrument that employs two electrodes to measure the
potential difference between the solution to be tested and a standard solution of known pH. This
potential difference is related to the pH of the solution being tested. The pH is read directly from
the dial of the instrument.
Common Indicators:
To determine the end-point in an acid-base titration or to determine the pH of a solution,
various compounds are used, that are called indicators. Broadly speaking, “an indicator is any
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compound which changes colour with the change in pH”. An acid-base indicator is a weak acid
(or base) whose colour is different from that of its conjugate base (or acid). Take the example of
phenolphthalein (C20H13O4H):
C20H13O4H (aq) C20H13O4
- (aq) + H+ (aq)
(colourless) (red) conjugate base
Table: Some indicators and their colour changes
Indicators Approximate pH range Corresponding coloru change
Methyl orange
Bromophenol blue
Methyl red
3.1 – 4.4
3.8. - 4.6
4.4 – 6.2
8.0 – 10.0
Orange to yellow
Yellow to blue
Red to yellow
Colourless to red
A paper strip impregnated with a universal indicator is often used. This is known as pH paper.
When a part of this strip is dipped in a solution, the paper shows a colour from which the pH can
be judged.
When an acidic solution is added to a basic solution in the right proportion, the properties of
each are lost, and a salt and water are formed. This process is called neutralization.
“The reaction between an acid and a base that forms
a salt and water is called neutralization”.
For Example,
HCI (aq) + NaOH (aq) NaCI (aq) + H2O
HNO3 (aq) + NaOH (aq) NaNO3 (aq) + H2O
Buffers or Buffer Solutions
Normally, solutions change their pH when an acid or a base is added to them. For example,
pure water, when kept open, changes its pH from neutral to acidic due to the absorption of CO2
from air forming carbonic acid (H2CO3).
However, there are certain solutions, which tend to maintain their pH. These are known as
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buffers or buffer solutions.
“A buffer solution is a solution which undergoes only a slight change of pH when an acid or a base
is added to it”.
A buffer offers resistance against any change in its pH. Most commonly:
“A buffer solution is a solution of a weak acid and a salt of it, or a buffer solution is a
solution of a weak base and a salt of it.”
For example, a solution of acetic acid and sodium acetate forms a buffer: (CH3COOH +
CH3COONa) solution and a solution of ammonium hydroxide and ammonium chloride forms a
buffer: (NH4OH + NH4CI) solution
Buffers maintain their pH upon addition of acids or bases by shifting equilibrium position.
Buffers play a very important role in many chemical and biological processes. For
example, the control of the pH is very important in the treatment of sewage in electroplating,
and in the manufacturing of photographic materials. Maintaining a constant pH is essential for
many metabolic processes; the pH of the blood has to be close to 7.4 and the pH of saliva is
close to 6.8.
Oxidation and Reduction
Many reactions involve transfer of electrons from one atom to another atom. These reactions
are known as oxidation-reduction reactions. The loss of electrons from an atom is known as
oxidation, while the gain of electrons by an atom is called reduction. Oxidation and reduction
always take place simultaneously and the extent of oxidation is equal to the extent of reduction.
That is, the loss of electrons is equal to the gain of electrons. The substance that undergoes
oxidation is known as the reducing agent, and the substance that undergoes reduction is known as
the oxidizing agent.
Oxidation Number
A very important question is how to decide whether a given reaction is an oxidation- reduction
reaction or not. To recognize such reactions, we can use the concept of oxidation number, also
known as oxidation state:
“The oxidation number of an atom is an apparent charge that is assigned to it on the basis of
certain rules.”
For compounds, the oxidation number may be defined as follows:
“Oxidation number of an atom in a compound is the apparent charge on the atom if both electrons
of each bond are arbitrarily assigned to the atom of higher electronegativity”.
The oxidation number is not the real electrical charge. It is the charge that would be associated
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with a particular atom if we assign both the electrons of each bond to the atom of higher
electronegativity. The oxidation number is the measure of the extent or degree of oxidation
of an element in its compounds.. ab
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